Chapter 281 Two months

“I’m exactly the opposite of you. My grades have been constantly improving this semester, from the bottom of the class up to being the 15th in the class. I won’t talk about how hard I’ve worked, but at least it shows that I have potential. There are still two months until the university entrance admission exams. Think, if you were the teacher, who would you invest in?”

“Yeah, there are still two months, I still have time. It’s still not certain who will emerge victorious. It’s too arbitrary for you to make a conclusion now!” Sun Ying was embarrassed by Su Mian’s words. Su Mian spoke the truth and she had no way to refute it. Indeed, most of her energy had not been focused on studying these two months. During this period of time, she had indeed been affected by Zhang Yan Jie, thinking all day about how to fault Su Mian, and her academic performance had naturally dropped.

“Two months? I heard some news that the pre-selection will be soon. I believe you should know the meaning of the pre-selection better than me, right? Yet, you still have time to find fault with me now instead of reviewing homework? If I were you, I would review well so that I would qualify to pass the pre-selection exams and not be eliminated, so that I won’t be sent home when the time comes.”

Su Mian obviously knew about the pre-selection, otherwise, she would not be so anxious to improve her and Wei Min’s grades.

For this year’s university exam pre-selection, all those who failed in the pre-selection would be disqualified from taking the university entrance exams and would only be able to take them the next year.

She had been shocked in her previous life when she had heard of this. After all, the majority of them had left and they had no chance at all.

“You… you actually know about the pre-selection?” Sun Ying was too shocked. Su Mian actually knew that the pre-selection was soon. This was the news that Principal Sun had told her. At that time, Principal Sun had told her to keep it a secret, saying that this news may not be accurate.

“Although our school has good grades, only half of the students will pass at most. Do you think you will be included? I’m afraid that it would be very difficult for you with your current grades. So you should prepare to review well and not be eliminated when the time comes!”

“I, I won’t be eliminated!” Sun Ying stomped her feet in anger. This Su Mian, she really spoke things that were hard to listen to. Relying on her good grades now, she spoke so boldly.

“Don’t be too grateful to me for reminding you, I just don’t want you to bother me these few days!” Su Mian spoke truthfully. It was better for people like Sun Ying to not pass the pre-selection to avoid having them strutting around in front of her. Even if she did not think of herself as annoying, Su Mian found her annoying.

Not to mention, Su Mian’s remarks had really motivated Sun Ying. Even when Zhang Yan Jie asked her to go with her to the bathroom, she said she was busy. She had really devoted herself to studying.

On Friday morning, Principal Sun and the head of the English team personally took Su Mian and Li Ya Jun to participate in the afternoon exam. The exam location was at the high school in the capital of the province.

The four of them took the bus in the morning and arrived at the provincial capital at noon. After a simple meal, Su Mian and Li Ya Jun entered the exam room.

After doing half of the questions, Su Mian felt that something was wrong.

Su Mian had come here this time thinking that she could see the new format of the questions and gain some experience. In the end, the question format was the same. It was just divided into four modules and the difficulty of the four modules was arranged from easiest to hardest.

For the first three modules, Su Mian still found it very easy. By the fourth module, there were distinctly more new words, the grammar was uncommon and easy to be confused. The difficulty of the reading comprehension had also clearly increased.

Su Mian suddenly thought of a problem. This year was the first time that English would be included in the total score for the university entrance admission exams. Which meant that English had been tested in previous university entrance admission exams for a few years, but the scores had not been included in the total scores.

So Su Mian made a bold guess that they were actually the guinea pigs this time and to put it bluntly, they were here to test the questions.

- my thoughts:
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