Barton Legendary Hero

Mellisa Lark, daughter of a powerful and influential vampire, lived a simple life if you compared it to the lavishing lives of some famous princesses of the whole land of Vedart in which she wasn’t inferior in the slightest in terms of beauty and talent, and in fact she might be superior to some of them. The little girl grew up without having to experience the love of a mother, so she ended up becoming a child who longed for maternal love. In the end, the decision was still up to her ever powerful father, Broly Lark. Well, his father never remarried, making the small chances of her dream turning to zero. She tried to protest but he simply wouldn’t listen.
In the meantime, ///after she woke up from her sleep, she raised her hands up, stretching/// her body as she looked around her big room, which was filled with nothing but some meager things she needed: a giant/// violet bed, a large cabinet, and a table with a photo of a couple smiling to one another while holding a little/// baby girl between them—they looked very happy.
After gently rubbing her sleepy eyes///, Mellisa got out of the bed. “It seems like dad hasn’t come back yet.”
She walked to the table, looked at the picture frame for a moment, then she/// held it. ///She stared at the picture she would/// wonder what would their lives be if her mother didn’t leave them.
Immersing in her thoughts, Mellisa shook her head. At that moment, all she that/// she could do was/// to look at the picture of her beautiful mother who was/// holding hand with a man who was tall and muscular.///
Her mother on the picture has black hair and eyes, and has this pale yet beautiful countenance, making her look like a woman of great standing. The man’s eyes, on the other hand, is crimson red and look like a person who often went to wars because of the scars he has on his face. The two of them are like polar-opposite when you consider it according to their looks, but one thing is for certain—the smiles on their faces would tell anyone how happy they are as they hold their hands together.
“Daddy looks very happy.” She gently caressed the picture with her tiny hand, gave it a hug, then muttered, “Mommy, Mellisa has been a good girl, and mommy shouldn’t worry about Mellisa and Daddy because I will take care of daddy until you come home.”
Outside of the room, Broly Lark leaned his back against the door. Face distorted with pain and struggle, he raised his head. “Honey, I’m sure you would be delighted if you were here.”

— New chapter is coming soon —

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5 years ago


5 years ago

Ohh… i was sure the romance will be around bell and luon but didn’t expect it between him and arisa but nice.

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