Chapter 2 – Master and Slaves

Nick rested for three hours and then got up from his bed. 

While he was in a deep sleep, random memories began popping into his head. 

Those memories were about the world he was currently in. 

The memories contained simple information about this world. 

Nick got up and sank in a deep train of thoughts.

He was in an empire called Blue Tear Empire on a continent called Arkvial. 

Right now, he was in a school called Blue Tear Magical School; as the name suggests, it was the largest school in the city, 

Among those memories was another piece of vital information..


There was no ordinary world. 

 This world had mages, races other than humankind, and creatures he had never seen.

This was a piece of shocking news to him. 

Living in this world will be no easy feat.

As he sat there thinking, he came to a conclusion.

When Nick looked at his clothes, he couldn’t help but smile.

He was wearing simple gray linen clothes.

On his feet, he just had tattered cloth shoes, definitely not of good quality.

Nick just shook his head and walked outside.

After getting out, he began surveying his surroundings.

His room-c**-house was located about a hundred meters from the main school building.

The distance was to keep the slave away from the others. Also, the students and teachers did not want to get close to slaves.

“Gotta get going. I should not waste my time”

With the help of the memories, Nick became aware of the daily routine. 

So, he started moving towards the school courtyard.

The courtyard was a 10-minute walk from his room.

It was not much and easy to walk.

After arriving at the courtyard, he began cleaning after picking up tools from designated area. 

In the courtyard, he could see the other slaves working. Most of them are pretty young.

Some of them were women with beautiful faces and bodies even if they are slaves.

It was apparent that their masters used them for purposes other than cleaning too. 

Nick believed  these women still looked good. It means that their master do not hit them too much, maybe it was better for them.

“They were most likely born as slaves,”

Nick whispered to himself.

One thing was common in all the slaves working in the courtyard: they all had sad eyes filled with despair.

Nick was not surprised of these looks he saw it many times when he looked at the boys and girls lived in the street without families to protect themselves against the threats.

But he knew that in the end these people who lived in the streets were better in the term of situation compared the people here.

Who are slaves and their life and death is connected to one word from their master. Which included himself too, If his master says one word he will be killed too.

‘Welp. This world is gonna be a pain,’

Nick thought.

From their eyes, Nick already understood that no sweet fruits awaited him in the future.

After about two hours of cleaning, the courtyard was finally clean. Soon, a mage guard responsible for security arrived and began talking to the slaves.

The gist of his long-winded speech was: if any slave dared to leave their room without permission, they would be killed on the spot.

Instead of chattering with the other slaves, Nick left for his room.

He had no problem with trash…

Trash, be it a thing or a person, was meant to be thrown out.

After Nick went back to his room, he sat on his bed and started thinking about his situation.

“I have memories of the world, but where is my golden finger?”

As soon as he said those words, he felt a sudden rush of energy inside his mind and body.

Seconds later, a status panel appeared in front of him.

When he saw the status panel, Nick was filled with joy as that meant that there was still hope.

The status panel was blue in the color and the font on writing on the status panel was black in the color creating a sophisticated atmosphere.

[Name]: Nick

[Status]: Level 1 (Imper Level Mage) (Impure Mage)

[Strength]: 1.0 (Physical Power – Stamina – Defensive Capabilities & %50 Agility)

[Intelligence]: 1.1 (Magic Power – Magic Regenaration – Magic Control Capability)

Nick looked at his status and began thinking about the finer details.

He was pretty familiar with this kind of system as he had read about it multiple times in light novels back on earth.

“It displays my name, status, strength, and intelligence. This intelligence stat is most likely connected to my magical power and energy.”

For the time being, Nick could only make assumptions about the stats, especially about the intelligence one.

The reasoning behind his assumption was that in every fantasy novel, the protagonist’s intelligence stat was closely related to his magical power.

Nick always thought that having an extra intelligence helps in the matter of magic because of having more intelligent mind basically means being more smart and will think other things where many people will not think about.

Considering all of these things it was not hard to see that people with more intelligence are the ones who became mages because of their intelligence they can feel magic energy in the air and control it with ease.

“Having a status panel is good and all that, but how am I supposed to use it? It will become useless if I can’t control it.” 

Nick tapped his head and started thinking.

Currently, he had more questions than answers, and this made him feel weak.  

He wasn’t afraid of the known but rather the unknown.

 At the very least, he wanted a way to safeguard himself.

As he was thinking about these things, his door opened, and a man entered the room. 

Without even looking at Nick, the man placed a wooden bowl on the table and then left the room wordlessly. 

Nick looked at what was inside the bowl the man had brought. 

It was a strange red soup and a piece of black bread.

Nick did not even need to touch the black bread to know that it was hard and almost inedible for ordinary people.

When he was a street kid he had the chance to find many types of food from the trashes of others and sometimes stealing from the old people who is selling street food.

Compared to those foods he ate when he was street boy, this black bread is just a disaster, complete disaster.

Nick just shook his head and started drinking the soup.

Its taste… Considering that he was a slave, it wasn’t bad, but it wasn’t anything special either. 

He wasn’t expecting a balanced diet anyway. 

He mixed the black bread with the soup and then drank the concoction in one breath.

Right now, he felt lucky that he was born on the streets. 

On the streets, stuff like this red soup and black bread would’ve been a luxury. 

He would eat anything edible right now as he knew that his body needed that nutrition to grow stronger. 

For the time being, he couldn’t be picky about his food. 

“My aim now should be to discover and learn. The only thing that could keep me safe in this magical world is magic. And to learn magic, I have to gain more knowledge about it first. Without magic, I’m just a dead man walking.”

After terminating his chain of thoughts, Nick laid down and thus came to an end his first day in this magical world. 

It was filled with difficulties, but he was still happy about living in this mysterious magical world.

- my thoughts:
Thank you for reading.
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