Tale Of Epsilon – 196 – Understanding Of Events

As all of the things were happening Epsilon in his courtyard sitting on his chair and watching the events of Crowia Race. With the use of Ether Stones that they have earned from selling Golems and use of Void Market they are improving at a fast rate. It has been just about one week since they have just started using their mind for things that can be used and they are already at a level where they have started forming some kind of complex machinery.

It is only to be expected as Epsilon gave them human-level intelligence even more of it and all of the history of humans the technical and intelligence type of things in their mind. If they were not able to do these things then nobody would be able to do it at all.

Considering all the things. Epsilon was happy for them. He did not keep watching them as he was waiting for the battle between two contestants to end so that he would be starting to form a new project. He has things in his mind and he wants to do it within close time.

At that time Epsilon started writing a book about the human race from within his mind.

The Human Race has a good deal of reward systems. every one of them, every adept-level mage and even the weaker ones will gain some sort of a land and credit bonus for their effort.

İt is not just like “hey you all people are humans” “So fight for us just because we say so”

The Mage Council clearly states that all of the mages who enter the battle and serve his race. They will be earning credits or lands for what they have done and what kind of things they have given to the human race in the battle or outside matters such as intel collection and many other things.

Basically. as long as you give something in the battle and help in one way. you will be rewarded and as the mages in the battle are not that much and the battle is not considered as a big battle.

The rewards are bountiful. The mages who have entered a battle would take some of the prizes from the Mage Council. At first people would expect that they would be only paid some small dimes. But it was not like that at all.

The rewards of mages are pretty high. After the battle was over and fights were over the total of the land. natural resources and caves as well as ocean-bed lands will be shared among the ones who have some kind of effect on the battle.

No matter how small their effect or big. They will be paid nonetheless

At the same time for any case if there is a mage who has power level of Mage King at the enemy side Mage Council have sent one Mage King to each camp that the Genius Team Students have founded and built for themselves.

There was just one catch. The Mage King Levels are sent by using different means than Ardia Portal which is the portal of Ardian. The Mage Kings are sent with different spells to each camp but they are hidden and some members of the Genius Team like Nelion don’t know that they are here. The reason for it was simple.

If the mages and students knew that they are protected by Mage King Levels in the shadows they would not fight with all their potential which is not a good thing for Mage Council whose job is to gauge the power of them and if they have something to hide at

They are basically making sure that the Genius Students of their world are safe but they will know about it so that they will still improve their power and gain experience. Unleashing their potential.

The set up for othem camps are being prepared for the Mages who have from the portal of Ardian.

The set up is not that hard to built. One has to know that each mage that can enter a battle in this caliber which means that the battle that would start on a different planet or dimension is at the minimum would need a power-level of Adept Level and not only an ordinary Adept-Level. They would have to be some sort of a stronger adaptation towards unethical ways.


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3 years ago

If he follows canon for some time then getting Kushina’s and Minatos Acknowledgement is Vital. After Naruto’s birth he will probably be the strongest shinobi alive. Flying Raijin Sharingan(Possibly Mangekyo) Uzumaki Chakra Lots of other stuff. No one would be able to hold a candle to him.

3 years ago


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