Chapter 69: Haha funny number… Sorry chapter isn’t lewd.

Running through the razed forest was easy enough – the massive monster(?) had left quite the easy to follow trail on it’s path while a bloody mist poured from her.

“Ah~ I would have already caught up if I had Mils buffing me~!” <Eel>

In Eel’s right hand was her spear which she fueled with endless amounts of light. Her instantly regenerating mana allows her to only increase the attack she had prepared for the retreating {Void Beast}. How effective this attack would be would be questionable but she at least wanted to make sure it counted – thus every second she practically stuffed it full of as much mana as her body could store. If the beast could see Eel had no doubts it would spot her obviously glowing spear.

That didn’t stop her as she charged with a ferocious grin on her face only ruined when she let out the occasional yawn. Something she’s getting rather tired of in all honesty; certainly having become quite the annoying occurrence lately. Still she didn’t let her mind wander to that as she studied the ‘footprints’ left behind by the beast. As a young hunting fanatic (in Alica’s  words not her own) these prints were actually quite interesting.

<At first they just seemed to be randomly changing but the further away they get the more they appear to look like an actual beasts print… Though it’s not like straightforward evolution. If I had to come up with a reasoning it appears more like this ‘void beast’ is slowly trying to mimic a beast through trial and error. Letting itself adapt almost randomly moreover if it feels like the route it’s going is moving closer to it target it’ll keep going. The opposite seems to occur if it begins to stray further instead as for what it’s trying to become…>

“*Yawn~* I have no idea fufufu~!” <Eel>

She gazed down at the dirt that was less ‘compressed’ and more ‘erased’ with a mixture of caution along with intrigue. The most dangerous beast to kill wasn’t something like a lion which always went down the same route no matter how many times you face them – it was more cunning creatures. Something that actively adapted to new situations in the face of challenge was something a hunter either was afraid of or hungered for…

Elizabeth Jr Bloodleaf was clearly the latter.

Waving her left hand in front of her mouth as she let out an extended yawn before sharply snapped her hand down to summon that now familiar curved sword. Her gaze turned to her weapon with the clashing cultures clearly represented within it she couldn’t help having the question of who actually made the weapon. While she could see some things just happening, a weapon wasn’t one of these things… At least it wouldn’t be a weapon like this which clearly held signs of being made.

Also she wasn’t so ignorant that she believed she knew everything about this blade. All things considered she believed she knew just as much about this blade’s abilities as Fuka did about the divine she was supposed to follow as a paladin. In other words, just like Fuka being a paladin, it was shocking she managed to get it despite seemingly fitting none of the criteria!

Eel had little time to consider anymore about this though since her target kind of appeared in her vision.

“Hmm~ certainly is a weird creature. Is it even possible to keep a {Void Beast} trophy when you can’t really see it~?” <Eel>

With that thought she confidently thrust her spear forward with that s*** eating grin while finally getting the chance to let out her destructive attack. What could only be called a fulmination of the beast’s existence expressed through the medium of light erupted from the spear meanwhile the hatchling instantly regretted looking directly at it. If not for the fact she had such great regeneration she would no doubt lose them here since the mere presence of the blow made everything around her just become an intense white.

Her eyes, for all intensive purposes, were completely fried. Still the {Void Beast} who was still running with its tail(?) between its legs received the nasty spear of light right up the rear so Eel didn’t stop grinning. Yet this grin only expanded more when her instincts yelled out at her – making her slam her right foot into the ground to flip herself midair under a ‘claw’. That wasn’t all though as her instincts flared once more while she was in the air making her slash out with the blade in her left only to find herself unable to cut through whatever it was.

“Tch~ you wouldn’t be so ahead of yourself if I was buffed up~!” <Eel>

She truly was feeling the differences between having a little supporter and not!

Still it appeared wherever this blade came from it was top quality since it at least allowed her to not be destroyed. Even if she was sent flying backwards from the impact she was already used to that at this point; if nothing else her [Momentum Manipulation] was good for this. Peacefully she slid upon the floor in a surprisingly graceful manner as if she wasn’t just bitch slapped backwards like a fly.

Being the social pillar she was, Eel took the obvious hint as an invitation to rush back in with that same hungry smile.

That crimson intent began to glow up and down the sword in her left as she waited for her eyes to heal from her previous attack. Looking at the distorted space in front of her she could kind of tell it was taking on the appearance of a beast yet it was something it was actively trying. Like someone was trying to push free flowing liquid into a shape it kept undulating – just like what she was with it’s prior tracks it seemed to be trying to achieve a specific state. That didn’t matter right now since from the looks her previous attack did nothing even when it wasn’t finished.

Who was she to stop though?

“[God Sword Art – Sky Cutter]~!” <Eel>

From pointing right towards the sky she slashed downwards to create a crimson crescent blade easily twice as tall as herself. Although it was just like her [Deciding Draw] – an abridged variant of what Mother could do – it was still filled with plenty of power. The crescent blade ejected force with more vigor than Eel while only being enhanced more with her own [Momentum Manipulation] leading to the attack soon colliding with that {Void Beast}.

Unlike her previous attacks this seemed to do something as it appeared to pass right through the monster while it let out one of those ‘screams’. Though this was far larger scream than anything the casual attacks from Alexis had caused, however for the randomly increasingly sleepy Elizabeth Jr. this blood boiling screech only helped… Well the blood pouring out from ears didn’t help but it’s the little things that don’t matter.

<I think that’s how the saying goes… Oops!>

What seemed to be a claw shaped distortion slap down from above only for her to quickly dive to the left into a simple roll into a crouch. Looking up at the {Void Beast} she hummed softly to herself only for that to turn into a yawn. The creature was certainly damaged as half of it seemed to ‘disappear’ as the distorting space had shrunk; however it still seemed more than healthy enough to deal with her.

“Oh~? Well I guess I just need to keep cho-” <Eel>

“Kekeke~ it would be sage if thou ceased thou reliance upon the benevolence of thine scale-less bitch if thou wishes to persist upon thou’s feet.” <Promicarus>

“Oh~ you certainly pulled out the thesaurus for that one~!” <Eel>

“*Snort* My words are not any less true.” <Promicarus>

With the casually walking Promicarus at the head Elizabeth’s party had finally caught up with her and the {Void Beast}.

As usual the puppeteer had her arms crossed under her chest with a smug expression upon her upwards tilted face. Still her eyes wandered over the beast in front of them with clear (hungry) intentions if the stream of saliva had anything to say about it. Her gaze looked upon the legendary creature many gods feared as if it were nothing except a tasty pudding sitting there waiting to be eaten.

“Dost thou realise the amount of sleep a baby dragon requires? Dragons are creatures which use a great amount of energy due to their amazing physical abilities. The reason a baby dragon takes 100 years to hatch has little to do with development but rather rest in order to develop properly – something thou lack despite thine even stronger than average bloodline. In truth thou are only still standing due to the endurance bestowed by thou’s benefactors.” <Promicarus>

“So does that mean… She’ll eventually have to catch up?” <Emily>

Hearing this Emily who was being supported by Lyada couldn’t help but worry. Still she timidly managed to squeeze out her question despite the distortion in front of her not doing any favours for her already spinning head. The powerful ringing inside her skull made her bite her lip softly while gazing resolutely towards Promicarus.

“I’ll be fi-” <Eel>

“Indeed. In fact the fool will only get more tired as long as she keeps relying on her draconic bloodline to deal with her problems she’ll only cut down on the time her other bloodlines can grant to her.” <Promicarus>

Before Eel could fully interrupt she was forced to leap over what appeared to be the jaws of a beast. Increasing her backwards momentum at the same time so that she retreats to fall just in front of her allies. A wave of her spear while midair sends a flurry of light magic spears to collide to little effect. Of course the nearby rival couldn’t let that one pass.

“Thou really believes mere light magic would do anything to a {Void Beast} muhahaha~! Those things can’t even be considered a thing – they are the incarnations of what is left after everything has been removed. Such ‘things’ are uncaring to even divine & holy while being nothing but a representation of ‘emptiness’ means they are able to fit any mould hence why gods fear them so much.

In fact the thing actively will try to become the very things that ‘endanger’ it the most like water filling the crack in the dam which was holding it back. Currently the thing seems to be attempting to become a [Nine-Tailed Fox] due to her spiritual powers devastating it… Though it will be unable to fully complete that goal since it will never be appreciated by nature. It is already heavily weakened due to her previous blows.” <Promicarus>

While Promicarus was monologuing like the demonic demon lord she was, everyone else was already trying to deal with the beast, Fuka had already run up front to take the creature’s attention. This followed with it sending a claw into her shield but that was fairly unsuccessful as it just tore through her shield causing her to step back for her own safety. Still that moment of baiting the beast to attack her was taken advantage of by Lyada (who had put Emily up against a tree) & Eel who both attacked. Eel slashing her blade filled with Sword Intent which did manage to dig into it’s ‘flesh’ however this was far more damaging when Lyada came up behind to thrust straight onto the back of Eel’s sword. She gave Eel that little extra power it needed to cut off the creature’s limb.

This was only so effective as the thing ‘roared’ before trashing it’s lost limb to make the attackers jump back so they don’t get caught up in it.

“T-then how do you hurt it?” <Emily>

“Simple; intent fills the void. That is why her poultry power can even hurt it but that isn’t the only thing that can hurt that one. There is also {The 6 Magic Gods}, {Three Legendary Bloodlines}, descendents of {The Five Empress of the Realms} and lastly {The Three Pillars} who all have their own ways.” <Promicarus>

“Wait I thought there were only two magic go-” <Emily>

“Kekeke of course there are only two widely known.” <Promicarus>

At this point the two of them barely holding the creature back the two magic users were too busy discussing to really pay attention.

“So who are {The 4 Magic Gods}?” <Emily>

“Well thou need to first understand that one becomes a {Magic God} when they create their own magic element. The two thou know of would be {The Infinite Mother} with her [Order Magic] as well as {Chaos J Faust} with his [Chaos Magic] – these are just the most famous due to the nature of the other two leading to them avoiding the limelight. The first is the strongest being of all – Munzumira – with her [Summoning Magic].

Other than Munzumira there is surprisingly Atlas with [Karma Magic] however that’s a lost magic so many don’t consider him a magic god but just an expansion of his power of Judgement. Next there is Sohn-Tochter with her [Heaven Magic] which some consider more like a blessing…” <Promicarus>

“What about the 6th?” <Emily>

“I-I only know a name for them as the mother of myself only told myself that. She told this one that they are a being of great power yet patience like a snake hiding for the right moment to strike like a snake waiting to bite the vitals. In truth she also used a lot more colourful languages since she apparently thinks of them, in her own words,  as a gaudy dick. Their name is Tyrant Dealmaker who actually created [Contract Magic].” <Promicarus>

“Wait [Contract Magic]?!” <Emily>

Even the usually timid Emily couldn’t help but shout out loud in surprise.

Afterall the other 5 types of magic were either rare type magic or lost so long ago that most prestigious archmagnus wouldn’t even think of considering it could be magic. Even the most common of them all in [Summoning Magic] was still rare with a lot of requirements. Then this last god that nobody had heard apparently used the most used magic as something they ended up creating?

How could she not be shocked!

It simply didn’t make any sense that such a being was unknown… Unless it’s what they intended.

“Well apparently they aren’t even in this {Mortal Realm} or the other two major realms and haven’t been for aeons.” <Promicarus>

“Huh…” <Emily>

“So~ when are you planning to get out a table and snacks for your tea party~?” <Eel>

Suddenly Eel came sliding backwards to end up just between the two magic nuts with a princely smile on her face oozing with sarcasm. Promicarus was seemingly oblivious to this as she moved her hand up to stroke her chin. Tilting her head as she gazed between Eel & the {Void Beast}.

“I do suppose that this could be a-” <Promicarus>

“Shut the f*** up and start helping.” <Eel>

“Right.” <Promicarus>

- my thoughts:
Heyo~ First things first; poll! This week wasn’t a particularly lewd one which led to the result of people actually agreeing with me for once. Simply put it was the general opinion on wearing makeup with me choosing that running makeup is certainly hot though as could be expected the winner was the neutral option. Only by one more and that’s if you don’t include extra votes for having makeup in general I would actually be on the winning side for once! Also I have to apologise that there is a severe lack of lewdness during this chapter that just so happens to be the lewd number. Other than that… I really need your support on patreon. Please support my patreon ( where you can get a novel's pre-released chapters for only £2.50 as well as 2 chapters per-week - your support is needed! Anyways, enjoy~♥

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Johnson Ponraj
4 years ago

Watch your sister first

5 years ago

thanks for the chapter! 🙂

6 years ago

Thanks for the chapter

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