Chapter 9: Mothers meeting

<Ah~ this is a problem~ Ali, Lisa… Kee? No, I guess Kee wouldn’t be here without Lisa? Anyway, where are you!>

Currently Eel has her new ‘friend’ Emily in her embrace, letting her let her emotions out onto her bony chest… And, maybe taking a slight advantage of it to see what she smelt like. It wasn’t her fault though!

This is the first time she’s had a female friend and she lucked out with such a cute one!

But now she was facing down a room of 5 other women who she recognized just because they were also located in their full glory on the left wall (currently located behind those women) and they didn’t look very happy!

There was even one woman with dark greyish-blue skin, only wearing what one could call a hide bra and loin cloth and similar boots. It was well made as well as decorated by white tufts of hair but it was skimpy and fully exposed her toned but slender stomach. White tribal markings would be across her sides of her torso, upper arms to wrists and legs all connected. She had white hair and crimson eyes. Even in the room she stood out because of her far different skin colour. And, that’s why Eel noticed her walking towards herself with a very grumpy look on her face.

“Why are you here?” <Grey-Skinned Elf>

The woman spoke while standing over her, gazing down into her eyes only to open her eyes in surprise obviously noticing the slits in her eyes as well as the golden sheen. Her brow raised softly at this surprising sight causing her to back away with wide eyes.

“Don’t be upset with me just because you missed your chance to be her first friend!” <Eel>

She shouted with a smug smile while sticking her tongue out at the woman. From behind the grey-skinned elf would be another elf, however this one would look familiar yet different.

Golden hair that fell down to her back, her eyes a beautiful cyan and overall very slender. She wore a more proper, sleeveless one piece dress than the other but it would be a light green and would be open at the sides of the legs and even had elongated eyes.

If she only saw the woman’s face though she would’ve likely mistaken this {Wood-Elf} for Ali.

The woman’s hand came up to rest upon the first elf’s shoulder as she spoke.

“Miss Katrina, what’s wrong? It’s very unlike you not to pick a fight?” <Ali?>

“Could you not word that a little better…” <Katrina>

The grey-skinned elf spoke in a grumble before she continued on.

“She has the golden hue of a {Hero} and the eyes of a lizard… But she is definitely female so I don’t understand, wasn’t there already a {Her-” <Katrina>

“You mean they had a fakey faker mc fakerston!” <Eel>

“*Chuckle* Well you heard the girl, but that doesn’t answer Kat’s question. In fact it asks more questions about what you are doing to that girl…” <Ali?>

After a warm chuckle that made her more sure that it was Ali… There was a piercing cold glare through the warm smile that assured her this wasn’t the Ali she knew.

But she has nothing to hide.

“I’m hu-” <Eel>

“Don’t bully Eel!” <Emily>

At first the girls in the room were mumbling between themselves in shock as the quiet, shy girl turned her head around from the others chest. Tightening her hold on Eel’s waist while glaring at the pair of elves…

But the two elves were more surprised at the name she spoke.

“So it’s you?!” <Katrina>

The Grey-skinned elf shouted while approaching once again but with more anger causing Emily to turn away scared. Eel wasn’t scared though – what was a {Hero} if she couldn’t protect her precious friend.

Opening her mouth to speak there would be a clap causing all the women in the room to straighten a familiar fluffy black shadow appearing beside Katrina to catch her hand as it went to reach for Eel.

This was of course Kee who tightened her grip once again and not long before as Katrina’s hand laxed a clanging could be heard as on the floor would be a simple but pointy hunting knife made from bone.

Backing away with a click of her tongue, Katrina nursed her wrist while glaring at Kee who just tilted her head before looking towards Eel and patting her head.

And… If Kee was here…

“It seems my dear aunties may have gotten ahead of themselves, Katrina. Aunt Abbigale.” <Lisa>

And so, the two elves shuttered. Looking towards the voice they would see that the small pool of girls had parted to show a heavily pregnant {Earth-Elf} calmly drinking from a glass filled with a thick, transparent liquid with some newly found ice in it.

“I don’t know about calling me aunty, in terms of age we could even be a couple, maybe big si-” <Abbigale>

“The mother of my best friend is an aunty and anyone could date anyone after 13 in terms of elf’s – on top of that is bullying our dear little Elizabeth Jr with aunt Kat… I expected it from aunt Kat but I guess you too lost your cool… Aunt-” <Lisa>

“Lisa dear, I’ll except it, just please stop being mean to aunty-” <Abbigale>

“What do you mean ‘Elizabeth Jr’, what is her relation to the mistress! Why is she here?” <Kat>

“Well, I assume it’s preferable to sleeping on the street? ” <Lisa>

Lisa gazed towards Eel who seemed to be in paradise. On one front she was hugging the adorable Emily who held her tightly – clinging to her and rubbing her head against her own bony chest. On the other side Kee would be hugging her with one hand while giving her head pats with the other.

Lisa would just shake her head softly, letting out a sigh but her faint grin betrayed her not really caring about being ignored by the cute-trio.

“More importantly, how dare you interrupt me, you {Dark-Elf} stripper!” <Abbigale>

“Oh don’t start on me you {Wood-Elf} bean pole! Plus, I don’t know if you’ve noticed but we’re both one step beyond strippers now! The only reason you know Alicia’s father is because you only f***** one hyena but you don’t know his name!” <Kat>

The two, seemingly eldest, women would set onto one another now that they no longer had a common enemy. One could say they could make Lisa the common enemy, but these women have learned from experience they’d have a better chance with winning their long term feud.

Seeing the difference between the two groups of three, all Lisa could do was let out a sigh and wish she was in the other one.

“Insulting the fact that aunt Aby got pregnant won’t do any good when you could very easily have ended up in the same position had that very daughter not bought out this place. As for Elizabeth Jr here, I shouldn’t need to remind you, but aunt Elizabeth gave birth to a purple haired girl did she not?” <Lisa>

Deciding to get this back on track for all the other girls who were also looking on waiting in awkward silence so that things will either move on or be explained to them.

“But why would she be here? Not only is she the rare {High-Dragon} the great Holy Mother praised but now she’s a {Hero}?” <Aby>

“Because he didn’t know he had a daughter till a few hours ago and on top of that… He believes that she faked the light – the f***-” <Ali>

“Language young lady!” <Aby>

Ali would have walked back in from the storage area with a box in her hand only to have Aby reprimand her when she swore – cutting her off. Walking over before giving her a stern bop on the head. Eel just silently watched from her cute slice of heaven.

<I guess you really can’t tell an elf’s age after they become an adult…>

“Mom, I’m too old to have to worry about that stuff! We look like half-sisters.” <Ali>

“One is never too old to hold themselves highly – plus you have to set an example for little Elizabeth Jr and that new girl.” <Aby>

With a sigh and a shaking of her head Ali would just silently put the box down onto a nearby table. Looking over to the girls of the room before finishing off by looking at the cute trio once again.

“Anyway, let’s just move onto why you’re all gathering this early in the morning. Come up if you need birth control – so {Human} and {Beast-People} first. Eel you come as well, come greet the big sisters… You can bring Emily since it seems you get along well enough.” <Ali>

Nodding softly as the first up would obviously be Kee as she walked just in front of Eel and Emily – Emily now having scooted towards Eel’s back.

<I wonder if I smell good?>

Lifting her wrist up to her nose to sniff while turning up to watch as Ali took out a pink potion vial from the crate before handing it over to the wolf who would still just be wearing an apron.

“You already know Kee quite a bit, she’s Lisa’s girl and started working when me and Lisa took over the place. She followed Lisa all the way from the royal capital with her younger brother actually – well being a C-Rank adventurer they originally just wanted to be a big fish in a smaller pond but now she hardly does work outside the brothel unless it’s to join me and Lisa as a party.”

“So Kee’s actually really strong… Wait, question!” <Eel>

Both Kee and Ali would be surprised by the sudden question.

“I suppose as long as it’s too nothing personal Kee could probably tell you.” <Ali>

“Ah, it’s not about Kee. I got distracted so forgot to ask – what’s ‘birth control’, isn’t Lisa the only one that’s going to give birth~?” <Eel>

“It’s to actually prevent one from getting a baby in the first place – elves and {Dragon}s don’t usually get pregnant unless they take another potion to help them so you and Ali don’t really need to worry about it. However, when I begin to work I’ll need to take it.” <Emily>

A helpful little cow chimed in while poking her head out to look up at Eel while the nervous Ali was considering how to answer, just getting a sigh and a nod.

“Thanks Emily, you’re so smart!” <Eel>

Patting the cow’s head caused her to have a lazy but happy smile which looked like sun shine – in turn leading to the pat taking longer than it should have.

“Tehe~ it’s nothing Eel, I just pay attention to my lessons is all.” <Emily>

“Jeez, you two are just the cutest couple ain’t cha!” <Happy Woman>

While they were having their moment another woman had come up. She was different from all the other girls so far as she had neither elongated ears, animal ears or even special skin. She was a human.

Her red hair was in a bob cut of a similar length to that of Emily’s but she would have some extra long hair that went down to her waise, braided up. Her eyes were of a similar shade to her hair with a chipper grin on her face.

She wore a pair of booty shorts with a simple crop top – she wasn’t large and she wasn’t small. She wasn’t fat but neither was she as slender as an elf. She also wasn’t that tall at 5’5.

<She’s also not as pretty.>

“Hiya! I’ve already met Emily but I’m the newest girl aside from you two – I’m the cheapest option on the menu – as the only human girl in this high-class place. I’m frugal f*** Fuka – tho other girls don’t say anything like that I still likely get the most cash out of this gig due to my lower price so as long as you don’t grow ugly I’m fine with it~. Despite having to blow dozens of guys a night I can say that I’m content with my job despite my worries at first~! So don’t worry too much about the deets and just try to enjoy it~. I won’t say I’ll make out with you too much since I’m not like the elves – constantly swapping spit – but maybe the three of us can suck on some big sweaty Earl balls in the future~!” <Fuka>

She spoke a lot very quickly but seemed happy enough, there were some things Eel didn’t fully understand but she liked this person instantly! Though, for some reason, she didn’t really feel that ‘connection’ she felt when she looked at Emily, Ali or even that Lord guy.

<Maybe it’s a different kind of like?>

Fuka would stretch out to shake Eel’s hand but as Eel was about to reach up to return the gesture Ali would step in and push Fuka’s hand down.

“I’m afraid you’ve misunderstood – Eel will only be working as an extra hand not as a {Courtesan}.” <Ali>

Fuka would raise a brow before turning to gaze towards Eel, causing Eel to tilt her head to the side.

“Whatever you say boss~, I’ll even throw some cash down into the pot if you’re willing to go against {Character Study Lvl 8}~!” <Fuka>

Waving the back of her towards Ali as she let out a laugh – making it clear she wouldn’t believe what Ali was saying at a mere glance at the girl.

<Me as a {Courtesan}, huh?>

But before she could ponder more or Ali could complain a very silent woman appeared. She didn’t say anything, she just stared at Eel causing Eel to stare back.

The woman would seem human but was very clearly different from the others – she had a healthy grassy green skin and hair with her eyes would be entirely black. Only have leaves and vines covering her small breasts and privates in a bikini like style with even her feet being bare. Her height would only be 4’8 but that was still taller than Eel and thus Emily.

|Hello little {Hero}| <Green Lady>

Suddenly she heard a high pitched, childish voice in her head.

<Eh, she’s speaking in my mind!>

|Rather than me speaking to you in your mind; your skill as a {High-Dragon} called {Spirit Communication} allows me to get my thoughts out as I’m a type of {Spirit} called a nymph. I was originally a druid but humans captured me and raped me… Though your mother was very kind and warm, I think it’s fitting a future legend in the making, a legendary {High-Dragon} hopefully becoming the second truly eternal {Hero} is what became of her blood. Oh, I forgot, your mother called me Leaf.| <Leaf>

She wouldn’t have emotion in her on her face or anything else but what to do at that but smile. Looking down and just smiling with blushing cheeks and crimson ears.

“Ah, we call her Leaf – she can’t talk much since she only really spoke to Elizabeth and even then that was barely because she’s had it rough… But your Mother called her- Eh, why are you smiling?” <Ali>

Ali and everyone else was surprised at Eel’s reaction for fairly obvious reasons – to them she just looked at this green girl for a moment before breaking down into a smiling blush. She would just shake her head.

“Leaf is just said some embarrassing things through {Spirit Communication}…” <Eel>

Ali made a surprise but understanding face – as creatures that could see spirits even without abnormal means they would of course know of the legendary evolution of the skill. Obviously some would be surprised at the confirmation that the legendary creature that some thought couldn’t exist had a legendary skill.

Ali in that regard was the best other than Leaf who… Well her face hadn’t really changed since the beginning.

Nodding gently towards the Eel one more time, Leaf would then explode into a bunch of leaves before the leaves blew away causing Eel’s eyes to open wide in surprise.

“I want to learn to do that…” <Eel>

It was all but confirmed that Eel would beg Leaf to teach her whatever that was because that was just so cool.

Once again, another woman would walk up but strangely she was followed by Fuka. This time it was a bunny that would wear fishnets and a black leotard. White hair with black spots just like that of Ali’s rather than Emily’s – Emily’s hair being more random while Ali’s and this new girl would be spotted with ice blue eyes. Over all this spotted bunny was kinda on the plumper side but not fat. Another note would be the hu~ge bulge within the leotard that reminded her of that Orc next to the guild-receptionist.

“Hello, I’m Lyada and it’s my goal to get this-” <Lyada>

Pointing down to the bulge.

“Inside of her – in and out for a month straight – nothing but this.” <Lyada>

Her hand pointing towards Fuka – specifically her tummy and fully turning to look her right in the eyes.

“And convince her to go off her birth control. Go out with me Fuka? I have dick?” <Lyada>

To this bluntness that was more like a confession Fuka would turn away softly with a blush while Fuka would smile softly. The crowd of women would be very interested in this sudden turn of events and almost everyone turned to Fuka and even an ‘Oh my’ could be heard from Aby. Fuka being surprisingly face it head on right there as she was a fairly blunt girl herself – seeing no reason to put it off.

“Well because of that, except for maybe Ali you’d be the only person I can see myself in a long term relationship in, in this room. Since Leaf left and all. But to give birth to a litter and while only 16 on top… I don’t see myself as a mom sorry. I can hardly take care of myself.” <Fuka>

Chuckling softly to her own comment while rubbing the back of her head while having a wry smile. Obviously not disliking the attention from the beautiful bunny but not exactly being able to reciprocate in full.

“No problem. Doesn’t need to be right away. Both young – plus need to loosen you so they pop right out. Willing to be cuck like Kee. Talk later?” <Lyada>

Pretty sure any woman would blush at that, in fact you could almost hear a black wolf’s growl in the background but Fuka would just let out a sigh and nod.

“Well you drive a hard bargain for someone so che-” <Fuka>

“Say cheap again though and I’ll make it so.” <Lyada>

That one would not only get a blush but also intervention as Lisa’s cold voice would fill the room causing all the women to pretend they weren’t paying attention. Even the fairly monotone and blunt Lyada would show a hint of fear.

“Hope you’re not planning to make her too ‘cheap’. Although I certainly don’t want to stop a blooming relationship that could be a healthy influence on the girls and my own future children – I also need to ensure you don’t make it so the clients can still feel her walls as she does get the most customers.” <Lisa>

“Can just have them shar-” <Lyada>

“Didn’t you have a greeting to do!” <Fuka>

Lyada just made a ‘Oh’ face as her calm eyed turned to look at Eel who was just watching with great interest. This was a topic she found herself very interested in so this would be great to study along with Lisa and Kee!

“Thank you for the chance. Came bit before Fuka – mostly trained in illusion magic. I’m a slum brat produced via a {Bunny-Person} and {Hyena-Person} but was picked up by Lisa and taught magic before learning own. Happen to be D-Class right now but may be stronger because haven’t done anything in while since admiring future wife. Be good {Hero} and make our marriage legal.” <Lyada>

To the request/demand Eel would nod and salute while petting the little cow whose head was nuzzling her side.

<Makes sense that they should be able to if they love each other, right? Marriage is about wanting to pledge to be together in front of a god right? The people in stories the older kids told would always end up marrying a princess to become the king.>

Compared to the quick Fuka one may consider Lyada the opposite – though once again they shared a trait in bluntness but Lyada was also the ‘say bare minimum’ type it seemed. However, Eel at least thought they fit well together… Though she didn’t really understand much other than her instincts telling her this wasn’t a bad end.

“Right, with that all that’s left is my mom and Aunt Kat. You know my mom is a {Wood-Elf} and Kat is a rarer {Dark-Elf} – they tend to live in dark area’s and apparently Kat’s tribe was near mom’s and Elizabeth’s so they became sort of friends? Well aunt Kat and mom are more like rivals though.” <Ali>

“It’s basically as Alicia has said, I’m Abbigale but you can just call me aunt Aby like little Lisa does. Oh, we also met her mother when we were captured and enslaved but unfortunately she didn’t last too long in such a harsh… Well anyway, my specialty was wind magic back when I was out and about. Though unfortunately not as good at Lisa so I can’t really teach you much unless you want to know about the tribe you’re from – {Dragon}s may not accept you as their own but I’m sure us elfs as loyal worshipers of the Holy Mother will surely accept you!” <Aby>

Aby just looking happy and excited to have Eel around; however; the same couldn’t be said for her rival.

“Hey – well I’m going to go now.” <Kat>

Turning her back on them all, causing a few blinking eyes as most the girls seemed happy about getting another cute junior (though none were as happy as Emily was about Eel’s arrival) – even Lyanda and Leaf expressed happiness despite their lack of… Well expressions.

Fuka would just wryly smile, probably having noticed something but she never said anything so the rest were left in the dark. Except for Lisa who just sighed before speaking out.

“Well, she has her own things to deal with. I’m sure she’ll warm up to you given time Eel – for now let’s talk about how we plan to move forward. During the day I think it would be best if you learn physical combat from Ali, I’ll teach you some magic and then we’ll try to chip in for knowledge. Though it will likely end up being me and Ali that mostly do that.”

“Righteo~” <Eel>

“Then during the night you and Emily will mostly stay out of the way of the main room, this room, while doing odd jobs. If you have no jobs feel free to rest in your room. For today, you’ll be following Emily around for the basic layout since it seems like keeping you together has already caused some good results. When you’re done with that I recommend doing some basic muscle exercises – make sure to do this every day – and maybe chat a bit. By evening I’ll send you two out with either Kee or Lyada – it’ll depend on how bad my nausea gets to whether I’ll need Kee. Your goal going out will be to pick up some basic supplies as well as get more exercise in. Exercise is very important to helping you recover as well as making sure to eat appropriate amounts.” <Lisa>

To that Eel would just nod at which point Lisa would seem satisfied enough as she finished her glass. Kee is already beside her to help her get up.

“Well then, I’m going to go get some sun. Have fun, your dismissed. Ali, go to the adventurers guild and get some information on how the Lord plans to move forward. I’d rather not have to show that man his place again.” <Lisa>

“I thought I was the leader…” <Ali>

“You’re a good public face since I seem so strict – now go.” <Lisa>

Lisa said as she walked past the group into the right corridor to exit into the back (Kee of course giving her an arm to support her).

“Not just seem…” <Ali>

Sighing while shaking her head – she would however have a warm smile as she came up and patted Eel’s head.

“Take care of your new friend and remember to not go out alone, that’s for both of you, okay?” <Ali>

“Okay~!” <Eel>

“O-okay…” <Emily>

And so, everyone parted their own ways.

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