8th Story 8

Hi there, do read another work of mine “Face Slap Journey QT” – it is light romance with face slap here in CRN…Cathe

8th Story 8

As an Imperial, everyone knows exactly what an interstellar pirate is.

There may be teenagers who envy their freedom, but most people hate them.

Seeing that the major Lin Xiaotang, whom they loved in the past, actually joined the pirates, they only felt that they had been betrayed, and they were extremely angry.

[I just want to ask, won’t the military deal with such people? ] [+1, I’m really disappointed in her. 】

【She is not worthy of being a soldier, is she worthy of us citizens of the Empire who like her? 】

Under the deliberate operation of the air-luck plundering system, the rhythm of the interstellar network was immediately brought up.

The news about “Lin Xiaotang joins the pirate group” once rushed to the front row of the Star Network’s hot search.

However, in the denunciation of the sky, a few different voices suddenly appeared.

Their number, among the more than one billion comments, is extremely small.

But their existence is quite obvious, like a lamp in the dark, emitting a dazzling

light—— [Ah… Wait, is she Lin Xiaotang? I think I’ve seen her, but she’s not a pirate, and she saved us! 】

【Me too! She was also a passenger on the ship at the time! If it weren’t for her, we wouldn’t be able to survive! 】

【Yes, yes, she also killed a pirate, I remember it clearly! ] [These man-made rumors on the Interstellar.com have no cost? Since you think she is a pirate, let me clarify for her and let you see if she is worthy of your “love”! [Attachment: Video]]

With the appearance of this video, all those who were shouting on the Internet were silent.

There is no other reason, the content of this video is the clip when Lin Xiaotang killed the pirate!

The tall and beautiful woman broke a pirate’s head decisively in just two seconds!

The blood and the corpse fell heavily together, and the gun in the pool of blood was picked up by her carelessly.

Amidst the screams, she turned vigorously and pointed her gun firmly at the pirate on the other side. Her voice was indifferent and cold:

“Now, take me there.”

Such a scene shocked the spacecraft. , which also made netizens on the Interstellar Network instantly excited.

[My groove, is this Major Lin! ? She is so handsome too! ! ! 】

【This leg, this waist, this skill, it’s amazing! (Swallow!)] [A person who killed a pirate can still join a pirate organization? Those previous posts were making fun of me! ? 】

【Suddenly I feel sorry for Major Lin. ] [It’s really funny, Major Lin joined the army at the age of 14 and has been fighting in the front line for 10 years. Now she is retired at the age of 24 with serious injuries. Just looking at her military exploits over the years, you netizens really think that you are qualified to scold her? 】

【Weakly said, even if she really joins the pirates, it has nothing to do with you, right? 】

【If there is no such video, if Major Lin does not have such an appearance, what is waiting for her may be endless abuse… Thinking about it this way, I feel really sad. ] [Can anyone check the IP addresses and interplanetary network card addresses of those posts? I don’t think this is right. Someone is definitely trying to discredit Major Lin on purpose! ] [However, having said that, is she really a cripple? It doesn’t look like it…]

The passengers on the spaceship left the Black Crow’s starship unharmed because of Vincent’s orders. .

At the same time, they also learned the truth that they could leave safely from the scolding voices of the pirates.

Lin Xiaotang… This name, everyone silently memorized it in their hearts.

Now that something happened to her, they naturally wouldn’t stand by and watch, but turned to the memory function of the terminal and transferred the video at that time.

In front of numerous videos, the wind direction on Interstellar changed suddenly.

Now, no one dared to scold Lin Xiaotang anymore.

Those who had scolded her before quickly deleted their speeches and apologized to her.

The rest of the people also started a heated discussion, guessing who posted those previous posts.

For the most part, the people of the Empire still respect the soldiers.

Seeing that Lin Xiaotang was maliciously smeared now, the anger in their hearts will only be more than before.

The luck looting system is not stupid, it cleverly hides its tracks before posting.

After seeing that the matter was exposed, it quickly deleted the previous posts, so that netizens could not notice a trace.

But it doesn’t understand people’s hearts, and it doesn’t know that the better it hides, the more it can cause the public’s backlash.

If it is exposed soon, everyone will scold it for two days at most, and then it will be slowly forgotten.

But it has been hidden, and if it is not discovered, it will always make netizens curious, scratching their ears and wanting to know who it is.

【Why can’t you find your IP? Can’t find it with advanced permissions. 】

【It’s been three days, and the person who posted the post still hasn’t been found. Is this something wrong? 】

【Don’t you think it’s strange? The exact location of Major Lin, the private affairs of Major Lin and her father, as well as her whereabouts, the person who posted the post is well aware of it…] [Is it possible that the person who posted the post is from the military? 】

【Mom, just because Major Lin has become a cripple, they can treat her like this! ? 】

【I heard that Major Lin had just been discharged from the hospital and was sent on a blind date by her father… 】

These voices did not disappear as quickly as Lan Yue and the system thought.

On the contrary, they intensified, and reached a peak on the fifth day after the incident was exposed

-the underground romance between General Lin Yuan and Bai Yueguang Lan Qingya was uncovered.

It was at this time that Lan Yue, who was still training in the army, suddenly felt dark in front of him and fell to the ground uncontrollably.

He moved and wanted to struggle, but he was terrified to find that his limbs had no strength at all!

“System, system! What’s going on?” He called out to the system frantically in his heart, “Why can’t I move!?”

After poisoning Lin Yuan, his physical condition had clearly stabilized!

Why, now he has a problem again! ?

[It’s Lin Xiaotang,] The system’s mechanical voice came out, [The few posts you asked me to post didn’t cause her trouble, but instead increased her fame. 】

Therefore, under the rule of the change of luck, Lin Xiaotang’s luck returned a part, and the luck that Lan Yue plundered also decreased.

In particular, Lan Qingya, Lan Yue’s biological mother, was exposed, which would indirectly affect Lan Yue’s reputation.

And there is a reason why Lan Yue’s reaction is so big.

[Do you think that you don’t need to pay for taking other people’s luck and taking other people’s things for nothing? ] The system sarcastically said, [It’s okay if there is no problem, but once your own luck is reduced, you will get double the backlash. 】

“Then what should I do…”

Lan Yue was almost desperate when she heard this.

He really didn’t expect that Lin Xiaotang had become a crippled person and could still go out to save people.

And those videos were actually saved by the passenger, making his plan fall short!

He couldn’t give up his current identity, and he didn’t dare to imagine what the so-called “double backlash” would be like.

Maintaining his reputation as a double S+ genius has become Lan Yue’s unchangeable obsession.

[My suggestion is to find a new arrogant man as soon as possible, and absorb his luck to stabilize your situation. 】

Speaking of this, the system’s voice became extremely cold: 【Otherwise, you wouldn’t want to know what your fate will be. ]

Things on the Interstellar Network are raging, but in reality, Lin Xiaotang is not very clear about the specific situation.

In the past few days, after getting the starship, she has been focusing on reality, roaming in the sea of ​​​​stars in the universe with ease.

No tedious official business, no noisy crowds, and no extremes that keep jumping in the face.

Lin Xiaotang stayed here, as comfortable as she was on vacation.

Although Vincent issued a 100 million reward order, many star hunters who did not have long eyes came to her for trouble.

But these battles, for Lin Xiaotang, are just a spice of life, so that her travel career will not be too boring.

However, considering that she still has a mission here, she usually asks her robot housekeeper to pay more attention to the news related to the hero Lan Yue.

Like the original plot, Lan Yue appeared in front of the public as a double S+ shortly after she left.

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However, I don’t know what went wrong, Lan Yue did not become more and more dazzling in the following period of time, but rather kept a low profile.

But today, she actually learned from the butler’s mouth that the affair between Lin Yuan and Lan Yue’s mother was dug up!

This is not an accident, after all, Lin Xiaotang has been too popular on the Internet recently.

Everyone talks about her, and after a long discussion, it will inevitably involve her father Lin Yuan, and then the double S+ genius Lan Yue, as well as his mother Lan Qingya.

“Interesting,” Lin Xiaotang raised her eyebrows with interest, and said, “Show me that post.”

The round robot butler hurried over and projected the content of the gossip post.

Lin Xiaotang glanced hurriedly, and saw that the poster seemed to be a soldier in the military.

He knew something about Lin Yuan, and he also knew Lan Qingya’s existence. After all, Lan Yue had been delivering porridge for his mother a few days ago.

To her surprise, though, the poster seemed to admire her and spoke for her often.

He said that Lin Yuan treated her coldly and violently, and also revealed the abnormal mental state of Lin’s mother.

Even the original owner’s previous battle plan collided with Lan Yue’s idea, and the trivial matter that caused her to be scolded by Lin Yuan was written by the poster.

[Actually, we soldiers look down on Lan Yue because of this.] The poster said, [A battle plan is something that requires a lot of front-line combat experience to write it out. At the beginning, Major Lin fought for this battle. Planning, asking soldiers everywhere, and doing small experiments, we all saw it. ] [How could a logistician who came in through the back door from Ko Lanyue have written this plan? Or plan it in just three or four days? 】

【General Lin Yuan has no doubts about things that even strangers like us can feel. ] [He not only scolded Major Lin, but also physically punished her, which made us all feel distressed. ] [Someone posted before saying that Major Lin disobeyed Admiral Lin and was unwilling to go on a blind date… I can only say that some people are really unfit for parents, filial, and you can’t blame them casually. 】

【Before posting this post, I actually hesitated for several days. 】

[I know that if I post this post, I may be blocked soon, and I will be found out by the military personnel, and then they will find an excuse to expel me from the army. ] [But I don’t regret it, and I don’t want Major Lin to be labeled as such a good person and misunderstood by the people of the empire she has protected. 】

The poster mentioned these things, in fact, even the original owner herself almost forgot.

After all, she has been treated unfairly by Lin Yuan since she was a child.

She was accustomed to being silent, accustomed to swallowing her own thoughts, and accustomed to obeying the commander’s orders unconditionally.

But in fact, there are many things that others have always kept in mind.

Her parents don’t love her, but in many places, there are countless people who love her and care about her.

Lin Xiaotang was not the original owner, so she didn’t know how the original owner would feel about this post, but at this moment, she really felt a warm current in her heart.

The battle plan mentioned in the post also made Lin Xiaotang feel a little wrong while feeling emotional.

Indeed, as an ordinary person, Lan Yue could not have written such a battle plan at all.

But it is not a simple matter for him to steal the original owner’s battle plan.

After all, many of the original owner’s ideas were in her mind and were not written directly.

Only after she got certain data and got enough information did she really start writing.

When the original owner saw Lan Yue’s battle plan, she was also very shocked, because his thoughts coincided with her own thoughts by 90%.

But she didn’t have any evidence to show, so she could only be punished by Lin Yuan in vain.

Ordinary people, like the original owner, may regard this as a coincidence.

But Lin Xiaotang was keenly aware of the violation of Lan Yue throughout the story.

Speaking of which, in the original plot, after the death of the original owner, Lan Yue successfully became a double S+ talent.

Is it a bit too coincidental that these two things collide?

Looking at the interface of the gossip posts, Lin Xiaotang’s eyes darkened and he fell into contemplation.

At this moment, a communication prompt popped up in the newly purchased terminal –

it was from the Imperial Army.

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