C14 – Retribution for Sin

Proofread by Peter Gong

Mandy gets well very fast, and she is taken back to the room in a few days. Charlie lifts the ban and finally she is no longer a bird imprisoned indoors.

She visits Song’s mansion, but the vigorous mansion before is sealed, and there is nobody in it. She tries to climb over the wall, but in vain.

Just when she stands in front of the door and has no idea what to do, a clear voice comes from behind.

“Are you Mandy?”

She turns around, and sees a very young man standing behind her who is a head taller than her with the childish face. Mandy thinks he looks familiar, but she can’t remember where they have met at once. So she asks, “You… Are you?”

 “I’m Young. We used to play together when we were young!” His tone sounds somewhat enthusiastic.

But Mandy’s face becomes as cold as marble in an instant.

Young, the second elder son of Ji’s family, lives abroad all the year round.

For Mandy, he is not a stranger. After all, he has another identity, a childhood friend of Charlie.

When she was young, she often chased behind Charlie. She didn’t know how many times she had met Young. She has no prejudice of Young before, but the situation is different right now. She and Charlie become enemies.

As for the enemy’s friend, although she doesn’t hate him, she doesn’t want to have too much contact with him.

While she thinks, Mandy turns around and starts to leave.

But Young doesn’t understand what she means at once, runs after her and shouts, “Mandy, you really don’t remember me? It is impossible.”

Listening to his ceaseless chattering, Mandy feels very tired. She stops suddenly, looks back at him with a fierce look and finally says, “Don’t follow me any more!”

“?” Young also stops and looks at her so confusedly.

Mandy continues to say, “I know you are Young, a friend of Charlie. So, don’t bother me any more.”

Young is stunned by her undisguised disgust in her eyes. Then he remembers what Charlie has done to Song’s family before, and immediately stands there in embarrassment.

When Mandy finds that he stops asking, she is very satisfied, turns around and starts to leave again.

But Young catches up with her again in a few seconds and stops in front of her. He bows with the lost expression and apologizes, “Sorry, it is not intentional just now.”

“So, you can get away in a hurry.” Mandy raises her eyebrows and speaks out harsh words.

However, Young doesn’t move at all. He raises his face to look at her and says earnestly, “I know I am a friend of Charlie, so you are quite uncomfortable with me. But at the same time, I am also the younger generation of  Uncle Song, your childhood playmate.”

“Playmate?” Mandy seems to have heard a funny joke with some mockery in her eyes. “If it weren’t Charlie, how could I know you? But as for me right now, I regret more that I knew Charlie before.”

If Charlie and Mandy haven’t known each other at first, nothing will happen now.

It is the retribution for the sin.

Young thinks that Mandy in front of him is quite different from her childhood. In his memory, Mandy seems to be the little smiling girl who follows behind them.

But Young can see nothing from her except hostility now.

But is it her fault? She is also the one whose family is ruined.

Young sighs, takes out a business card from his bag and hands it to Mandy and says, “If you need any help, you can call me, and I will try my best to help you.”

“I don’t need that kind of thing!” Mandy shouts almost subconsciously.

“It will be useful someday.”

After saying that, Young directly puts the business card into Mandy’s hand and goes past her without saying any words.

Looking at the business card in her hand, Mandy’s eyes become glassy for a long time. She wants to throw it away. But the hand hesitates for a long time in midair and eventually falls down.

Young, right? He is a good friend of Charlie, isn’t he?

“In that case, I accept your kindness, and please accept my malevolence as much as possible.”

While Mandy thinks, she raises her feet to go forward.

The wind blows slowly, bringing the fragrance of flos sophorae.

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