chapter 17


The next morning we reached America, Appa came to pick us up. I ran to Appa and hugged him.

“How is Jungkook? Can I see him?” I asked immediately.

“He is..” Appa stopped mid-sentence, which made me look at me.

“Take me to him. Now. We can go home later. I want to see him Appa.” I begged my Dad to take me to see Jungkook.

“Alright.” Appa said and we left for the hospital first.

An hour later, we reached the hospital. We went to the VIP patients rooms. I hesitated before entering. Noticing that, my Mom Dad patted my shoulder and me to go in. I opened the door and entered in very slowly. As if he was waiting for me, Jungkook called out to me.


His tired voice made my heart break into pieces. Tears welled up in my eyes as I took each step closer to him. Seeing me, Jungkook tried to raise his hand, but I didn’t want him hurt, so I quickly took his hand and sat besides him. I couldn’t look into his eyes. I held his hand and cried. 

“Hyung, don’t cry… please.” Jungkook said very tiredly.

I looked upto him. He looked just like me. The only difference was that he had a scar on his left cheek and a mole right under his lower lip. The scar? He got hurt when small. But it looked graceful on him. What was I doing? Admiring my own brother? Yes!! I love him more than anything. The thought of losing him kills me everyday.

“Jungkook-ah, how are you feeling? Are you hurting anywhere? Are you tired? I am sorry Kookie. I know I lied to you every time I said I will come see you. I know you would feel bad, but you never said a word. I am really sorry for being late.” I apologized to him.

“Hyung, I want to go home. I don’t like  it here. I am missing school too. I miss my best friend Yugyeom.” Jungkook said with a very small smile. 

Best friend? His words reminded me of Taehyung, Jimin and Jin hyung. My heart pained again. I knew they would go look for me at my house. I hadn’t been going for school since last week. And Now I even left without telling anyone. Specially Taehyung. I closed my eyes and took a sharp deep breathe. And Jungkook noticed this..

“Do you miss your friends, hyung? I made you come here. You had to leave everything and come here. I am sorry, hyung.” Jungkook said and My heart was really not able to take so much pain.

I immediately hugged him. 

“Don’t you ever say this again. You are more important than anyone and anything. Remember that okay?” I asked him and he nodded on my shoulder.

“Hyung, I missed you a lot. You know, yesterday when Appa told me you were finally coming for real, I still couldn’t believe. Then today morning Appa went to get you. I was so happy. Now we can finally be together after so many years. Hyung will you go to school with me? I will introduce you to my friends. Now I can show off to everyone that my hyung loves me more than anyone.” Jungkook said in a whisper.

His heart wasn’t troubling him and he got  tired easily, so he was whispering literally everything. I nodded to him. I felt bad for him. I wiped my tears and patted his back gently.

“Kookie, why don’t you sleep for a while now?” I asked him and he shook his head in a no.

“Mom, come in.” I called out to mom and she came in.

Mom hugged him and they both started crying. But Jungkook was tiring himself. I signalled Dad to ask Mom not to cry and Dad did help. A while later, a doctor came in and he gave some medicine for Jungkook to sleep.

“Jungkook-ah, sleep now. Have a little rest okay. Hyung will have shower and freshen up and come back to you. When you wake up, hyung will be here besides you. I Promise.” I assured not to leave him again and then Dad took us home.

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