Chapter 4 – Life Simulations 1

“Don’t worry Luon, having a good understanding of elves is an excellent thing. Although your study method may be a tad bit unique, there’s nothing wrong with it.” Rina said full of understanding and wisdom.

Although Rina said that, Luon inwardly thought that she may actually be secretly laughing at him inside because the little curls of her mouth were up.

“She’s right Luon, everyone who participates in the simulations goes through the same things you do. Participants have their whole lives is recorded in the system and under confidential privacy law, other than us no one else would know about your preferences.” Isabella confirmed as she attempts to make Luon felt more secure about himself.

Isabella then continued, “And having an outstanding understanding about elves would greatly help you on your evaluation when you’re at Nexus University.”

“Evaluation?” Luon appeared confused.

“As I explained earlier the amount of resources available in the universe is limited and only through the contribution value towards the federation would you be able to access a portion of it. If two soldiers wanted to ride a spaceship and there was only one spaceship who would we prioritize? The one with several lifetimes worth of piloting experience or the other soldier who had never touched a ship before?” Isabella said.

Isabella had explained before that the number of resources in the universe was limited. Due to these limitations, the Nexus Solar System had incorporated all corporations and small business into government-supported facilities. Although each company is supported by the government, they are only the supplier of resources. The government has no matters in regards to the direction of the company is going but can ultimately determine its fate.

The average monthly salary of an ordinary citizen would be about 2500 Galaxia Coins if one wanted a better career to make more Galaxia Coins they would have to take government supported evaluation examinations to get better jobs.

These evaluations are divided into 3 different categories: Knowledge, Combat, and Logistics. When citizens apply for jobs, the employer will check these evaluations, similar to job experiences in resumes the employer is more than likely to hire the employee with the better track record. Of course one could get the job if they had connections.

“During your third year at Nexus University, it is mandatory to take the government examinations to determine your career path. I also heard that in your third year there – dependant on your performance and career, you may also receive 2 free assistant droids. As for what model these droids are, you can apply to have either a humanoid or a beast type.” Isabella said.

Luon pondered and asked, “Is the model type of the droids determined by my evaluation then? For example, if I wanted 2 dragon type droids and everyone else wanted the same ones, the government will only provide for the most compatible ones then, correct?”

“Precisely. In your case, since you have a good evaluation of elves, you can apply to get a higher priority elven based droids” Isabella smiled.

Isabella then continued, “Of course most of these evaluations are determined on how much experience and knowledge you know of. Which is why we do these simulations in the first place.”

“Your future may seem predetermined, that’s only on this solar system. If you want to, you can always move back to my parent’s place in the Plana solar system.” Rina happily exclaimed.

“That’s right each solar system has their own rules and regulations on employment if you’re not satisfied with one just simply do the paperwork and migrate to another as your mother has done.” Kane nodded.

“Nevermind about migrating solar systems, let’s talk about your simulated lives and the performance evaluation.” Isabella quickly exclaimed.

Isabella thought, ‘If every person migrated after awakening how would the Nexus System remain in power? Of course, we can’t restrain people, we can only hope that by emphasizing freedom and inducing pride, we can retain citizens.’

“If there were something notable in the simulations that I would have to point out it would be your obsessions with knowledge and books and your determination to live.”

“According to the annual reports on your first life simulations, it seemed a bit hectic and unusual. However, the system judged the performance to be ‘Good.’ Normally you should have died much earlier, but the amount of pressure helped you unleash a lot of your potential.” Isabella began to evaluate Luon’s first simulations reports.

The first simulation purpose was to introduce Luon to the basic history and foundations of the humans born from the Nexus Solar System. The system offers a lot of freedom in the initial stages of life to save on its processing ability and allow candidates to pave their future freely.

When the system began to interfere with Luon’s life by instituting death flags, Luon’s will and determination to survive to read books helped him overcome numerous amount of challenges, causing the systems basic estimates to be off the mark.

By the time the first simulation ended, it had to recalculate and rebalance itself for the future simulations. Thus lowering the initial ages of future death flags occurrences.

“Problems where the initial estimates are quite a rare case. It is estimated that out of 10,000 people at most only 20, would at most experience a recalculation. This could either be a good or bad thing. Good due to the fact the amount of pressure causes the candidate to fare better in fast-paced and complex scenarios. Bad because the candidate would have less time experiencing other simulations.”

“Now about your second life, the performance was very similar to the first one. In fact, the results may even be better. It even got to the point the system began to consider seriously evaluating your ability to handle pressure.”

Isabella then began to explain the second simulation for Luon since his dormant memories have yet to be realigned.

The second simulation took place in a fantasy based war period.

Luon was raised by his parents in an elven village where he learned how to manipulate magic which was a critical racial attribute of elves.

In this simulation Kane was an elven hunter from dawn to dusk he would traverse the woods to hunt wild animals and creatures for a living. He taught Luon wind magic at a young age to effectively hunt prey, basic biological traits to look for in animals, and how to use a bow. Well, at least he tried to teach Luon how to use a bow, but for some reason, Luon would always miss without the use of wind magic.

Rina, on the other hand, was an elven swordsmanship instructor. Although she wasn’t the greatest swordsman her passion for swords was overwhelming. Whenever possible she trained Luon to the point where he was dead tired.

For elves it was difficult to obtain an incredibly muscular body like orcs have, so to top it off; she also taught Luon how to use reinforcement magic. Because of this she reduced the amount of time spent training the body and focused more on actual combat experience, she beat him to the ground daily.

Luon in this simulation attempted to avoid his mother as if she were a plague, and for some reason as if it was natural instincts wanted to read books. Whenever he was not hunting with his father, he would always try to sneak off somewhere to read, that is until his mother caught him.

Fortunately for Luon at the age of 14, he was able to attend a school where he literally devoured and deprived the library of its knowledge. The books he read improved his magic, his sword skills, and he obtained the basic foundations of military tactics and magical crafting. He was an excellent student – knowledgeable and skilled with the sword, although he wasn’t a master at anything at least he isn’t a beginner.

After graduating from school at 18, he was forced to go into mandatory military discipline for 4 years. This period was the worse time for Luon as he was deprived of any source of educational literature and was made to train for the majority of his days. And even worse right before his services were completed his country began to engage in a war with a neighboring state.

As a soldier, Luon had fought in several battles, and in the midst of a particular battle during the war, the commander of Luon unit had died from a stray projectile. At that moment a slight panic spread throughout his squad and fear began to grow within his heart. He knew he had to do something, so he courageously rallied his brethren, repelled the enemy and miraculously survived the battle.

After this battle, he was assigned the position of commander for his unit as well as a noble rank, and from that point on he learned the about the inner greed of nobility, or at least for him it was.

In the midst of the spoils of each battle were books and after spending years without them, his desire for them burst. There were sword manuals, a series of tactics rolls, methods on how to train your body, and the most commonly found books to keep the morale and sanity of soldiers which is often used at night.

For the sake of books, he slaughtered a path towards the upper ranks of nobility without even realizing it.

He ultimately reached his end when he was receiving a gift from one of his vassals. Everyone who had heard of the heroic Luon knew he loved books and this trait was used against him.

Blinded by his greed for books the trusted vassal presenting the book as a gift had assassinated Luon before he came to his senses. He was killed at the age of 52.

“Your death was a little unexpected, but because of your astounding performance, the system evaluated you as an excellent candidate for Nexus University. The system once again had to recalculate its evaluations, this is something that had never happened before.” Isabella proclaimed.

The words Isabella said made Luon feel a sense of accomplishment. His first two simulations had made him into a fantastic person. Unprecedented, unique, the one and only person to be reevaluated twice!

Isabella then continued, “After the second calculation, the system began to take your next few performances seriously as the age range was getting close and results were earth-shattering. We thought you would give us some more valuable data, however… you died too fast. And for the dumbest reasons on top of that!”


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Johnson Ponraj
1 year ago

he is human or android or a robot ?

4 years ago

This is… mildly interesting, but I can’t read it. The wording is just… not good. It’s like listening to someone who has a really good idea of how english should work, but doesn’t quite get it completely; althought they can get their meaning across it’s annoying to listen to as a native english speaker, because they mangle the meanings of words and use strange wording to describe things that could be explained more easily if they were worded properly. It’s frustrating to read, is what I’m saying, and I don’t like it.

5 years ago


5 years ago

I would have lost all my cultivation from falling this cliff! lucky that I can just read the nect chapter.

5 years ago

Get some

5 years ago

Trade sex for rice

5 years ago

Sex simulator

Jay Sun
5 years ago

How you study, you chomp on books and digest the information 🙂

5 years ago

I smelled Glutony’s fishy mouth

Book Eater
6 years ago

Devour the books, Eat the books.

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