“What do you need to confirm Detective?”

Aiden casually asks Brenner “Do you want to work at the police department.”

Brenner was flabbergasted. He hesitated to answer the question, he did not want Aiden to suspect him of being suspicious.

“Can you give me a moment to think?” 

“Sure, the deadline will be at 6 pm today. I will meet you at the cafe near the place you are working at.”

Brenner off his phone and continued to look at the Monitor in front of him. He planned all this to happen as he recalled where it all started.

He still remembers the garden where both his parent always spent time with him during the weekend. Sadly all happiness comes to an end when their father invites his work friend.

They were talking about a project that could change the justice system and make the world they are living in, a safer place. 

I was too young to understand what they were talking about at that moment. But as weeks slowly passed by I noticed that my father’s behaviour changed. He used to be so cheerful but he ended up being more paranoid as days went by. 

I could not ask my father what was going on as he would always give me a gentle smile and hug me like it was his last. He will always tell me that if anything happens, I need to stay alive no matter what.

I was confused as to why he kept telling me all those things during that time, I kept quiet and hugged him back.

One faithful night, Both my parents came into my room. They hugged me tightly and ran to the basement of the house. 

I was confused about what was going on, when I tried to say anything they would cover my mouth so that my voice would not be heard.

They did not say any more words as they hid me behind a one-way mirror. Their tears soak my shirt as they gesture silence by putting a finger on their lips.

I nodded and covered my mouth with my hands.

All I could do was hide behind the one-way mirror. My mother was hiding behind my father as they heard a footstep slowly descend into the basement. 

I was confused at first when I realized they were trying to hide from the kid who came down to the basement.  

The kid seemed harmless, but I was so wrong. He mercilessly kills my father by ripping his head out of his body. Right after that, He grabbed my mother by the back of her head and continuously bashed her head to the wall. 

It was a brutal murder scene. 

“Brenner… Brenner you okay?”

Brenner looked up and saw Jessica looking at him with a concerned face.

“Yeah, I’m fine. Just reminiscing”

Jessica smirks and nudges Brenner 

“Is it about you’re EX?”

Brenner just chuckled and told her that it was not.

“Man, you are no fun. So what were you reminiscing.”

Brenner went closer to her and whispered in her ear.

“I was just remembering how we used to bathe together when we were younger. I thought won’t it be a good idea to bath together again?”

Jessica ears’s started to flush red. Brenner pulled away from her to see her flustered face. Before he could say anything else “PAIK”  His face was marked with Jessica’s hands.



Jessica walks away while blushing.

“Maybe I should not have said that,” Brenner thought to himself but he loved to tease Jessica, as he found her adorable when she flustered. 

He looks at his watch and his face turns from a jovial smile to an expressionless face.

“Hello, Doctor Brenner. Have you considered my offer?”

Brenner looks at Aiden with cold eyes and continues to sip on his coffee.

“Before I accept, may I know the Pros and cons of working with you guys?”

“Nothing much really, Although due to the line of work, we are working. Is not good to have too much emotional connection to one person.”

Brenner stares directly into Aiden eyes with subtly blood lust but not enough to trigger Aoden

“Are you referring to my relationship with Jessica?”

“Yes. Remember the last case you helped out. I believe we could have finished the investigation and apprehended the murderer way faster if you did not take too much time to look after Miss Jessica.”

Hitting Brenner Nerve. But he tried his best to hide it with his poker face

“That’s true, But I think you have forgotten something detective. I would never have Helped you with the investigation if not for Jessica.” 

Aiden nodded admitting his loss. 

“Doctor Brenner, I understand you care for Miss Jessica. But do you think that not helping the society will make your parents happy?”

“What are you trying to say, Detective Aiden.”

“Oh nothing much, is just that I feel like you are hiding quite a lot of things.”

“In that case if someone is so suspicious why hire them to be your colleague, Detective.”

Aiden just shrugs it off and laughs at the situation at hand.

“ Who knows after all is just a hunch, but to be fair my intuition is quite sharp.”

“If that is the case, why do we need the justice system to protect innocent people if we are going to trust our instinct.”

Brenner retorted out of anger.

“Fair enough, from what I can see you would not want to work with us due to your emotion for Miss Jessica. In that case how about working as one of our part-time investigators.”

“Don’t start beating around the bush, want do you want.”

Aiden face was shocked as Brenner managed to read his intention.

“Since I was caught I will be honest with you. Doctor Brenner I believe you are like the rest of the Murderer, in fact, due to your great insight it could be like a double age sword causing one to turn into a monster.”

Before Brenner could even speak up Aiden continued while gazing straight into Brenner’s soul.

“Ain’t that Right Doc.”

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