Chapter 10

This particular job requires patience, careful detail work, and long hours. It also demands tact and people skills, a good memory or the ability to record and recall information accurately, lots of discretion, and a complete poker face when a client sends you out to buy a $200 Lelo vibrator for their big date.

Only allowed on

You have one particular ace in the hole:

Knowing every detail about your clients, and being able to anticipate what they’ll need and want before they can even think of it: this is the essence of good service. And it comes naturally to you.

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There’s one area that is admittedly a weakness—or perhaps an area where you don’t share the priorities of other people in your organization. At any rate, you’d like to improve at…

You’re not completely terrible at this. You’ve seen worse. But there are still situations that rock you. And even when you’re able to be outwardly collected, there’s often an undercurrent of anxiety in the back of your mind.


— New chapter is coming soon —
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