Chapter 9

When you’re doing advance planning, there’s time to think about contingencies and get everything exactly right.

But now, when you’re out of time, you need to focus on and solve the most urgent thing. Then you can go to the next most urgent, and so on. And then whatever happens will be the best outcome you could achieve in the time you had available.

When it comes to prior experience…

Prior to your current job situation…

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It’s a long story, and not the kind that you tell to clients. You’ve had your name legally changed since, and you don’t spend time with the people you used to know.

But there’s not a lot that your current career can throw your way that will compare with what you’ve already been through.

If you had to explain why you were inside, you’d say…

You weren’t in need. You weren’t desperate. You didn’t have a good story. You just felt like being richer and doing something dangerous.

While you were inside…

And aside from not having good contacts, you do have this history hanging over your head, if anyone Googled the name under which you were arrested. You’ve put some effort into distancing yourself from your past, but there’s still a liability there if anyone goes looking for it.

Working for Platinum is laborious, but…

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