Chapter 1 Reborn as a Skeleton

Darkness is so lonely that it is frightening.

“Am I dead?”

Eric’s drowsy consciousness pondered strongly.

Killed by a bone dragon’s spit on the first day of traveling through the Otherworld, he was probably the most miserable traveler.

No, he didn’t want this kind of ending.

Having traveled to the otherworld of magic and fantasy, how could it end like this?

[Ding, consciousness begins to awaken …]

In the darkness, a faint glow lit up, forming a line.

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Then, as if it had triggered a chain reaction, more characters glowing with faint light emerged from the darkness, like a firefly.

[Ding, your race has transformed into a low-ranked skeleton].

[Name] Eric Pound.

[Race] Low-ranked Skeleton.

[Rank] lv1/lv10(Low-ranked Skeleton’s rank limit is lv10).

[Profession] None.

[Strength] 4/10.

[Physique] 4/10.

[Spirit] 8/10.

[Evolutionary Requirements] Racial Evolution can be achieved when Strength, Physique, and Spirit are full.

[Skills] Bone Change lv1, Identification lv1.

[Status] Enslaved (Named enslaved by the evil Bone Dragon Pound), Bone Deterioration (Losing the nourishment of living flesh, bones begin to deteriorate, decreasing constitution points and strength over time).

[Experience Points] 0/100.

[Description] frail, frightening, and tattered skeleton, the only good thing about his handsome face is gone, cannon fodder enslaved by the evil Bone Dragon Pound, probably lasts about 1 more year before he crumbles and falls apart!

The darkness was illuminated.

Strange sights were imprinted on his eyes.

At the bottom of the dim canyon, in the rocky ground, a hideous and horrifying skeleton wandered about as if it were a hellish sight.

“I’ve been resurrected?”

Eric raised his hand.

But what he saw was not a body made of flesh and blood, but a pair of withered and blackened bone arms.

The bone arms were pitted, and in some places, they were cracked and missing bones, as if they would shatter at any time.

“I’ve turned into a skeleton!”

Eric’s body shook in fear, his spirit vibrating crazily.

Only after a long time did he calm down and sit on the ground, looking at the skeletons around him and thinking.

Although he had turned into a skeleton, he still retained his consciousness and intelligence.

Compared to the initial death, this result didn’t seem to be unacceptable.

At least he was alive, and there was hope if he was alive.

He calmed down and began to summarize the current situation.

He opened the panel, this panel that looked like a game interface was something he had since he traveled to this world.

It was also his biggest secret and dependence.

After transforming into a skeleton, at least this panel was preserved, giving him a chance to turn his life around.

He suspected that the fact that he had turned into a skeleton and was able to recover his memories and consciousness was due to this panel.

Compared to before, his name had an additional surname of “Pound”, which should be a change from the transformation of the Bone Dragon Pound.

There were also [Enslaved] and [Bone Degradation] added to the status.

After the strength, constitution, and spirit all reached 10 point, it was able to gain the chance to evolve.

In short, the current goal, upgrade, evolve, and improve strength.

“To upgrade, do you first need to gain experience?”

“That is, hunting other monsters and such?”

Eric set his gaze on the other skeleton monsters around him and tried to unleash [Appraise] from the skill bar on one of them.

The void next to that skeleton pulsed and several rows of glittering characters appeared.

[Name] Pound’s Low-Rank Skeleton.

[Rank] lv3.

[Skill] Hard Bones lv1.

[Status] Enslaved, Bone Deterioration.

[Description] A low-ranked skeleton enslaved by the evil bone dragon Pound, with hard bones that will probably last another 2 years of collapse.

Only allowed on

Simply put, you can’t beat them.

But just because you can’t beat them doesn’t mean you can’t Yin them… None of the skeletons here have any intelligence except for him.

After all, they don’t even have brains anymore.

He quietly followed the skeleton.

He waited until the skeleton’s status bar appeared [Tired] and lay on the ground.

Not a moment later, [Sleep] appeared on the status bar again.

Looking around, he made sure there were no other fellow skeletons.

He quietly picked up a large stone and touched the side of the low-ranked skeleton’s head.

Once again determining the state of the skeleton, he raised the boulder high.

Because of the lack of strength, the bony arms began to tremble slightly.


Swinging the stone fiercely, he smashed it at the sleeping low-ranked skeleton’s head.


A louder-than-expected ringing sound echoed in the empty cave, causing the ghostly blue flames in Eric’s eyes to waver.

A crack appeared on the skeleton head, and its status changed from sleep to fainting.

What was this called, this was called entering a deeper level of sleep.

Without hesitation, he once again exerted his strength, and the bones in his arms creaked as he lifted the stone once again.


A second stroke.

This time the skull’s head cracked and collapsed.

[Ding, killed low-ranked skeleton] [Experience +30]

Eric raised his head and looked around vigilantly, especially in Pound’s direction.

He presumed that the death of the skeleton would not attract Pound’s attention.

But speculation was speculation after all.

Time passed silently in waiting, and when there was no movement in the first song, Eric slowly settled down.

Looking at the motionless skeleton on the ground, it was much better than this miserable look of his.

Eric squatted down and removed the right arm of the skeleton.

Weighing it twice, he then removed his own tattered and withered right arm which was yellow and black.

Because it was a skeleton with no pain nerves, he only felt a tugging sensation, and his right arm was ripped off.

Then, he aimed this skeleton’s right arm at his shoulder and unleashed [Bone Change].

The two were precisely connected.

This arm was a little smaller than his original arm, but for Eric who possessed [Bone Change], this was not even a problem.

Controlling the bones of his right arm with a burst of adjustments, the size and mold soon became the same as the original.

A tiny burst of energy came from the right arm joint.

[Ding, gain skill, Hard Bones lv1] [Physique +1]

The entire body flashed with white light, the blackened color faded a little, and some tiny cracks bridged and recovered.

Surprisingly, I was able to gain skills!

The flames in Eric’s eyes rose violently for a moment, and dangerous thoughts surged in his heart.

To break away from the Evil Bone Dragon Pound, what he needed was hibernation, timing, and most importantly, power.

There were countless skeletons that Bone Dragon Pound had transformed under his hand, and many of them had quite excellent skills.

Where was this a dragon cave, this was simply a treasure trove of skills!

Gaining enough skills, and then seeing the right time to break away from Pound’s control.

When the time comes, the sea will be wide enough for the fish to leap, and the mountains will be high enough for the birds to fly.

After leaving this Skeleton Dragon’s Nest, he would be able to enjoy this magnificent journey to the otherworld again!

Eric raised his head, the dark cave, the ghostly blue flames within his eyes burning violently.

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