chapter 3: Encounter (II)


Moirai turned around and saw a knight wearing black armor preparing to attack him.

“Hey, what are you doing here?” asked a knight. 

“I’m just passing through here,” moirai replied curtly.

The knight pointed his sword at Moirai with an aura of intimidation. 

The knight asked, “Once again, let me be clear… why are you here?”

“Look, no one needs to get hurt here, and I don’t have any bad intentions.” Moirai replied.

Moirai also showed a silver necklace that had a raven-shaped symbol.

“That symbol… I haven’t seen that in ten years.” 
The knight lowered his sword and approached Moirai to see the necklace up close. 

“This necklace is real… why are you here… this place is too far from the border” the knight said.

“I just want to stop by here for a while… my goal is to go to the capital of the Ivian Holy Empire.” Hearing that, the knights sheathed their swords.

“I see… go finish your business as soon as possible, I can’t guarantee the demons won’t attack you just because of that necklace.” 

“hmmmm, thanks, I guess…” moirai said while looking around.

“It’s a lousy sight isn’t it, the green grass is covered in blood and corpses of humans and demons.”

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Moirai replied, “I’ve gotten so used to that sight that I’ve gotten tired of it myself.”
Hearing that, the knights started to leave.

“In that case, I’ll be going, and you hurry up and get out of here, I don’t want any pointless fighting in this area either.”

The knights left moirai alone in the middle of the vast grasslands. moirai was still pensive looking at the grasslands that had now become the front line of the battle. 

“This place has changed” said moirai while picking up the grass and feeling the sensation of the grass.

moirai continued his journey through the grasslands. he walked along the paths that were on the grass plains. occasionally there were corpses lying around the road. moirai put on an unconcerned face and continued walking. after a few hours he finally stopped at an old church.

There were old tombs lined up around the ruined church. the sun had already set.

“This place is worse than when I first came…” moirai said at the church door.

moirai passed through the unkempt door. and approached an altar. as he got closer, he saw that the statue was covered in thick moss, and some parts were broken.

moirai put down his luggage and leaned against the statue. he picked up the candle he had brought with him. it lit as soon as the wick was touched by moirai. he placed the candle beside him and began to close his eyes.

“Finally… I can rest for a while” 
In different time. little moirai was sweeping the churchyard. with his body full of bandages. he was also wearing a priest’s outfit in black and white.

” Little Rai…” a female priest shouted.

“Why are you sweeping the grounds? You’re hurt, right?” the priest said.

“sister hanna … I …”

“You go back to your room… you need to rest to heal.” Hanna said as she picked up the broom moirai was using. 

Moirai was silent and went to see Hanna sweeping the yard.
“Hmmm? What’s wrong Rai?” asked Hanna.

“Nothing…just…thank you for saving me sister” Moirai replied with a warm smile.

Hanna returned the smile by rubbing Moirai’s head.
“You said you wanted to be a knight, right…”

“In exchange for me helping you, be a great knight and help many people, and also please visit this church when you become a knight hehe” Hanna said with a smile.

Only allowed on

“Of course sister hanna” 

“Can you just call me hanna instead of sister hanna?”

“Alright h-hanna” moirai replied with embarrassment.

“Kyaa, you’re so cute…” Hanna shouted while hugging Moirai.

“Get well soon and become a knight, ok”

Moirai also made an embarrassed face and his face turned red. But he also hugged Hanna tightly.

“Yes, I will definitely….become a knight Hanna.”


moirai opened his eyes. there was a very loud explosion coming from the distance. moirai stood up and saw that the candle that accompanied him was gone. the next explosion was heard from a distance.

“The front lines have reached this area, I guess” said Moirai.
“I didn’t expect it to be this soon.”

moirai packed up his luggage and walked out of the church. at the door moirai looked back and stared at the statue for a while. suddenly the sound of footsteps could be heard from outside.

“Hey Captain, I saw a footstep leading to the old church, it’s a human footstep.” 

A group of soldiers who were outside immediately surrounded the old church. 

Moirai who knew this immediately got ready. He took off the bag he had been carrying and only carried a sword.

“I hear voices inside… everyone stay alert” said one of the knights.

their captain, who was wearing black armor approached the church door with his axe ready to smash the door. he swung the huge axe and smashed the door. because the attack was so strong that the church building shook. moirai who was waiting for the opening immediately charged at the knight and immediately punched the knight until he was pushed out.

“I guess… hitting armor with my bare hands is too much for me” moirai said.
The knight who was pushed away looked completely unharmed. 

“You… you human, NOW YOU’RE DEAD” the knight shouted as he sheathed his axe. moirai quickly set up a defensive position and took the attack with his sword.

because of the attack, moirai bounced towards the trees. moirai who tried to stand up was attacked by the knight’s subordinates with arrows. one by one the arrows aimed at moirai. he tried to avoid the arrows by taking cover behind the trees.

“sigh… what a trouble,” moirai said
The knight chased moirai into the trees. moirai chose to run away rather than fight the knight. but while running away a knight appeared who blocked the way. quickly moirai charge toward the knight with his sword.

 The knight blocked the attack with his sword. the knight with the axe caught up and swung his axe at moirai. moirai tried to avoid the swing of the axe. the swing of the axe did not hit moirai but when it hit the ground. the axe attack immediately made a crack on the ground.

Why are there so many strong people here?

“Hold your fire, whatever you think I have no evil intentions…”

Suddenly an axe flew at moirai quickly. not having time to dodge moirai parried the axe throw with his sword. moirai managed to block the attack but he was bounced away until his sword was split in two.

“Save your nonsense human, I’ve had enough of your words.”

I think having a dialog with him will only make him angrier.

“In that case…I guess I have no choice but to fight…” moirai said while taking out his short sword.
“But… defeating an enemy without hurting him is a bit difficult I guess.”

— New chapter is coming soon —

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