Act 2

Huh? Where am I? He thinks to himself while trying to get up. 

As he gets up and looks around him. He finds himself standing on the middle of a stage surrounded by darkness completely alone, and it doesn’t take long until his panic starts to click in and upon thinking about what just happened to him as well as finding himself in this strange place before even thinking of doing something he just starts trying to find an exit out of where he was right now. However, even after looking around for hours he still couldn’t find an exit.  

In the end after giving up he just sits on the stage for a while not knowing what to do just thinking about what just happened to him over and over again until he finally breaks down and starts to cry. 

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 – Who is it? He asks while trying to look up and see them. 

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However, all he could make out was a silhouette of what looked like a woman standing in front of the stage for a moment, before he gets interrupted by a strange loud sound which makes him hold his ears and close his eyes. 

The sound was so unnerving and undescribable it was as if one were to try and describe the sound it would be like describing the sound of a living nightmare, it was like multiple murmurs being injected straight into someone’s ears full of indescribable emotions and darkness of the empty space. 

– ̷U̷z̷z̷,̷ ̷v̷g̷ ̷f̷r̷r̷z̷f̷ ̷y̷v̷x̷r̷ ̷v̷g̷’̷f̷ ̷n̷o̷b̷h̷g̷ ̷g̷v̷z̷r̷ ̷g̷u̷r̷a̷,̷ ̷o̷r̷g̷g̷r̷e̷ ̷y̷h̷p̷x̷ ̷x̷v̷y̷y̷v̷a̷t̷ ̷u̷r̷e̷ ̷g̷u̷v̷f̷ ̷g̷v̷z̷r̷.̷. 

And just as the silhouette seemed to have finished the sentence, he sees a white flash in front of his eyes and the sound disappears.  

While he slowly tries to open his eyes, he finds himself siting on the bed looking at the white wall in front of him.  


“Where am I?” He thinks to himself while trying to get up. 

But it doesn’t take long for him to realise as he looks around the room and he immediately realises that he’s in the same hospital room as before. 


No way am I in some kind of a loop” he thinks to himself.  

With still being uncertain whether or not if he was just having a deja vu or in a loop, he decided to just sit there and wait. 

“Just to make sure, let´s see if things repeat the same way this time too” He thinks to himself. 

After what felt like an hour, he heard the door open again and saw the same familiar face as last time. Though this time her eyes seemed a little darker but he couldn´t be so sure. 

The moment he saw her it felt like the pain he felt last time came rushing back as he instinctively seemed to have gotten more stiff and visibly fearful. 

  • Oh, so you are finally up. I was really worried about you, how are you feeli-… 
  • Hey, are you okay? You look like you just saw a ghost? Did something happen? 

Unable to keep himself he hurriedly gets up and runs out of the door all while she tries to catch up to him looking confused and concerned. 

Feeling scared he runs into washroom and locks the door, panting and out of breath he tries to imagine what he saw in the saw before, the empty space and the darkness with a girl standing along with strange murmurs. However, whenever he thought of that he felt a strange sense of sadness, a feeling he just could not describe. 




Before he even got a chance to think further, he heard a loud noise followed by a sharp pain in his stomach. When he looked down below, he saw his hands filled with scarlet red, had he not known that it was his own blood it almost looked beautiful to him. 

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