Chapter 1: The Power of the Powerless Gambler

“You must have misread my instruction, Julie. I ordered you to wear a thin, short white silk nightgown. No, not the lousy Grandma outfit.”
He cast her a sidelong glance as he slowly sipped his wine. His deep voice and expression conveyed disappointment.
The faint scent of polished wood from the piano and furniture mingling with the pleasant, buttery smell of freshly baked canapés and refined alcoholic beverages lingered inside the supposedly, supposed to be warm to those looking for harmonious piano performances and high-quality cocktails. However, the supposed to be the busiest day of the week, there were barely a handful of people inside.
“Please excuse me, but I’m here to work dignified as a waitress.”
“I see. I take it you want to create a role-play. Do you believe you can add another bag of money to that?”
Greg is an old and perverted rich man who spends money on a young woman to suit his whims.
Yuna’s smile fell off her face. She tried to contain her anger and said nothing for a while. She knew of Mr. Greg’s power and ability to hide his wrongdoings.
“Sir, my name is Yuna. My friend Erica, who works here regularly, should know where Jullie is. Let me call her to find out. I apologize for the inconvenience—Erica mentioned she needed a stand-in today because her mother is in the hospital.”
Despite her tension, Yuna carried the tray with the bottle of wine carefully. Her grip was slightly unsteady, and she moved with a visible stiffness as if each step required extra effort to maintain her composure.
“So, you really wanna play hard to get? Okay! I will be the hungry wolf, and you’re the prey.”
Greg lost cool and extended his hand to seize Yuna’s wrist.
Yuna’s eyes widened in shock as Greg’s hand reached out toward her with an unmistakable, unsettling intent. She instinctively pulled her hand back, her body tensing as she stepped away. Her face flushed with a mix of alarm and determination, she quickly assessed the situation, ready to assert her boundaries and ensure her safety.
She realized Erica sold her!
“Who cares about Julie anyway? Bring that b*tch here!”
Greg’s expression darkened as his attempt failed. He skimmed at Yuna with a cold, vigorous look, his demeanor now was more sore.
“Julie is gorgeously stunning. Her beauty is incomparable. She is like an elf spun from sunshine. She’s the only person suitable for the almighty you, sir.”
Yuna was aware of the complete rubbish she was uttering. Nonetheless, she had to think of anything to save her life.
Greg’s repugnant laugh echoed through the bar, sending a shiver down Yuna’s spine.
He grabbed the wine from Yuna’s tray and drank it while Yuna was held back by his large guards.
Greg’s presence was menacing, his every movement exuding a chilling authority. As he seized the wine from Yuna’s tray and drank it with a cruel satisfaction, his eyes glinted with a dark, unsettling intensity. His large, imposing guards stood like silent sentinels, adding to the oppressive atmosphere. The two strangers behind him, though present, seemed almost ghostly in their indifference, as if accustomed to his tyranny. The dim lighting of the bar cast eerie shadows, making Greg’s smirk appear all the more sinister as he reveled in his power and the fear he instilled.
only her wits could save her.
“Looks like my friend Erica sold me out.”
She chuckled softly, trying to mask her tension and fear. As she worked to unclasp the large hands gripping her wrist, she handed the tray to one of the guards and walked away, each step measured and deliberate.
Her strength astounded the escorts as she effortlessly broke free of their grasp.
Excessive emotion wouldn’t save her. Yuna concentrated on recalling her conversations with Erica, searching for useful information rather than succumbing to frustration or fear.
Erica’s conversations with Yuna often revolved around Zack, the Avere heir, and his intimidating business partner, Victor. While Yuna had forgotten much of what Erica had shared, she remembered the most crucial detail.
“Zack and Victor might stop by the bar today, but the chances of that happening are slimmer than winning the lottery.”

“Do you know that there are so many types of pigs?”
Yuna straightened her posture, meeting Greg’s gaze with unwavering determination. Her voice was steady and clear as she spoke, refusing to let any hint of fear creep into her tone. She moved with deliberate calm, each step purposeful and unshaken. Even when Greg loomed over her, she maintained eye contact, her expression resolute and unflinching. She might even use a firm, controlled smile to mask her true feelings, demonstrating that she would not be intimidated by his presence.
You are the Javan warty pig. The world’s ugliest pig.”
His initial shock quickly turned into a cold, summing assessment, as if evaluating a new threat. His eyes narrowed, and a dark glint flickered in them, hinting at irritation and intrigue. He might chuckle darkly, his voice laced with a menacing undertone as he responded.
“You’ve got guts, I’ll give you that. Let’s see how long that bravado lasts.” “Before I cut your tongue, I’ll let other types of pigs taste you. Let the Javan warty pig go first.”
“Oh, Mr. Greg, you’re truly a sight to behold. It’s almost as if your mouth is so full of hot air that your lungs might make a surprise exit any moment now.”
Yuna had a mocking grin on her face, her eyes sparkling with a mixture of amusement and defiance.
She spoke provocatively, her white teeth glistening as she grinned, showcasing her unshakable confidence and disdain.
“Let’s gamble, shall we?”
She clenched her fist and gritted her teeth as she walked toward Greg, who was stunned and bewildered by her audacious behavior.
“What the f**** this b**** is even talking about? Unfortunately, I’m not patient enough to play your game!”
He took another gulp of wine and loosened his necktie, clearly unsettled and trying to regain his composure.
“F*** this b****. Take her to my car!”
“Do you know that the most exciting aspect of gambling is the thrills of taking risks?”
Yuna’s reflexes kicked in; she deftly sidestepped. Her movements were so fluid that it seemed she had anticipated his actions before they even moved.
Mr. Greg’s mouth gaped in disbelief at her arrogance to continue talking gibberish. However, the more he listened to her, the more confused he became and intimidated.
Blood rushed to Mr. Greg’s face in anger, but as he followed Yuna’s gaze to the two ominous figures seated behind him, his color began to drain, leaving him visibly pale.

The man who exuded an intimidating and fearsome aura sneered. His eyes revealed a hint of aggravation.

When Yuna realized her intuition was correct and she had identified someone who could help ensure her safety, she felt a surge of relief and determination. Her eyes brightened with newfound hope, and a small, knowing smile played on her lips. She subtly adjusted her stance, exuding renewed confidence. Her movements became more purposeful as she carefully approached the individual, her mind racing with plans and strategies to leverage this new ally to her advantage.

“Impossible. How come Zack and Victor are visiting this place?”

Greg whispered in a trembling voice.

He felt threatened as his previously unshakable demeanor faltered. His confidence began to waver, and his eyes flickered with unease. The sneer on his face gave way to a tense frown. His usual arrogance was overshadowed by the growing realization that the situation was slipping out of his grasp, causing a palpable tension in his otherwise imposing presence.

Yuna came closer to the two menacing men who were gazing fire as she passed Mr. Greg.

“Please stay quiet. I’ll address my actions and offer my apologies later.”

She whispered to the man in the black turtleneck sweater, who had a piercing in his lobe. His striking features and lethal aura created a menacing atmosphere around him.

“and…” She reached for a golden pocket revolver from his waist. “I’ll just borrow this.”

Yuna straightened her back. Her eyes filled with absolute determination to risk it all.

She approached Mr. Greg while carrying a gun. As soon as the escorts noticed the two men, they froze, hesitant to intervene.

A man next to the person in black chuckled. He’s dressed in a beautiful suit with muted colors and a strong scent of wealth. And when his white canine teeth were revealed as he smiled, his dimples flashed. His thick glasses couldn’t hide his gorgeous face.

“Here’s the gun!”

Greg’s fear was palpable as he staggered backward. His chair toppled over as he fell from his seat, his movements frantic and unsteady. The shock and panic in his eyes were unmistakable, and he scrambled to regain his footing, his usual composure shattered by the sudden threat.

“Shoot me.” But I bet Zack and Victor won’t let your wickedness go unpunished.”

“Hey! Why are you dragging Zack and Victor into your mess?”

He put down the golden revolver slowly on the table.

“I apologized. I had no idea I had noteworthy visitors at my pub. If I had known, I would have scheduled my play time on a different day and served you personally.”

His attitude shifted 180 degrees as he faced them. His words and demeanor were all complaints, afraid to offend them.

“You kept us entertained enough, Mr. Greg. I recall you had an unfinished game. Don’t you want to know the answer to the bet?”

The man in black spoke with a predatory gaze, his eyes locked onto Greg as if he were helpless prey. His striking features matched the intensity of his lethal aura.

“Oh. I am not foolish enough to bet on my life. Besides, I can settle my score with her anytime.”

His snake-like gaze at her conveyed a chilling promise: that he would hunt her like prey.

“Then I suppose the only way to stay safe from you is by continuing to use Zack’s name?”

“Yuna is it?” I just spared your life tonight because I don’t want to be disrespectful to these two gentlemen. “The moment you rejected me you were dead.”

“Not at all. Since I’m going to be one of Zack’s people.”

“Being crazy is one thing. But your delusions are on another level.”

As Greg finally left, Yuna felt a relief wash over her. Her shoulders relaxed, and a deep breath escaped her lips.

“As luck would have it.”

She murmured to herself.

“You can’t perceive it as luck, young lady.”

Standing at an impressive 6’3″, he was the epitome of striking sculpture. His chiseled features were perfectly symmetrical, with a strong jawline and high cheekbones that accentuated his intense, captivating grey eyes. He seemed effortlessly perfect, embodying an almost unreal standard of attractiveness.

Yuna’s voice stuck in her throat. She coughed purposely and said.

“Thank you for lending me your thing.”


He fixed his intense gaze on her, growling with a menace that suggested he might dismantle her piece by piece. The threat was clear: no one but him had the right to handle his gun.

“Thank you again.”

She stated, dreading to meet his gaze.

“I’ll be in debt to you two for the rest of my life. So…”

She hesitated, but if she wanted to safeguard herself from Gregory Mason—a guy known for tormenting and enslaving the women he purchased and, if he became tired of them, sold them at auction to his friend—there was no other choice.

“Please let me work with you for the time being until Greg forgets my existence.”

She closed her eyes anxiously, praying Zack and Victor would take pity on her.

“How did you know it was us, young miss?”

Asked the person who wore a dignified suit and glasses

Yuna thought for a while.

“You are so popular that your name appears in numerous magazines, newspapers, and social media platforms, Sir Zack.”

She gave a confident response even though she was lying covertly.

Yuna moved to the city from a mountain village and took on numerous jobs to support her elderly parents and two twin sisters with special needs. She washed dishes at restaurants, worked as a dog walker, an event mascot, a convenience store cashier, and even on construction sites, doing any labor she could find. However, she could only have a decent meal when other people offered it for free. She had to give up sleep or dinner, sunscreen or lotion, and shampoo or conditioner. She could have a little time; she would rather use it to hit the hay.

“Tell me something about what you heard from the news.”

While asking her, he grinned, revealing his dimple and white canine teeth.

“The Avere’s heir was famous not just for his extremely good look but his way of leadership for the Avere group.”


He yanked his head closer to her face and took off his thick eyeglasses, intensely scrutinizing her.

“I am so fixated with your picture that I don’t recall much of the contents.”

She could only utter about the obvious or else it would be apparent that she lied.

“Oh well! But are you sure you’ve done your research?”

While her heart raced, Yuna bit her lip with a guilty expression.

“Do you think I’m more handsome than him?”

He asked excitedly, pointing his fingers at the man by his side.

To satisfy him with his question, she said “yes” briskly.

Unable to shake his thoughts, he laughed like a madman.

“Zack Avere maximizes the use of all available resources for his benefit. Either he views people like flies or regards them like tools to be used to the point of depletion.”

Before she could speak, a man in black intervened. He rolled his eyes like the devil and spoke harshly while taking his revolver from her hand.

His formidable aura was extremely intimidating, that a cold chill of fear swept through her spine.

“If he regards you like flies, you’re lucky.”

Yuna gasped.

“I can be your gardener or housekeeper.”

She sounded like she was begging for the job.

“You’ll be Zack Avere’s useful asset.”

The man in black clothes spoke in a cold voice and grinned menacingly.

“Oh… It has been decided.”

He got to his feet, put his satin tuxedo over his magnificent frame, and grinned till his dimple flashed.

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