Diamond in the rough

The training room buzzed with the low murmur of new awakeners gathered in clusters, some eyeing the array of weapons laid out along the walls, replicas of real blades, daggers, staffs, and guns designed for training purposes. But even as imitations, the sight of the weapons stirred a mix of nervousness and excitement in the group.

Vincent stood near the back, hands tucked into his pockets, observing the others. Most were cautiously inspecting the weapons, some grabbing them with a little too much enthusiasm, while others seemed hesitant to touch them at all.

The same instructor from the lecture hall stepped forward, his sharp eyes sweeping across the room. “Alright, listen up!” he shouted, instantly commanding attention. “My name’s Carter, and I’ll be overseeing your training for the next three months. You’ve all got different ranks, but that doesn’t matter. We’re here to push your limits, whether you’re B rank or E.”

He paused, letting his words sink in, before continuing. “We’ll be pairing you up—one high-rank with one low-rank—to help each other improve. This group’s got a mix, but there’s only one E rank here.”

Carter’s gaze landed on Evan, who shifted uncomfortably under the attention. “Evan here will be paired with Vincent, our C rank. The rest of you will follow the same system. Stronger with weaker. That’s how you’ll grow.”

Vincent glanced at Evan, who was looking down, his face flushed. A few people snickered from the side, their voices carrying just loud enough to be heard.

“An E rank? Really?”

“Poor kid’s gonna get crushed in this.”

Evan’s shoulders tensed, but he said nothing, his face burning with embarrassment. Vincent, however, remained silent, observing the room as the instructor continued.

“Now, for the real reason you’re here today. Before we dive into any formal training, each of you will face a simulation to assess your combat capabilities.”

Grumbles broke out immediately.

“Fight? We haven’t even started training yet!” one guy shouted from the back.

Carter’s eyes narrowed. “That’s the point. We need to see how you handle yourselves under pressure. Fear is the real enemy here. No matter how strong your rank is, if you freeze in the heat of battle, you’re useless. Today’s test will show if you can conquer that fear.”

The room fell quiet as Carter led them toward the simulation chamber. On the way, the murmurs started again, most of them aimed at Evan.

“He’s doomed.”

“This kid’s not gonna last a minute.”

Vincent glanced at Evan, who was staring at the floor. Despite the mockery, he could tell there was something more going on with the young guy. Evan was nervous, sure, but he wasn’t completely broken by the taunts.

Carter led them to the simulation room, which resembled a large, dimly lit arena. Massive screens lined the walls, and several instructors were stationed nearby, ready to monitor their performances. The atmosphere was heavy, everyone sensing the weight of what was coming.

“The first to step up is Gavin,” Carter announced, motioning to a serious-looking guy. Gavin was a B rank, and it showed. Broad-shouldered, fit, and brimming with quiet confidence, he looked every bit the seasoned fighter. He choosed a long sword.

Gavin stepped into the center of the room as the simulation activated. Instantly, a pack of snarling wolves appeared in front of him—dark, vicious creatures with glowing red eyes. Without hesitation, Gavin charged forward, his movements sharp and deliberate. He dodged the first wolf’s lunge and countered with a clean strike, sending it sprawling. His performance was methodical, and within minutes, all the wolves lay defeated.

The instructors exchanged approving glances, clearly impressed. Gavin had cleared the simulation with ease.

“Solid work,” Carter praised, his voice carrying a hint of admiration. “You’ve got real potential to rise to A rank, maybe even higher.”

As Gavin walked back to the group, a few more people took their turns. Some struggled, barely managing to scrape through, while others outright failed, overwhelmed by the simulation’s intensity. Tension mounted with each round, but the pressure seemed to hit hardest when it was Evan’s turn.

“Alright, Evan, you’re up,” Carter called.

The whispers started again.

“He’s gonna get wrecked.”

“Bet he won’t last ten seconds.”

Evan’s face was pale as he stepped forward, his hands trembling slightly. Vincent watched closely, sensing the shift in Evan’s posture. He picked two daggers. Something changed in him the moment he entered the simulation area. His nervousness seemed to fade, replaced by a strange calmness.

As the simulation started, the wolves materialized, snarling and circling around him. Evan’s eyes narrowed, and in a flash, he moved.

He wasn’t the same hesitant kid Vincent had seen a few moments ago. He dashed toward the first wolf, his movements precise and sharp, dodging its attack with an almost unnatural ease. With a quick strike, he took it down. The next wolf lunged at him, but Evan sidestepped, his body moving fluidly as if he had been doing this for years. He swept its legs out from under it and finished it with another clean blow.

The room fell silent as Evan cut through the pack of wolves with startling efficiency. His attacks were swift and controlled, every move calculated. In less than a minute, the simulation was over.

Carter stood, eyebrows raised in surprise. Even the instructors exchanged bewildered looks.

“He’s an E rank?” one of them muttered.

When the simulation ended, Evan’s time was displayed on the screen. His score was close to Gavin’s, the highest so far. The room buzzed with disbelief.

“No way… How did he—?”

“That’s impossible for an E rank…”

Evan stepped out of the simulation area, his face flushed but expression unreadable. He walked back to Vincent, the crowd still whispering in disbelief.

“Vincent, it’s your turn.”

Vincent entered the simulation area as he chose a sword and a gun, the two weapons hanging loosely in his hands. The room fell quiet, eyes following him with a mixture of curiosity and skepticism.

“That’s an odd combo,” someone whispered from the back. “How’s he supposed to fight with both?”

“Yeah, a sword and a gun? He can’t focus on either properly,” another murmured.

Even the instructors exchanged glances. One of them leaned in toward Carter. “Not the most conventional choice. It’s hard enough to wield one effectively in these simulations, let alone switching between both.”

Carter’s expression remained unreadable, though he didn’t hide his intrigue. “Let’s see if he knows what he’s doing,” he muttered, crossing his arms.

As the simulation booted up and the familiar pack of wolves began to materialize around him, the tension in the room grew. Vincent stood there, sword in one hand, gun in the other, his face calm and focused.

“Either he’s crazy, or he knows something we don’t,” someone else whispered, as the first wolf charged.

And with that, the simulation began.

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