Chapter 68- 3v1+1

KMega6KMegacharacter expected to be dragged to another movie after dinner, but he was brought to a room that he hasn’t seen before instead.

“This is the teams training room. We come up with gameplans and battle strategies here.”  (Adams)

As Adams explained where they were, Brian got four pods ready.

“Ready for your trial by fire new guy?” (Elsa)

KMega couldn’t help but hesitate while Adams had an arm around his neck.

“Ah, sure.” (KMega)

Adams then gave him a pat on the back as Elsa entered one pod before Brian entered another.

“That’s normally the team leaders pod, but he’s with the boss right now.” (Adams)


When KMega logged into the machine, he found himself on the plains with Astrid7Astridcharacter by his side. She was obviously asleep, but her drowsiness disappeared as soon as she saw him.

She then looked around before speaking.

“What’s going on?” (Astrid)

KMega looked around as well.

“A private duel.” (KMega)

Astrid nodded understanding before she changed her gear to KMega’s surprise.

She equipped a short sword and wore light armor.

“I want to talk to you later.” (Astrid)

She said with a smile, before he nodded and the three appeared.

KMega then equipped his best gear as he received a duel notice.


He then took a ready stance as one of his opponents vanished from sight.

“I got the sneaky one.” (Astrid)

Astrid said, as she ran off to the side.

KMega sighed as he rushed with his short sword and shield out.

Adams then equipped a much larger shield and warhammer in each hand

Since Brian was a magician, KMega naturally attacked him first as he readied a spell before Adams intercepted his attack.

“Don’t think such…” (Adams)

As he was talking after intercepting KMega’s sword, KMega slipped into his blind spot behind the large shield and stabbed him with his blade.. That’s right, KMega aimed at Adam first. Leaving the sword as is, KMega then rushed towards Brian after he just finished his spell and several lightning bolts came at him.


In the small opening before the attack, KMega stabbed his great sword into the ground like a lightning rod before taking his shield and throwing it. In the next moment, he jumped back so he wouldn’t be hit in the back by Adams warhammer.

“How the!?!” (Adams)

KMega didn’t let him finish as he grabbed the attacker’s extended arm and threw him using his pivot foot into the off balance mage. Before coming to the GSP, KMega wouldn’t have been able to pull of such a feat, but with a mere few dozen hours playing several different classes, it gave him new perspective of his own characters flaws and weaknesses.

His clairvoyance has also evolved into a skill called eye of the future.


The eye of the future is two tiers higher than the foresight skill. Foresight allows a player to randomly foresee a possible scenario like a sneak attack before it happens. It’s not an uncommon skill, but people desire and try to evolve it into the premonition skill, which activates far more often and to a much higher degree. However, eye of the future is a fusion skill of the next tier after that called fate’s hand and clairvoyance. You need three things in order to learn it; clairvoyance taught by an expert, karma alignment that lines up with either a saint or a demon general, and the foresight skill that’s not learned, but a talent you learn. In KMega’s case, Yirk was the best human that had the clairyovance skill. KMega never learned foresight because he never needed it, but after seeing his own weaknesses, he sought out Yirk.


Astrid was watching KMega take out the two on his own while she sat on the assassin.

Elsa and Astrid were both smiling happily; Astrid was because she was impressed by KMega, while Elsa was happy because a cute little dragon4dragonspecies girl had her butt on her back.

- my thoughts:
Thanks to Michelle Ossiander on my patreon several chapters have been paid for 6 chapters for release I have missed giving out so for this week I will be doing double releases this week. bonus 4/6

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4 years ago

Let’s get ready to rumble.

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