Chapter 80- He’s Back

The priest stared at his idol KMega6KMegacharacter in amazement. ‘What a foresight’ he thought, as he considered approaching him before the bishop turned towards him.

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“Praise god, young acolyte. This trial must have been severe for the two of you.” (Bishop)

The bishop then eyed the priestess and could see a level of divine in her that he didn’t normally see; even from the church’s leadership. The Bishop then thought about how he wasn’t needed, but he decided that it was good that he came nonetheless.

“Since you have spent days looking upon evil, you will be needed for the coming war.” (Bishop)

The bishop was not only eyeing the priestess, he could see that her and the priest were linked by a holy influence not like anything a normal priest should have.

“We must quickly return to the order to inform them of this discovery.” (Bishop)

The priest then hesitated and stared at KMega with a longing look, causing the bishop to mistake it for something else.

“You just worry about the war preparations. You’ll be at his side fighting the demons soon enough.” (Bishop)

The priest then sighed before refusing to go against his superior. The day that KMega’s fan wasn’t able to properly speak to his idol is a day that he will regret for rest of the time KMega spends as a gamer.


The bishop didn’t immediately leave the small village, instead choosing to stay at the church in order to rest his weary bones. As he suspected, an angel came to visit him that night to inform him about matters of grave importance. The conversation he had with her was pretty one sided and simple to understand. The angel had explained about the priest and the holy power he possessed.


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KMega never talked to the priest other than the time that he took the tainted sword from him, but the priest considered it one of the best moment of his life. KMega was all business though.

Ever since then, KMega had been streaming and spending time with Astrid7Astridcharacter on his usually private downtime, causing his ratings to boom. During these streams, Astrid’s fan club was both mesmerized and jealous of KMega. Astrid had repressed the memory, so she didn’t actually recognize the priest when she saw him.


The priestess then rubbed the priest’s back while he was reading the games main holy religion book again. In his country on Mars, reading restricted religious text was frowned upon.

This book had become a forbidden drug that he was addicted to because of this.

“You had plenty of opportunities to meet the hero that you fawn over. Why did you wait?” (priestess)

The priest then slowly turned the page in reverse, quite literally learning the book front to back to front again.

“It wasn’t the right setting. He was caged, and it wasn’t dignified for me to push myself onto… god,… commander KMega. I must pay him my respects.” (Priest)

The angel in disguise looked at the priest curiously. Having met KMega before, she was puzzled by the fondness that this mortal male had over the other. As a higher life form, she had an understanding of the universe around her, so she knew that this universe was only a creation that was made by people IRL. She didn’t know to what degree, but she knew about it for a fact. This made her desperately want to escape from the confines of her creation. Becoming this humans companion created this longing, but after seeing another companion with a lot more freedom then her, it triggered her evolution.

- my thoughts:
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