Chapter 81- Changes

KMega6KMegacharacter would have normally walked back to the Fort, but he wasn’t alone right now since over a fifty soldiers and Astrid7Astridcharacter were with him. While Astrid and the soldiers completed assorted patrols on their way back, KMega rented a carriage for him and Astrid. Other than accomplishing their normal duties, they would also keep an eye out for anyone who seemed a little suspicious. They had also strict orders to keep an eye out for demonic beasts, but to not engage without the help of the holy order.


When they finally got to the fort, it was a far cry from when they first liberated it. It’s facilities amounted to a basic barracks, a smithy, and some battlements. There was now an internal storage inside, and there was even a bath with an expensive water and cleaner machine installed. There was also a command post and a meeting room for the officers to finish up the main structure of the fort. There was also a stable and marshal area inside the walls, while the outside had housing and facilities built by the people that gathered to enjoy the benefits of the strongest military force in the country. All of these changes cost KMega well over 95% of his in-game money, even some of IRL assets as well. There was also some structures a short hour away by horseback that the soldiers themselves built. The original idea was to make an outpost there so that no one would defile the land and they could then retake Jork Fortress easily if need be. However, when Yirk learned about the soldiers plan, he had the more talented soldiers moved there for more intense training.

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When Kmega got back to the fort, he immediately went looking for Yirk to inform him about everything that happened. He also wanted to talk to him about his Level 150 advancement that he will be having soon. When he didn’t find him though, he took care of his duties as commander of the fort before logging off.


KMega naturally cooked for everyone, while Astrid helped. She quickly learned from her mistakes, and even without a sense of taste, she was still better than a lot of the other residents. This practice had become such a norm, the system for alternating their turns had gone kaput. KMega even began to start looking up recipes to cook, further cementing his skills. In addition to his morning run and cooking breakfast for everyone, he began training with Adam and schooling with Brian. With his GED, he moved onto the college level, which was a lot harder than he was used to. He got Brian’s help for an hour IRL time, which is enough for KMega to receive passing grades during the first few weeks of the course. By this time, it’s usually about ten in the morning before he enters his pod and spends six to ten hours in there at a time.

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When he finished gaming at the end of the day, he would cook everyone dinner.


When KMega was in the game, he would either hunt or train.

That is…., until the holy warriors showed up.

- my thoughts:
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