I’m posting a quick note for a couple reasons. First, it will generate a ping on Discord. Second, the end of Volume 4 is about a month away (somewhere in the second week of March, I think.)
Why the ping on Discord (for those watching for SH in the #latest-releases channel of the Creative Novels server)? Because last night I screwed up the posting of the latest chapter of my other novel, Sword of the King, by accidentally posting it in Substitute Hero.
Since some people had already paid to unlock the chapter, I have replaced the contents of that chapter with the chapter 157 that should have posted on Tuesday a little while after midnight. So if you read it and were frustrated to have paid for content you didn’t want, and have yet to discover that the error has been corrected, please go read it again. Or if you responded to the ping and found no new chapter had been unlocked, please rest assured, a new chapter is now unlocked.
There will thus be no chapter posted again until Thursday here, and thus no ping to alert people that the mistake is corrected, and it’s time to post an author note about DMing me with your Volume 4 ending questions anyway, so I figured, why not do that instead?
So, DM me your Q&A questions on Discord! The server can be found using the Discord widget in the footer at the bottom of this page. My user id on Discord is Fushigi#4621.
You can also just go ahead and ask your question in our newly renovated, much improved comments section at the bottom of each chapter. Or, you can randomly ask them into the air, but please be advised, I am unlikely to respond in that case.
Thanks as always for reading!