A Quick Report From The Front

Well the “one week break” went a bit longer, didn’t it?

The interface for Patreon posts even changed, and I’m not too thrilled with it, but that’s between me and Patreon. For the record, it kinda sucks.

My apologies for the sudden stoppage. A perfect storm of poor health and all my headaches at work this summer suddenly coming back for a round of revisions (every single project had at least one!) pretty much eliminated any hope of time to write (my free time has been strictly the time I needed to sleep) and just as things started to settle down…

A second stray puppy appeared. He actually wiggled his way into our closed back yard. What’s worse, when we brought him for a health check, he was infected with parvo (which is, for want of a graphic description, pet dysentery). We had caught it early (no bad systems) but we have to keep him isolated from the first stray puppy until the meds clean out the infection. He’s cute though, (actually, kinda so-ugly-he’s-cute) and the meds look like they’re working so we should end up with a happy ending.

So yeah, just wanted to let everyone know I’m still alive, and, as things wind down, I should be able to resume writing.

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