Chapter 41 – How to Awaken a Sleeping Princess

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Something soft touched me.

I wonder what is this warm . . . no, hot feeling.


“Meryl, not yet.”

The voice belonged to the person I love, his breath brushing my ears. However, it sounded very sexy than usual, and the place he touched made my whole body shiver.

When I tried to avoid it, his big hand gripped me firmly and was stopped by something hot again. It parted from me, and came back again in a slightly different position. For a brief moment, I felt somewhat scared after being relentlessly stroked by it.

But it felt good at the same time. What is this? My body is really going to melt……

“Sen . . . pai.”

“Meryl, my name.”

“Hnn . . . Gil.”

I could only call a name. All the while, my mouth was blocked many times. It’s hot, it’s scary, it feels good.


Ah… The goosebumps won’t subside. Why is it that when this person called my name, it sounded special? With great care. As if it is a jewel.

“…I like you.”

“Me too.”

Only allowed on

Strange. My body felt so heavy until a while ago. But now, I am filled with so much warmth and happiness.

Gil, hug me more. Touch me. Call my name.

……….I see. This very cozy feeling . . .

Are we kissing?

What a nice dream.

I melted in his gentle embrace.

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At a distance, I heard the sound of shattering glass.

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