Chapter 30:Breakout


“Now here’s what we are going to do.”

Quick flashback

Banging his head in frustration Demios kept trying to think of different methods to escape as he internally thought ” Prison Break escape… no, that won’t work…white collar maybe but how would that even apply here? It’s not like we have some destined rival that helps us in the future. Hold on maybe breakout kings that could help. Gosh, what are you thinking? Netflix shows are going to help you escape from here. It’s not, just me I got two clueless kids I got to take as well*Sigh* I got this yeah positive thinking! Positive thinking! Arghh screw it all! Open for me” Demios attempted to pull the bars apart, but it was to no avail.

“Oh, that’s a good idea Demios,” Hyde said stretching his arms before attempting the same thing Demios did.

“Arghh! Hurry up and get us out here I can’t stop shaking and this irritating feeling welling up inside me!”Miko shouted continuing on his tapping but now with more force than he previously applied.

“Then stop tapping!” Demios replied in a harsh tone. However, Miko simply annoyed him, which continued to test Deimos’s patience while Hyde just stared at the flickering light in the distance like he was entranced.

“Hahaha, you kids are so interesting! It’s useless to do that, though,” A husky voice said.

“Who is that?” Demios called out to the voice that felt near but yet far away from them.

“Who I am is not relevant anymore! Although it could be relevant to you though hahahahaha,” The voice replied.

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“Great a crazy guy is with us now… I should add that to my growing list of things that are pissing me off today.”Demios thought, but he replied to the voice in with another question that he felt he knew the answer to”Where are you?”

“Where I am? I am here and everywhere… In your thoughts. In your heart. My existence is closer than you think.”

Muttering loudly “Great riddles if it wasn’t so dark here I’m pretty sure I could see where he is?”

“Demios I found him,” Miko added restraining himself from tapping or making any movement.


“Here” Miko threw the only pebble beside him to the last place he heard a voice.


“Kid, did you have to be so cruel? Elders should be treated with much care! Or should they maybe society has it wrong, and it should be the young ones treated with more care? Hahahahaha” The husky voice sounded like it was having fun.

“Can you stop the act already?” Demios said walking to the east side of the prison/cage.

“Act? No brat this is not an act! I’m just an old geezer who knows too much of this kingdoms darkness… hahahahaha so interesting very interesting! Warlords trapped in this hellhole with me and to boot their so young hahahaha those higher-ups are finally showing their true colours.”The Old geezer voice boomed even louder than before waking Hyde from his trance-like state.

“Miko, Demios, who is that old guy over there?” Why is his chest scarred with sword cuts? Whoa, and his beard is way too long! Old man, you should cut it off and trim it like our dad,” Hyde said staring in the direction of where the old geezer was sitting in.

“Huh?!” Miko and Demios replied in unison.

“Hyde, you can see him?” Miko asked.

“Well yeah! Can’t you guys see him? He’s literally on the other side of our bars in a little cage.”Hyde replied turning to his brothers in confusion.

Demios looked in the direction of the light that would flicker from time to time, seeing that it wouldn’t flutter like it had been for the past fifty minutes that they had been in here. Strange thoughts started to pop into his mind. But he quickly shook them off as he felt they would be too ‘Wuxia like.’ Silence filled the room.

“Guys? Why aren’t you talking? Old man say something! Demios, Miko someone, please answer me!”Hyde frantically turned his head at all of them in the hope they talk to him.

“Demios you see it too right! It’s not just me!”Miko asked.

“I was about to ask you the same thing! Old geezer, we aren’t dreaming right!”Demios added.

“No,” The Old geezer replied rather quickly.

“What! What is it you guys see? Where is it?’Hyde was getting more annoyed by the second as they still didn’t respond to his questions but just stared at him as if they saw a ghost.

Only allowed on

Breaking the silence, Miko yelled ” Hyde your eye! Your eye! Your purple one is on fire.”

“Huh? But I don’t feel anything, though” Hyde replied touching his right eye to check whether or not it was on fire as he felt fine.

“I can’t believe it! The scripture didn’t lie… how could this be, though? I never thought a mere Solider like me would ever see the purple phoenix… Hahahahaha I can’t believe it! Who would’ve guessed it? Me! Me!” The Old geezer suddenly lost control jumping up and down in his cage.

“So it won’t harm him then,” Demios hurriedly asked while grabbing hold of Hyde and inspecting the flaming eye himself.

“Of course not he is… Ahh, never mind about that for now ill explain later. What’s important is escaping? I’ve been here for more than ten years now. I never expected that I would leave this hellhole. *Sigh* I may end up missing this. Hahahhahahahah”

“Hold on how are we supposed to leave?” Miko questioned.

“Simple you guys are cultivators right?”


“You got to be kidding me” Demios face palmed himself as he realised his mistake.

“Hold your horses; there are at least thirty guards around here, and five should be cultivators of the first realm although I don’t know what type of cultivator they are?”

Back to the current situation

“We will…

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