Chapter 31:The Rat

We will use the purple-eyed boy’s flames to burn the bars,” The Old geezer said with absolute certainty in his tone.

“No, he doesn’t even know it is there how is he supposed to burn the bars?” Demios retorted as he looked at his clueless brother who couldn’t feel his right eye shining with a fiery light.

“Then how about this you use your cultivation to pull your bars apart then you open mine and we escape together.” The Old geezer proposed.

“How do we do that?” Miko hurriedly replied as he felt that uncomfortable feeling coming back as he scanned their surroundings.

“Focus the Orbis into your palms and compress it. It doesn’t have to be controlled properly. Use your brute force.”

Listening to his words the brothers did as instructed as they could see a ghostly white thing shaped like their hand and a diamond pattern making the ghostly white thing come to life (Orbis). Astonished by sight, the brothers stared at their Orbis and the more they looked, the more it reduced and replenished itself.

“Oh only at the first stage of the elementary realm… Hmm, it should just barely work. Now pull apart the bars and let’s leave this hell hole,” the Old geezer demanded with an excited expression, and if Hyde looked at him, he would probably see that the old man looked younger than he was previously. Moreover, he internally thought “They did it on their first try and they only just broke through… I was only chatting rubbish, and they managed to do it… Brothers this must be you working favors for me in heaven right… heh, don’t worry I will properly redeem us. I know I will repay my wrongs.”

Following his words, the brothers walked up to the bars in front and pulled with all their might, but it did not affect the bars whatsoever. As soon as Demios and Miko were about to confront the Old Geezer on his b******* sparks came out of Hyde’s hands and the bars he was pulling ignited and turned to dust in seconds.

“Yeah just like that!” The Old Geezer rejoiced as it went all according to his plan leaving Demios and Miko speechless.

“Guys I did it! It’s open now come on. I made sure it was big enough for one of us to go through at a time” Hyde proclaimed excitedly as he went through the gap he made and started jumping up and down excitedly like a kid getting what he wanted for Christmas.

“How did he do that?” Miko turned and asked Demios.

“Maybe he got it as a bloodline power” Demios whispered back to Miko, as he didn’t want the old geezer knowing too much about them.

Getting out of their prison Miko stretched his body and started performing fighting moves to distract himself from the filth around him. While Demios just stared into the darkness where the light used to flicker.

“Good! Good! Now get me out! Don’t worry ill help as well,” The old Geezer yelled as he felt a slight fear that the brothers would abandon him here.

” I know you will, but why we are doing this is because we want to know what you know about Hyde’s purple phoenix thing you said,” Demios explained as he tapped Hyde’s shoulder to go and open the Old geezer’s cage.

“That’s a long story! Focus on the now kid, or you won’t be able to make it to the future!”The Old geezer replied with some contempt in his tone.

Finally tasting the air of freedom, the Old geezer had a 10-second episode of rejoicing, and he quickly reverted to his previous state, a slightly crazy look in his eyes and a calm smile.

“Now how do we escape? We got out of our cages by luck, but if there are thirty guards in this place, we are going to need more than luck”Demios proposed.

While thinking” What’s the layout of this place even how are we supposed to know where to go… this old man better have some answers, or I will force him back into that cage. Damn, I should have used the fact he was imprisoned as leverage* sigh*.”

“Well said but kid the layout is simpler than you think all we have to do is go through the door next to where the light used to flicker and head straight. The exit is just passed that.”The Old geezer explained.

“Nothing is that simple where are the guards normally placed then… We will take them out and escape without worrying about someone chasing us” Demios suggested, and he then realised his words as the thought ” I just f***** up and put my brothers and me in danger with this old man escaping scot-free. S*** don’t capitalise on it please!”

As if reading Deimos’s mind The Old Geezer smiled and said: “If that’s the case then I will show you where the guard posts are in this building.”

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“So I get to fight people right Demios?” Hyde asked with stars in his left eye as he gave Demios a pleading look that most people couldn’t refuse.

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“Yeah, we… are” Demios struggled to finish his sentence due to his rage at himself.

“Can we go now this place is so Arghh Lets go! Hyde hurry up and lead the way we cant see clearly in this darkness.”Miko shouted as he grabbed Hyde’s arm and pushed him in the direction where the light used to be.

“Heh heh” The Old geezer chuckled to himself further infuriating Demios.

Under Hyde’s lead, they all made it to the wooden door that was blocking their path to freedom.

Opening it, they were confronted by five guards dressed in military clothing and a red and white symbol on their left chest. Looking at the escapees, the guard in the middle began laughing before saying.

“Look at this the ones who were sold out by a rat, and our ex-leader is trying to escape.”

“Now what should we do about this?

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