Bk 2 Chapter 108 – Turnover

With Zilan accepting, the situation settled down and Senior Mo quickly left. He couldn’t stand to be in the same room as the Half Breed without having violent thoughts. Amani however, did not leave.

“Why did you accept? I understand you’re angry but that Mo’s cultivation is a whole stage above yours, winning is impossible and surviving…….you’re no idiot, there’s no way he wants a friendly duel.”

“Uncle Green, you don’t need to worry about that. Like you just said, I’m no idiot.” Said Zilan. His calm demeanour and confident smile actually influenced Amani. In normal circumstances, for example if it was Fujo, even if he was equally confident there was no chance that he would have allowed his nephew to fight Mo. But for some reason, he had a feeling that the mysterious Half Breed before him was neither bluffing nor bragging.

“Fine. As long as you know what you’re doing.” Stated Amani. He then moved to the back of the classroom and took a seat in Zest’s empty chair.

“What are you doing?”

“Don’t mind me, start your lesson.” Smiled Amani. He’d gotten a great surprise from reading Andrete’s notes to the point that he did something that he usually never did. Contact his Master.

Amani was Wazimu’s sole disciple however, even he was reluctant to ask for favours from his Master. They always came with a price that sometimes he’d rather not pay.

Just recalling the moment he was taken in as a disciple, Amani couldn’t help but shake his head. He had actually been abducted causing the entire family clan to go on a rampage until they found him and when they did, rather than condemn Wazimu, they actually courteously asked him to take care of him. Such was the strength his Master possessed, but what made him even more polarizing was his eccentric personality.

Zilan looked at the expectant Amani and smiled. Even though he’d accomplished his objective, he hadn’t expected it to go nearly as smoothly, he didn’t even know why Jingiza had suddenly left but he strongly suspected that it had something to do with the calm Uncle Green.

“Lorn, Misty collect all the test results. I will now assign to you your second field of study. However, I must warn you, if you doubt my words or my teachings, stop now and proceed with your traditional path of Alchemy.”

“Why?” questioned Hendrek. He’d been quiet this entire time because he didn’t want to get involved in problematic matters, but unfortunately now that things had been sorted out relatively peacefully, as a class leader the others wouldn’t respect him as much thus he decided to take the initiative and ask. In the end, he was but a normal youth, there weren’t many like Zilan who’s various life experiences and transformations had made him age quicker mentally.

“Simple. If you doubt now, then the moment you encounter a setback you will most likely not only mistakenly blame me for misguiding you but you will also lose conviction in your own Alchemy which in most cases will result in you never advancing forward again. So think carefully before you proceed, if you are uncertain about my methods then I will gladly release you from my tutelage.”

Zilan spoke seriously this time. In truth, there was a hidden reason for his warning. He wanted to weed out the non-believers early as there was no point in teaching people who didn’t have faith in his teachings. This could be considered the first step towards moulding excellent future followers.

Surprisingly no one moved which contrary to what one might believe, greatly stressed him out. This was the problem with young people, they were good at following but they were hesitant to take the initiative. Just like sheep, if enough of them did something, the others would follow suit and breaking this trail of thinking was harder said than done.

Luckily there exists a solution. Fear!

“I’m telling you this for your own good. By normal standards my conjectures will continue to grow even more outlandish and this time I can promise that if you doubt, question or renounce my teachings your Alchemy heart will die and you will soon follow.”

For cultivators, if their heart/soul separated from the ‘Way’ or the ‘Dao path’ they would despair and soon die. It was a mystical thing but it could be broken down into a simple phrase, “True cultivators live to cultivate. Take that away and what do they have to live for?”

If the pinnacle is your life’s dream then having that snatched away from you after you’ve already walked a long way on that path will devastate anyone. The same applied for not just Alchemy but also for the true experts in their respective professions for example artisans.

Zilan’s plan to strike fear into the hearts of his students worked well, maybe a little too well.

The first one to move, a young white stallion named Kilrik was the first to get up from his seat. Under the watchful and shocked eyes of his classmates, he shakily approached Zilan and asked to be released.

Zilan naturally agreed but what he didn’t expect, was for one lost student to turn into three, then five, then seven.

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In the span of a few minutes he was left with only seven students from his original class of sixteen.

Misty, Lorn, Hendrek and Andrete were a lock since they were the ones he had the most hope for but the other three were a huge surprise for Zilan. After all, they were either the quietest or the laziest ones in the class, the ones who sat at the back all day, whispering to each other and making fun of others.

He could swear that he had yet to see any one of them take down any notes and yet here they were.

“What were their bios again? Grouch Illiones, six arm Bear-cat from the Bronze sector, below average talent, average bloodline however was accepted because he possesses an exceptional flame. Quiet, keeps to himself and seems like he doesn’t care….what a strange guy.”

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“Then there’s the two Blood born Dingo sisters Silei and Unlei Harnah, daughters of a Fire Guardian within the Association. Originate from the Iron sector, have above average bloodlines, and below average talent in Alchemy.”

Zilan smiled wryly looking at the students he had left. It would be a lie if he said he wasn’t disappointed but at least now he knew where he stood. All he could do was make the best of what he had.

If only he knew that the main reason that many students left his class was because of Senior Mo. Yes, he was an idiot but he was a third ranked idiot. Hearing him shout heretic and blasphemous repeatedly had caused the students to doubt their teacher. After all, anyone can make something sound nice, it’s what made merchants rich.

As novices themselves, they had no way of confirming Zilan’s teachings so they’d rather bet on the safe option than risk their futures following him.

One had to remember the spots to enter the Association were limited and highly fought for. No one was willing to risk their chance of improving their family’s situation just because of the words of a new mentor who entered their lives not too long ago.

“Are you all sure?” Although Zilan seemed to be addressing the whole class, his eyes mostly focused on the three at the back.

Grouch smiled nodding his head,

“Following the traditional way, with my talent it’s impossible to become a high ranking Alchemist. If there’s even a slight chance teacher’s methods can allow someone like me to advance to greater heights then I will stay.”

Zilan’s eyes glowed when he heard this, giving him a thumbs up inwardly. “Maybe I misjudged him.” He thought.

As for the two sisters. He had to admit that they looked quite adorable. At a height of barely five feet, their blood red almond shaped eyes looked quite mesmerizing, large erect ears pierced with two rings each made them look much cuter. Their only fault probably lied in the flat as a board, chests they possessed. Other than that, if they remained still it would be easy to mistake them for two breath taking porcelain dolls.

“We’ll stay.” They both said.

“Okay then, let’s move on.”

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