chapter 27


My both sons were so close to each other. And I knew it from day 1. Separating them in their early childhood was a decision I knew I would regret and I did. Jungkook wasn’t in good condition after that for quite a long time. But then Jeongukk, came up with a plan of talking to him everyday. Every 6 months or a year, there would be a issue with Jungkook’s health and then Jeongukk suffered too with him. Living in countries with a huge time difference was seeming hard for Jeongukk. But he did it for Jungkook. And I could only admire him for sacrificing so much at such a young age.

Only allowed on

I remember his last words asking me to tell Jungkook not to hate him. He did say it was always a last option, but he never thought that day would come so soon. Now I realized what he was talking about. For a second I thought if he planned the accident and all this, but then I was talking to him before the thing happened and it didn’t seem like it. We were sitting outside Jeongukk’s room and my wife came out. I wasn’t ready or say I didn’t know how to tell her. When I finally decided to tell her, I heard my name being called out.

“Mr. Jeon, sorry to interrupt, but can we just have a moment?” The man in front of was a police man.

“Ah, yes.” I bowed slightly and said.

“Sir, Firstly, I am sorry about your son. He is in this condition. But there’s something you should know. Actually, your son…” He said and stopped.

“My son, what?” My wife asked.

“Mrs. Jeon, it wasn’t your son’s fault. It was the truck. He was drunk-driving. He broke the traffic rules and because of that, your son had no other way to escape. I am sorry. We came here as soon as we got this footage. The truck driver also is serious, but now he will be under police since there was more than 60% alcohol found in his blood. That is why we wanted to know if you wanted to file a complaint or anything. We will cooperate with you.” The officer said.

“Well, dear.. Our son has not more than 2 hours. Why don’t you go spend more time with him. Talk to him, huh? Yugyeom take your aunt inside.” I told them and watched them head in.

My wife was a mess as soon as she heard that our son had no more time left. I stayed back and wiped my tears.

“Sir, I didn’t know this was the situation. You can always see me later. I am sorry.” The officer said and turned to leave.

“Officer, please wait. Can I have a paper and pen?” I asked him and he gave me his notebook and pen.

I wrote down a note on it and gave it back to him. He took it and when he read he looked back at me shocked.

“How??” He asked.

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“It’s okay. You said he is serious too. God forbid if something happens to him, my son would not feel at peace. I would feel more guilty. I am not willing to file any complaint again him. This note is just a proof. If anybody tries to cause any problems. I want my son to leave in peace. Thanks officer.” I said and patted his shoulder.

I saw the officer salute before leaving. I went back to the room. I couldn’t stop my tears when I entered the room. Yugyeom looked at me and pointed at my wife. I nodded and went and held her.

“Honey, why all these? My both sons, they never did anything wrong, nor hurt anyone. Why all these suffering to my sons?” she cried, refusing to be comforted.

“Our son applied as a donor. For Jungkook. Like if anything like this happens, they could donate his heart to Jungkook. And the doctors have done all testing. And…” I stopped.

“And what?” she asked, her eyes filling with tears again.

“IT MATCHED!!!” I said letting my sobs out. I hugged her and we both cried.

“How? what did we do? To get such good sons? They made me feel so lucky to have them. I.. I must have done something good in my past lives… I.. how can he…?” She sobbed.

“Let’s say our goodbyes.” I said and she nodded in my arms still crying.

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