Ch 1 / The Beginning Of a Legendary Journey

Have you ever been a part of a great civilization? Do you know how it feels like to be part of something big? Do you know how it feels when you see everything crumble in front of you? Do you know how it feels when you are the cause of this?

My name is Dolly. When I was born the oracle of my home predicted a prophecy about me. It was a nice prophecy that cursed me. My people believed in these prophecies like it was a holy word that came from the sky, although we knew there was a sky above the sky.

Since my birth, everyone looked at me like my fate was sealed. When I was three years old I showed an extraordinary talent for magic. By six I was already at a high level of magic, not lesser than a 20 years old magician.

By ten I had already created my own magic system and I was starting to use high-level spells. By twelve I was sold by my parents to a young prince from a great empire in the big universe!

“Your fate was doomed since the day you were born. “That was the answer of my parents to me when I asked them. Why? That was because of that prophecy again!

I wanted to fight hard against my fate but it seemed that fate was like a huge stone on my chest. I couldn’t remove how much I tried!

I started my new life in a different place with different people. My family was the royal family of Treen civilization. My Treen was like a small kingdom in the universe.

They were a new kingdom that lasted only five hundred thousand years. Our heritage was so thin so we were always under constant pressure from surrounding kingdoms.

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In my world, there were many kingdoms that you can’t even count. Every kingdom dreamed of the day when it could be an Empire. That was a big dream that was very hard to achieve.

To be a kingdom you need to control ten known universes. To become an Empire you need to control ten known Kingdoms. That meant we were always at war and every moment of our lives was under fighting.

As a royalty, I knew more info than other issues. I knew that three of our neighbor’s kingdoms allied themselves together to hit us once and for all. I knew too that my father was desperately trying to ally with any other kingdom in vain.

No one wanted to link himself with a sinking ship! That made every one of my family very depressed and some even planned their escape after the downfall of my kingdom.

That all changed on the day of my birth! That prophecy gave everyone a silver lining hope. They have hung all their dreams of survival on me since then. So when I got 12, I was engaged to that prince.

I didn’t see it as an engagement at all. He didn’t see me before and I didn’t even know if I would love or hate him. I was sold like an item to that big Empire prince.

A prophecy shaped my whole life! That was unacceptable to me! I tried to escape more than once but eventually, I was held captive by my father till he sent me to this Empire capital.

It was my first time moving outside my home, but I wasn’t happy at all. I didn’t lose hope and tried to escape in the journey but I failed. My father sent me with his strongest league so I couldn’t even take one step outside that starship without being discovered.

The distance between my kingdom and my fiancée Empire was vast, but due to the high speed of the white falcon starship, it didn’t take a week to reach there. My kingdom was a magic-based kingdom. So this starship didn’t belong to us but was a gift from the prince to me.

When I reached that Empire, I knew that I lost everything. I was desperate and felt all my strength slipping away from me. I only knew some info about this prince from the hearsay that was spreading in my family palace.

His name was Respon. He was the successor to his father throne on the huge Empire of Frod. Frod was a deep-rooted Empire in history. Unlike my kingdom which was magic-based, Frod was a technological based Empire.

This was a bright future for me as my family said to me. But I know it was not! This 16 years old prince was like a sex maniac! He had his harem exceeding 100 young girls. I would only be just one of them. That was the main reason for my refusal to be engaged to such a man!

When I reached Frod capital city I was overwhelmed by their advanced technology from the start! This city was much bigger than my capital! What I first saw were these Mechas that stood proudly with might in front of me.

In front of them, I met that prince but I wasn’t focusing on him at all. I was captivated with their technology. I felt something was calling for me inside this city.

Respon w,as kind to me. He first introduced himself and took me on a tour around the city. Although we were accompanied by many mechas, we didn’t use any of them on our tour.

After we finished he made me visit his

harem area which extended for a huge space. His harem was filled by many big palaces and he showed one of them that belonged to me.

Any girl in my shoes would be very excited by this luxurious gift. I knew that he wouldn’t touch me except when I became 14. So he wasn’t so interested in me and I wasn’t interested in him either. He was about to leave when I asked suddenly:

Can I learn the technological way of the Frod Empire, my prince?

I saw a surprise look at him.

It seemed that he didn’t suspect me to ask for this. Later on, I learned that every girl he chose was living peacefully at their palaces and I was the first and the last of his harem to ask for something like this.

I was prepared for his refusal and was ready to fight for a chance for it.

“Why do you want to learn our Technology? As far as I know, you came from a magic-based kingdom?”

He was right and he surprised me with his question. I knew that he chose me because I was so beautiful. He was obsessed with beauty so he bought me! I said firmly and proudly to him:

“I don’t like this peaceful life at all. Life isn’t a game we play for fun. If I’m not strong enough to defend myself then I would live a miserable life. Beauty isn’t everything.”

He smiled and said:

“One day you will know that we live in a big game. Ok, I agree with your quest. But first, you need to take our ceremony test. If you failed this test then I can’t help you. “

Frod famous assessment test! I had heard a lot about this test. The Frod Empire was a very huge Empire that extended over one hundred kingdoms. It was one of the strongest Empires in the whole universe.

This Empire respected only the powerful, as weaklings didn’t have any place in it. This assessment test was an important step for me. Although I was a genius back home, here I was just a weak girl.

All those I have met and seen so far were way stronger than me. This didn’t disappoint me, by contrast, it ignited the challenge spirit hidden deep inside me. By then I didn’t fully know the content of my prophecy. If I knew it I would be surprised as I was walking on its footsteps literally.

This Frod test was a standard test for anyone who wished to join the Empire ranks and learn their Technology. There was no limit for anyone from outside this Empire.

They were encouraging many kingdoms to send their elites to take this test. Whoever succeeded in it, the Empire would recruit him immediately. That was a win-win situation for Frod and all the neighboring kingdoms.

For Frod, these newly recruited people would be a fresh blood injected in it. It also made their authority reach far beyond the limits of their Empire. That was a brilliant political plan that made many kingdoms related to Frod without shedding one drop of blood.

As for other kingdoms like mine, relating themselves to Frod was like an honor. Being related to Frod was a defense shield that protected these kingdoms. In my case, my kingdom escaped its demise when I was engaged to the crown prince of Frod. Who was mad enough to attack Frod crown prince fiancée home?

That would be insane!

“I want to take the test now if possible my prince.”

“Wow, I have a fighter here. That’s ok. There will be a test in the next couple of hours. I will take you there personally and recommend you. “

He wasn’t the cold-blooded person I imagined! I understood what he meant. He wanted to help me so I won’t fail. I thought about it. I knew there were ranks in the Frod Empire.

These ranks were defined starting from this test. If I didn’t aim for a high-level rank then I didn’t want to join them. My target wasn’t to just be listed in their ranks.

I was a genius in my hometown and I was pretty confident I would be a genius here too. I refused his good intentions saying:

“Thank you, my prince. But I want to achieve the results by my efforts. “

“Why do you bother yourself? I can assure you that you will get a good ranking.”

“I know. But I was a genius in my kingdom and I want to be tested fairly here too. “

“You think you can be a genius here too? I have to warn you, many kingdoms Elites and geniuses will be present here. They exceed you in age and experience. No one of them is lower than you in talent.”

I knew he was trying to help me, but I wanted to pass that test personally.

“Thank you again, my prince. I want to take this test and pass it personally without any help whatsoever. If I’m a genius then I will prove it.”

I noticed his look to me was different. I didn’t understand his emotions back then, but later I understood him so well. He was a lion born in the age of lamps! The Frod Empire was weakening day after day because of this treatment specifically.

This test was fair. The problem lied in those who were responsible for its evaluation. They were biased to many participants due to different reasons. So for many millennia, Frod ranks were filled with many unworthy Elites.

“I admire your spirit. I will only warn those to evaluate you fairly. Are you satisfied?”

I didn’t understand his words well at that time, but I said nonetheless:

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“Sure. Thank you again, my prince.”

“No problem. You are my fiancée and I’m looking forward to your evaluation. Now come with me.”

I followed him in the crowded streets of this capital. I learned that this capital name was “Almighty City”. Its name was arrogant! But they were Frod and they had all the reasons to be this arrogant!

I finally reached a huge building where the test would be held. As he promised, he went inside for a while before appearing again as he said:

“I have talked with the judges about you. They will be fair and won’t be biased to you in any way. The test will be held in ten minutes. You should go inside now. Do you want me to tell you about this test?”

I knew that the test process should be a secret. But she heard much hearsay in her kingdom about that test. It was like a quiz that she had to choose an answer from.

Based on the percentage of her right answers she would be placed in the ranks. She had 50% of the test on her right answer percentage and 50% of the impression she left in the judges who watched her.

Although she didn’t know how these judges would evaluate her, she didn’t want to know anything more about the test.

“Thank you again, my prince. I wanted to pass it alone.”

“You are a stubborn girl. I like you. Ok, go ahead but don’t forget: be quick in your answers.”

Respon wasn’t a fool. He must know that I already have my share of info about this test. His tip was valuable to me. Speed was an important factor here in this test. I looked at him in appreciation before I entered the test building.

It was right to say it was an arena, not just a building! When I entered inside I passed through a white halo that turned green with pleasant sound saying:

“Participant Dolly is already registered in the system. Welcome to the Frod test. I wish you good results. Please proceed to your specific area. The test will start in five minutes. Good luck.”

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