Chapter 1, Training

In a blur, Ianna’s body flew through the air again. Landing with a heavy thud as the dust mom’s uppercut kicked up settled. As Ianna’s spar was finishing I started to flip through the book. Eager to learn already seeing how this technique could be used defensively.

As I am most likely not going to be using a shield and instead use my left hand to cast spells. It would be hard for me to block attacks. Leaving only one choice, dodging. Reading through the few notes mom has already made. I can see that that’s why she chose this technique. Not just because of her experience with it.

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Mom spoke as she lifted Ianna on her shoulder. Approaching closer I can see that she hadn’t even worked up a sweat during that fight. Fast as it was.

“I can see you already got my idea. Being able to dodge will be a great asset for you in the future since you are going to be relying on magic when attacking. Half of the techniques in this art have something to do with mobility and the special version I made for you has a few defensive techniques I made later on.”

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Sitting next to me she took out another, larger, book from underneath the bench.

“While we could just jump straight into learning techniques you wouldn’t be able to follow. Everyone needs a good foundation when learning martial arts. So for about a week or so we are going to be focusing on just the first page.”

During my previous training, we went over simple things like different kinds of stances and attacks. So I was pretty confident we wouldn’t have to spend so much time on just the center of gravity. Steering my eyes down upon the drawing of a man in a shallow horse stance with a small circle drawn on his stomach. Feet far apart and his back straight he moved. The next few illustrations demonstrated him moving and shifting into different stances before returning to the horse stance. The entire time however the circle never left its original position by much. 

By keeping one’s center low and controlled enemies will have a much harder time breaking your stance. This basic knowledge has one other use, however. That is that by having greater control of one’s center you can accelerate and decelerate much faster by throwing it around. Allowing for sudden movements to be chained continuously. Paired with shadow magic allows for very fast and unpredictable movements.’

“Seems simple…”

“We’ll see about that El. Now, get up and get into the starting stance. Make sure to grab your training sword as well so you can get used to it. I’ll be doing it with you so just follow my lead.”

Walking out and away from the bench I squat down slightly. The pressure on my legs rises a bit as I secure my stance, sword in front, and my hands up. Looking over I see her take a step forward and copy. She then almost dips into a turn dragging her foot lightly as she turns around. While I did it with reasonable ease I could feel myself almost dipping too far.

“Good, now start shifting your weight around. Get a feel for it. Feel the difference that’s caused by your sword. Then fight back against it and try to maintain your center.”

Moving my upper body in a swivel motion I can feel the sword pulling it to the right. Almost like a drift I have to pull myself against it. That was until I got a smack to the shin, ” Your feet are drawing closer, lower. Imagine sitting on a big horse. Your horse should be well fed. You are my/the queen’s son after all.”

Feet pushed out again I tried again. This time not leaning too far in any direction keeping it steady. Following after her I shuffled forward and cut diagonally with the sword. Only to receive another kick as she straightened my posture again. Stepping too far forward with my right foot caused my center to fall. Overextending myself and almost slipping forward because of the weight applied to my foot.

Back instance we open with a step again. Swing, step, shuffle, cut, step rising cut step back. Then as we step back we once again turn sharply and step before thrusting out with the sword. I feel it tugging me forward as I fight against it. Already my stamina is getting drained as I flex whatever muscles I have as I stop myself. Shifting my weight backward I maintain my center and lean back.

“STRAIGHTEN UP! You could get knocked over with your weight back!”

“Y-yes Ma’am!”

 I might’ve been a bit cocky… 

As El followed his mother’s instructions Ianna began to wake up. 20 minutes later, raising herself from the bench the queen had placed her she began massaging her aches. ‘God, she is a monster. I couldn’t even land a good hit… There is a 2 stage difference so it ain’t fair in the first place but she tries so hard.’ Looking at El, now on the ground panting like a dog.

“Gotta get changed, training’s almost over.”


Walking back to my room was painful. My legs are even deader than after the run. Ianna had even asked if I wanted to be carried… I would’ve before but not anymore. It’s a weird feeling older than you are.

Stepping into my room I turned on the lamp on my desk. Ianna followed quickly behind to help me prepare for my classes later in the evening. Grabbing for my notebook I feel, it feels… heavier doesn’t it?

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