Chapter 82 You are expelled

That was right, it was her who had sent out the news. Last night, when the youngest aunt went to her home, she had told her within a few words that Su Mian was going to perform surgery on her.

Su Mian was truly unaware of her own limitations;  did she really think of herself as a miracle doctor? Even performing surgery on others, she might as well fly up to the heavens.

If Youngest Aunt was ill, then let her go to the hospital to be treated. Yet she just had to arrogantly show off her medical skills.

Who knew where she had learnt all of these unorthodox doctrines from, trying to win over people’s hearts.

Now, most of the villagers had consulted Su Mian for treatments. She had wanted to say something bad about her a few days ago and had almost been drowned by the spittle from this group of people.

“How can you slander Doctor Su so much? Is she not your younger cousin?”

“You said that Su Mian snatched away your fiancé? I heard that it was Wei Zhen Hui who proposed first. I also heard that your mother went to Old Wei’s house and offered to allocate them another 5 mu land, yet they were still unwilling to marry you!”

“The land belongs to the country, it is not your family’s backyard to give to whoever you want.”

“She cannot compare to Su Mian. Su Mian looks prettier than her, knows medical skills, and also has a good personality.”

“Su Hong, stop staring at other people. Why are you staying at home for such a long time? Could it be true that you were expelled from the army?”

All the villagers were there and the words they spoke were hurtful. How could Su Hong tolerate this suffering? The hatred for Su Mian in her heart deepened again.

Su Mian, just you wait!

She had clearly warned her not to tell anyone about her lying and asking for leave. Yet in the end, the troops still knew so she must have told Wei Zhen Hui.

The troops had set a deadline for her, asking her to go back straight away after the 15th. If she delayed any further, she would be expelled immediately.

Being condemned straight to her nose, Su Hong did not want to tolerate it anymore, “You are the one who was expelled, your whole family was expelled.” These few days, she had swallowed the insult and humiliation silently yet who knew that she was enduring it for nothing. These people had all been benefited by Su Mian and whenever they saw her, they would curry favour with her.

Several women were immediately unhappy, “You are also grown up, why do you say such unpleasant words? If you want to talk bad, just talk about me, why are you talking about my whole family?!”


Only allowed on

Thinking of this, Su Hong looked at the crowd in the yard with an even more vicious gaze.

Just what about her was good, how could you all defend her like this? If she had not seduced Wei Zhen Hui, could Wei Zhen Hui have agreed to marry her?

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She knew how cold Wei Zhen Hui was. On several occasions, she had designed an encounter with Wei Zhen Hui yet he had not spared her even a glance.

Many women in the army liked him, yet there was never even the slightest bit of gossip about him.

Yet when he met Su Mian, his heart was moved. Who could believe this? What kind of deception is this?

Today, she would let everyone see how Su Mian killed people!

Su Mian dragged her anaesthetised aunt into the operating room.

She had been busy preparing medicinal herbs for Wei Zhen Hui all this time, so this was the first time she entered. Although the operation room was small, all of the equipment was readily available.

Both Su Mian and Wen Wen put on surgical gowns. Wen Wen glanced at Su Mian and grinned cheekily, [With that outfit, you seem kind of authentic.]

Su Mian rolled her eyes. At any rate, she had been a military doctor in her previous life for several years and had often entered the operation room.

It was said that Wen Wen was helping, but it was actually Su Mian who led the operation. Wen Wen had only said a few words at crucial moments, then expressed that he could not stand the smell of blood and went out.

Two hours later, a profusely sweating Su Mian dragged her aunt out and put her onto the heatable brick bed.

Su Mian sat down on the chair weakly. She had not rested for a long time and her entire body felt exhausted.

Although the operation was small, she had no assistant nurses helping her the whole time so she had done all the work by herself.

- my thoughts:
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