Chapter 87 Slanderous Accusation

“Er Gou, don’t be afraid, talk about what’s going on, and Sister Su Mian will be the judge.”

Er Gou endured the pain, and recounted what happened this morning.

It turned out that in the morning he went to hunt pheasants in Hong Jian. Just after he installed the clamp, someone covered him in a gunny sack before he even got up. Then he was punched and kicked.

No matter how he rolled, those few people didn’t stop beating him up, they only left when he finally stopped moving.

He was beaten up so badly and when he struggled to get up, nobody could be seen.

He ran into Tiger and Shou Hou when he walked to the entrance of the village.

Shou Hou asked Er Gou to blame it on Su Jin Long, and agreed to let Er Gou join the group in the future after this.

Seeing Er Gou tell the truth, Shou Hou became anxious, “Er Gou, you have to speak with your conscience. It is obvious that Su Jin Long beat you. Don’t be frightened by Su Mian. Even if it is reported to the police station, Su Jin Long will still be the one to be detained as he doesn’t have an alibi.”

Shou Hou had a second uncle who worked at the police station and he more or less had heard of how they handled cases.

Er Gou said that while wiping his tears. Su Mian knew that he was telling the truth; she turned around and asked Shou Hou, “As long as you tell the truth and reveal the person who instigated you to frame Su Jin Long now, I will not take any action against you. But, if I have to find out who the real assailant is, at that time, you will be the accomplice!”

This time, Su Mian must teach the assailant behind the scenes a lesson, as he was so vicious that he beat Er Gou, and even framed Su Jin Long.

When Su Mian said this, Shou Hou suddenly became guilty. His second uncle seemed to have talked about the sentence of the culprit and accomplices.

But for a spot in the next recruitment, he held firm, “We all saw Su Jin Long do it. It’s pointless even if you bring it up to the police.”

After all, Shou Hou was still a child, and he couldn’t maintain a straight face. The momentary change in his face was noticed by Su Mian. She was even more convinced now that someone behind was trying to frame Su Jin Long, “Fine, I will now go to the Mayor, the village chief and the fellow comrades in the police station to investigate this case and find out who did this.”

“Go, go and report!” Shou Hou patted his thigh, he could just insist that it was Su Jin Long who did it. Who could do anything to him?

His second uncle was the director, Tiger’s father was the Mayor, and Su Jin Biao’s father was the chief of the village. No matter who she reported to, they would still side them.

Er Gou was seriously injured, and Su Mian would definitely not be able to perform surgery on him today, “You have two broken ribs, quickly find someone to take you to the county hospital, don’t delay.”

The genius doctor Su Mian had long been famous. Hearing what she said, Er Gou rolled his eyes and fainted.

A few villagers came over, supported him to find a car and took him to the hospital.

An hour after the Mayor Gao You Quan and the village chief Su Jiang Tao arrived, Li Jun, the director of the police station, arrived.

When Shou Hou saw his second uncle, he became more confident and immediately shouted, “Second uncle, you have to give me justice. Su Mian accused me of being an accomplice.”

Only allowed on

Li Jun wore the police uniform and strode over, followed by a young comrade who also wore a police uniform.

As soon as he got out of the car, he saw the Mayor Gao You Quan, he greeted him quickly before he nodded at his nephew.

The few boys who were still posing aggressively just now, were trembling in fright when they saw Li Jun in his police uniform. At this time, they just felt ashamed and didn’t want to stay any longer.

Shou Hou calmed them down softly, “What are you afraid of? That’s my second uncle, he is definitely on our side! When my second uncle asks questions later, just answer as we decided earlier!”

The few guys lowered their heads and dared not speak. The weapons in their hands had long been thrown away. They didn’t expect this incident would turn out to be such a big fuss that it would even involve the police.

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In that era, people were conservative; let alone children, even adults didn’t want to get involved in lawsuits.

A bunch of trash! All useless!

Shou Hou was so angry at their terror that he almost broke his teeth from grinding. Today, he went all out. No matter what, he wanted Su Jin Long to stay in the station for a few days.

- my thoughts:
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