Chapter 270 Break down the door

Su Mian and Wei Min chatted with the captains for a while before running back to the dorms. If they didn’t leave soon they wouldn’t be able to enter anymore.

Wei Min asked while they were running, “What were you and my brother talking about? I was waiting for you for so long. If you hadn’t come out then I would have broken down the door.” Then she chuckled, “Were the two of you doing something? The four team leaders seemed to have heard something.”

Su Mian: “…”

“How is that possible, stop laughing, your brother was injured, I was just applying some medicine on him,” Su Mian would never tell Wei Min that they were locked in an embrace for a long time. 

The change of topic was successful after Wei Min heard that.

“Ah, my brother rarely gets injured, he is a cold-faced military god, who could injure him!” Wei Min was puzzled, her brother rarely got injured unless he was in war, not in usual missions.

Even Wei Min had this reaction, so Su Mian was even more confused. Wei Zhen Hui did not tell her everything, it couldn’t be a normal mission. Since it must be a military secret, she didn’t want to ask.

When the two of them reached the entrance of the dorms, the dorm supervisor was about to close the door. Seeing the two of them running and panting, her face became cold, “What is going on today, so many of you are late, come in quick!”

“Thank you Aunty!” Su Mian and Wei Min stuck out their tongue and squeezed in through the crack of the door.

“Aunty, Aunty, please don’t lock the door, wait for us!” There was another group of girls who were late.

The dorm supervisor opened the door again and looked even more upset than before. Her glasses almost fell to the ground from the force she used to open the door but she immediately caught it. Her tone was unpleasant, “Quick! Next time I am telling your class teacher!”

There were so many behind, she had to close the door 10 minutes late today. The dorm supervisor was furious and her fury was reflected on her face.

She was usually quite strict but she didn’t target any particular person, it was just her nature to follow the rules with no exceptions.

These girls were pushing it, she had to inform the disciplinary teacher, otherwise they wouldn’t take her seriously as the dorm supervisor.

When Su Mian and Wei Min returned to the dorm, the others were still washing up. Liu Xiao Hui and Wan Li Li had also just returned to the dorm.

Seeing the two of them, Liu Xiao Hui asked in surprise, “Su Mian, Wei Min, you two were late too?” They were usually not late even if they had to study.

Before Su Mian could say anything, Wan Li Li said, “Stop asking, I’m sure they went to see the military like us! Right?”

Su Mian had a blank face. She supposed that was true and didn’t refute it.

Wei Min sat on the bed and asked them in return, “Wan Li Li, you too went to see them?” Wan Li Li always behaved like a good family girl, unlike Liu Xiao Hui who looked cute on the outside, but was wild on the inside.

Wan Li Li nodded and looked indignant, “Yes Wei Min, I went. I have decided to go every day from now on!”

“Wow you’re obsessed… there is no cure for you!” Wei Min kindly advised.

“I am not the only one who’s obsessed, don’t you know that all the girls in the dorm came back after dark today?”

Su Mian couldn’t help but sighed at the attractiveness of the military! However, she too was deeply attracted to Wei Zhen Hui in his military uniform.

- my thoughts:
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