Chapter 70- Astrid Reborn Part 1

A week quickly passed before KMega6KMegacharacter returned to Sword Kingdom and started working on the political and military situation of Eastguard that he had been neglecting since joining the GSP. Astrid7Astridcharacter’s ai shell seemed cold and autonomous. Only one other person noticed that something was wrong with Astrid, but because the system recognized Astrid as a companion, Yirk was forced to think nothing of it except that maybe she was mad at KMega.

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Yirk is a procedurally generated npc with randomly generated stats and traits that is rather generic and bland. He was meant to be a filler npc, but after KMega changed his sons questline, special traits and a different backstory were added to his character. Instead of a general lesser knight that had a decent ability like clairvoyance, he was now one of the survivings knight of the war that nearly destroyed his home country. He was inputted with information and experiences about his knight training and from his lover and wife. He was also given a backstory that was specifically created by the system. However, there was nothing normal about the ai he’s taken in and treated like a daughter. His new memory also remembered a conversation he had when he and his now deceased wife talked about wanting a daughter when she was with child. Since KMega, the person that he considered a second son was with Astrid; this came about naturally.


In the end, Yirk looked upon KMega and considered his naivety about the opposite sex made her angry and they were having a lover’s quarrel. This thought was later reinforced some time later when Astrid returned to the game and Yirk walked into KMega’s room to give a report before finding his hands on her bare chest. He then quickly closed the door and said to himself.

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“Ah, to be young again and exploring the wonders of women for the first time.” (Yirk)

He then walked away with the report in hand because KMega was obviously busy.


KMega was redder than Astrid as she grabbed his wrists during the interruption. Her scales being groped is what she longed for, but KMega was stunned. This was a completely new situation for him, so he didn’t know how to react. As he leaned in to kiss her, he didn’t even really know if they were a couple or not. That was the right move in a away; as Astrid forced KMega away from her chest. She was thinking that they only needed to do a little more and get through the next few steps. She then released her hold on KMega after noticing that he seemed to freeze like his game crashed. She then balled her fist as a blood vessel appeared on her forehead after accessing KMega’s IRL streaming gear. She found out that the two boys from the GSP pro team were forcing KMega out of the pod. After seeing this, she decided from this day on that she would make their lives a living hell.


KMega was both relieved and disappointed after being freed from the new situation he was in with Astrid. Half of him wanted to go back into the pod and finish what they started, while the other half wanted nothing more than to learn what was going on between them.

Since he’s only seen mature films, it was rather hard for him to comprehend since he’s never dealt with such a problem before.

- my thoughts:
Thanks to Michelle Ossiander on my patreon several chapters have been paid for 6 chapters for release I have missed giving out so for this week I will be doing double releases this week. bonus 5/6
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