Bk 3 Chapter 196 – Begin


Outside the Purple Heart, Two Flames camp, a large crowd of Beasts could be seen camping, waiting for something.

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“Someone’s coming.” A young lizard Beast shouted.

The large crowd immediately stood in alertness. Although there were all kinds of Beasts species represented in the group as a whole, to anyone paying attention, it was easily noted that there were many more reptiles present. In fact, the front row blocking the entrance to the camp was entirely comprised of reptiles.

This was a crazy sight to behold. However, considering that to them the Dragons were essentially the pinnacles of their bloodline, even though the Dragons themselves did not consider themselves as reptiles but instead an entirely different species, it should have been expected.

The gates to the camp opened, the numerous beasts looked on with bated breath. Much to their disappointment, a middle-aged Bull beast dressed in fire Guardian attire trudged out. Seeing the large crowd gathered before it, the Bull was taken aback. The crowd, however, paid him no mind as the flames of anticipation and excitement quickly snuffed out of their eyes as soon as they realised that it wasn’t Zilan.

They quickly spread, making way for the Bull beast to leave, but just as he was about to, a couple of reptiles whose auras suggested they were at the Black-core stage approached the Bull.

“May I know how to address you friend?” The leader of the small group of reptiles cupped his claws as he spoke. He had features resembling a sort of python but a flaming tail could be seen to his back.

The Bull was still stuck in a stupor, so it took a while for it noticed the Black-core stage python saluting him. He hurriedly returned the gesture, surprised and frightened. A Black core stage beast was saluting him even though he had yet to even reach that level.

“I’m called Sanu.” The Bull said.

“Nice to meet you, Sanu. I’m called Haimgrul, and these are my brothers.”

Sanu hastily cupped his hands towards the group of Beasts.

“Is there anything I can help you with?”

Haimgrul smiled wryly, “Yes, we were wondering if brother Sanu could help us get into your camp. Don’t misunderstand; we have no intention of creating trouble. All we seek is an audience with young Master Zilan.”

“That… the Master of the camp as well as young Master Fujo have both forbidden anyone from bringing guests into the camp. There’s really nothing I can do to help you. Please, excuse me.” Having said that, Sanu saluted them before moving to depart. Haimgrul, however, cut him off.

“It’s quite an urgent matter. Is there really nothing you can do for us?” He flashed a few thousand mystic grains from his badge, trying to entice Sanu.

Seeing this, a light flashed in Sanu’s eyes, “Why do wish to see young Master Zilan?”

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“Hmph! You should mind your own business.” One of the reptiles in Haimgrul’s group snorted.

“Ha ha, there’s no need for that, now is there?” Haimgrul laughed, glaring at the one who spoke out of turn. “We truly cannot reveal our reasons to you, friend. So, what do you say, will you help us?”

He slung his arm around Sanu’s shoulder, but upon experiencing an uncomfortable sensation, he quickly retracted it. Nevertheless, he still wore a smile.

Sanu shook his head in disappointment, his eyes fixated on Hamigrul’s mystic. “There’s really nothing I can do. Beyond the gate are too many guards, not to mention the ‘Two Flames’ who keep watch on everything that comes into the camp.” Sighing, Sanu walked away from the crowd.

“Waste of time.” The one who snorted earlier sneered upon seeing Sanu depart.

“Shut up!” Haimgrul growled. “Now is neither the time nor the place for your foolishness. We need to be the first to the see young Master Zilan before the opportunity slips from our hands. Whoever meets him first will probably have the best chance.”

As the reptiles were discussing amongst themselves, Sanu was casually strolling along the streets of the Alchemy Association. Recalling the large crowd of people, especially the reptiles, he could not help but intake a sharp breath. Haimgrul’s group had left quite the impression on him.

This seemingly unnoticeable, weak Bull was actually none other than Zilan in disguise using his shape-shifting ability. Coupled with some average acting, he was essentially unrecognisable to everyone in the Association.

When Haimgrul had slung his arm around his shoulder, Zilan had peered into his intentions for wanting to meet. It turned out that he was hoping to exchange for a few drops of blood. Apparently, there existed a legend amongst the reptiles of this world that should they successfully absorb the blood of a Dragon, they would be able to experience a bloodline evolution, turning into something more than a mere reptile.

Well, such a thing was indeed plausible, but he was not too optimistic that a bunch of reptiles lacking even basic knowledge on bloodlines would be able to induce an evolution in themselves.

‘No point in thinking about them.’ He thought.

Needless to say, he was not donating any of his blood to anyone. He was, after all, not just an Elemental Dragon. His bloodline was something no one in the Universe would be able to handle, and even if someone could, he would still not do it. He, himself, had yet to discover all of the mysteries of his Bloodlines, so how could he just go around giving it away?

With his pace, Sanu, or rather Zilan, arrived at the Treasure Pavilion in no time.

He had worried that he would have to manually search the Pavilion’s inventory to find the items he needed, but unexpectedly, a prompt to pay two merit points popped up as soon as he accessed the interface. He had never heard such a function in the pavilion but suspecting that it had something to do with the Chairman, Zilan immediately agreed, transferring the Merit points.

A notice confirming the success of the transaction appeared before the pavilion asked where he would like his goods delivered. He naturally keyed in his house at the camp. Making sure everything was correct, he exited the premises, heading back home.


He took his time returning. The more he looked around, the more he felt that the Alchemy Association seemed different. Of course, it wasn’t the Association that had changed but rather him. The eyes with which he looked at the Association now as compared to when he first arrived here had lost the fear, anticipation, and excitement. Right now, he was not as intimidated as he was back then.

He didn’t know why, but that’s just how he felt. Taking a deep breath and burning the sight into his mind, Zilan smiled, strolling back home.

Those who saw his behaviour thought he looked quite silly; added on that he was a Bull, most people found the sight hilarious. Zilan, however, didn’t care.


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