Chapter 6 – Exploring the neighborhood with a brick in my pocket (2)

The moment he looked down, I whipped the brick out of my pocket and bashed the side of his head with it.

The man, James Clerr immediately reeled backward, his head snapping back from the force of the hit before he staggered and straightened up. His glare was vicious as he clutched his swelling face.

“You bastard, you think you can fight b-”

I swung the brick again, catching him right in his eye.

“Arghhhh.” James Clerr screamed before falling to his knees, blood streaming down half of his face.

“I’m going to kill you, you bastard! Just you wait!” James shouted as he began reaching into his pocket.

“You’re so durable.” I muttered while tossing the brick up and down, “Or maybe I’m the weak one? Regardless, I just have to hit you enough times and eventually, you’ll pass out.”

As I slowly walked towards him, he suddenly swung his fists at me. Even though I ducked, I felt a sharp pain on my cheek and could feel something slowly dripping down my face.

“Did you just attack me?” I asked incredulously, wiping the blood flowing down my cheek.

I watched as James Clerr staggered to his feet. Although he was standing, I could see that his vision looked unfocused. It seemed the brick had done enough damage after all.

“Heh. Do you think you’re the only one who can dish out hits? I’ll show you the power of an awakened person you damn brat.” He immediately got in a boxing stance, his gaze ugly and vicious with the blood dripping down and his swollen left eye.

“I look forward to it.” I gave him a shark-like grin before dashing towards him. As he swung his fists again, I ducked down while swinging the brick at his face once more.

“If you think I’ll fall for that again, you’ve got another thing coming!” He yelled while quickly punching out with his other arm. In my vision, I could see swirls of green wind swirling around his arms as he swung his fist


I immediately kneed him in his crotch as hard as I could. An unholy sound escaped his mouth as he immediately dropped his hands to protect his manhood.

“That’s cheating! You’re a man too!” He squealed as his face turned pale.


Without any hesitation, I smashed the brick on his face and he fell to the floor. Immediately, I squatted over his body, repeatedly smashing his head with the brick until he stopped moving.

“How disgusting, now I’m all dirty.” I wiped off the blood splattered on my face in disgust, before wiping the brick clean on his clothing.

After making sure he was still breathing even if it was a bit rough, I searched his pockets removing a wallet, a small taser, and a smartphone.

Fortunately or unfortunately, the phone was unlocked while the wallet had no cash. Just an ID and a bank card.


“I’m so hungry”

I couldn’t help but sigh as my empty stomach made itself known again. Rather than waste my energy standing, I flipped James Clerr over onto his stomach and seated myself comfortably on his back. If I had to wait for him to wake up, I might as well do it comfortably.

I browsed around his phone noting that it was currently April 30, two days before the opening ceremony. According to James Clerr’s words and my ID card, I was a student at First Magic High. The opening ceremony was in two days which meant I needed to get to school ASAP.

Since a very willing gopher and bank account had delivered itself to my doorstep, I planned to properly use him before throwing him away.

Humming to myself, I checked my status screen.


Asani Martin

Child of the Nox Clan

Gifts: 3/3

Gifts: ▷Eye of Odin (D), ▷Beloved By Mana (F), ▷Mana Craftsman(F)

Curses: 5 Effects.

Blessing: 5 Effects.

Crimes committed: (1/1)(Assault & Battery, Theft)

Familiar: None

Mana attribute: N/A ]

Noticing that the crime countdown timer had disappeared, it seemed that my beating somebody into unconsciousness and possibly robbing them counted as a crime.

To test it out, I placed everything I took from James back into his pockets but the status stayed the same except theft was removed.


I took everything back, comfortably arranged myself, and began playing PvZ on this phone.

As I was getting into the game, I felt him begin to stir below me.

“What the hell…”

“Oh, you’re awake? It took you about an hour to wake up. How resilient.” I lightly commented before holding my brick to his head.

“You bastard, how dare you-”

“Watch the way you talk to me.” I interrupted.


I bashed him on the head again, knocking him out.

An hour later.

“When I get my hands on you-”

“Be respectful when you talk to me” I repeated.


He passed out again.

“I going to kill-”

“I said be respectful.”


I knocked him out again.

And again.

And again.

After about 5 hours, my stomach was still constantly rumbling and my legs were cramping up from sitting in one place. It was already midnight and the crime counter had started up again.

As I felt him begin to stir beneath me again, I preemptively held the brick to the back of his head.

“Shall I put you to sleep once more?” I coldly asked him. While it had been fun in the beginning, this scenario was getting tiring.

“…No sir. How can I be of service to you?”

“You can be of service by going to sleep one more time. I need to check something.” I chuckled darkly as I gently tapped the brick on the back of his head.

“No! Please wait! I’m being polite! I’m being respectful! Why are you doing this?”

“I told you. I need to check something. Besides, how can I trust that you won’t attack me once I stop hitting you hmm?”

“I won’t attack you! I promise! If you keep staying here, somebody could walk by and discover us.” I could feel him shaking in fear but I wasn’t moved.

“Trusting the promise of an adult who regularly robbed and wanted to beat up a kid? I would be stupid to believe that. Besides no one has walked by in the past couple of hours why would that change now? If you really promise not to attack me, tell me how your abilities work. I saw that you are a wind user?”

The shivering immediately stopped and James Clerr became still. I felt his body tense up and chuckled to myself.

“You arrogant brat! Do you think you’ve got me beat? When I get my hands on you, I’ll make you regret being born!” As he began bucking and yelling, I shook my head in pity.

“As I thought. You’re not ready to repent. Didn’t I tell you to be polite when talking to me?”


I knocked him out again.

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