Chapter 9:A New Ability, A New Discovery

We are in awe,Lance has a half body of a kangaroo.Lance kinda looks more energetic,he looks more buffed,his hop is higher than before,this is a new one.

Elyzer just looked at him with a surprised face,his raptor just roared.Lance took a hop forward,*swoosh*Elyzer tried to punch him*swift Lance dodges *Bang*bang* Lance counter attack him,the punch sounded louder than before.

The Velociraptor tried to pin him down from behind*swift*bang*bang* Lance dodges punch the Velociraptor and went flying,The Avengers squad cheered and some from The Elite Squad also cheered.

Elyzer distanced himself,he called his Velociraptor,they looked like both of them were communicating to each other.Suddenly both of them made a move,the raptor went to the left and Elyzer went to the right.

The raptor attacked first,he tried to bite Lance *swift*the raptor missed,Lance tried to counterattack the raptor but saw a shadowy figure from behind,it was Elyzer,he tried to jump at him to land a punch *swift* Lance’s dodges *BANG* Elyzer got punched on the stomach and went flying,Elyzer landed on his feet and try to charged at Lance again with his raptor.

I just kept on watching and thinking,if Lance can merge with his kangaroo,does that mean Elyzer and the previous fighters can merge with their animals too?

I looked at Elyzer,his face was already bruised,he looked exhausted,his raptor just got punched and went flying again,he’s just standing there.Lance saw him,he charged his right arm, Elyzer just stood there watching him.

Lance hopped in front of Elyzer,Lance’s right arm made a symbol of a kangaroo and landed a punch on Elyzer’s stomach and went flying again.Elyzer fell on the ground.

Elyzer again stood up,he looked like he never got unconscious but he still looked tired.The raptor runs to Elyzer,limping.Lance just watch,again,Elyzer looks like he’s communicating with the raptor.

As the same,the raptor is turning into particles head to toe,the particles float and went inside Elyzer,we waited.Lance noticed what he was doing,he tried to get closer to Elyzer to stop him.

Elyzer dodged and ran away,Lance kept on chasing him,we noticed something,there are raptor skins coming out of his body,Lance noticed it was too late so he stopped and had no choice but to wait.

Sharp nails are coming out,a tail is growing out at his buttocks,feathers coming out of his arm,both of his eyes turned into raptor eyes,he finished transforming.



He roared,he sounded like a raptor,his behaviour is like a raptor,his arm is acting like the way of a raptor,Lance just looked at him with terror,like he’s looking at it like some kind of different ugly creature but he kept on hopping

Something is bugging me,Elyzer doesn’t look like the way Lance merges with his kangaroo.Lance have a kangaroo hair at his right body,some kangaroo hairs at his left body,right eye of a kangaroo and a right ear of a kangaroo thet grows to his head,but Elyzer’s merge is different,not much of a raptor skins just only grows at one half of his body,raptor skins just grows out everywhere on his body,some human skins is still visible,both eyes turned to raptor eyes and tails grow out him,both of them have different merge style but I don’t know why.

Elyzer looked at Lance,he roared and charged at him,he tried to scratch Lance with his right arm nails,Lance dodged away and tried to counterattack him on the face,Elyzer tilted his head,Lance missed.Elyzer looked at Lance and saw the opportunity,he charged his left hand as fast as he could.


He punched Lance to the face,he went flying,he landed on his feet.Elyzer again with speed,charged at Lance again,he tried to slash Lance again,Lance hopped away and tried a counterattack again,Elyzer again tilted his head.


It sounded louder,Elyzer hit Lance on the stomach,I didn’t realize that Elyzer charged his right arm before and while running at Lance.Lance fell to the ground and went unconscious,I didn’t know you could get unconscious by getting punch or hit at the stomach,the referee rushes over to count,Lance didn’t wake up.

Elyzer won,we cheered and his squad rushed over,Elyzer transformed again to a human.I just stayed sit and took notes from the fight.

Well that’s a new one…and scary

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