Chapter 321: The Small Imp who Recommended Himself

“Those were my same thoughts as well, Master.” ‘So No.3 actually thought about the problem himself…now that’s rare…’ Suppressing my desire to make fun of him any further, I paused in thought for a second before asking: “Have you found anybody of use after conducting a headcount?” In truth, there was a reason why I asked that question, and that …

Chapter 320: Thoughts of Captivity

While talking about eating Nola’s kin, the Demon Fire Worms, in front of her face was a little… There really was no choice was there? Without a source of food, establishing a faction was basically impossible. Thankfully, she wasn’t one to mind such matters. After all, she ate them too… As worms without any offensive attack whatsoever, they relied on …

Chapter 319: Sometimes, Even Trying to Leave is a Problem

The new world doesn’t possess any magical element. However, there does exist a certain, almost primitive, kind of energy…because we still aren’t able to send over our Necromancers, the nature of this energy cannot be analysed…at the same time, the possibility of errors cannot be ruled out…after all, the low level skeletons we sent over haven’t been there for too …

Chapter 318: A Fight That Didn’t Make Sense

‘*cough* Shadow Clone? You mean my Shadow Demon? That was just ripped to shreds by that giant fish, can it even still be summoned?’   “Shadow Clones are just clones made from mana. As long as you survive the backlash and you still have enough mana, summoning it again shouldn’t be a problem. Dear little brother of mine, you know …

Chapter 317: The Right Way to Kill a Person in an Instant

Unlike the black flames of that sprite, Nether Flame was a flame of pure destruction that could burn down everything in the world. In terms of grade, it was innately more powerful than the sprite’s black flames.   “At first, I thought that the flames on you were Nether Flames.” Still bound up by the sprite, I was more than …

Chapter 316: The Right Way to Use Nether Flames, Yo~

Just as Nola was struck a forceful blow that skewed her heads sidewards momentarily, a blade, made of pure flames, came roaring at it right that very instant.   I didn’t even have the time to react as a frightful gash was ripped right across her head, nearly revealing the white underneath in the process. A gush of blood spewed …

Chapter 315: Black Blades

Perhaps it was because of my absolute show of confidence or perhaps it was because a strange stickman suddenly appeared out of thin air, but either way, that sprite immediately took up a guarded stance the moment he saw the strange shadow flying towards him. His gaze was immediately drawn to the Shadow Demon Guardian, as if he was expecting …

Chapter 314: Summoning Stick Figures

“Bark bark!~~~” Cinderel galloped up to Mo Na as she stood beside that Winged Abyssal Golem. From the way she barked, it was almost as if she wasn’t just trying to show off her existence this time, but was also declaring her intention to enter battle.   Mo Na, however, shook her head at the excited little puppy: “Cinderel doesn’t …

Chapter 313: Demonic Fire Sprite

“Demonic Fire Sprites!” Sinmosa immediately recognized the two silhouettes from a mere glance and hurriedly yelled out: “Watch out, Nola!”   For the most part, the Demonic Fire Sprites we saw were the same as the Fire Elementals appearance-wise. The biggest difference between the two would be their darker shade of red as compared to the red of a Fire …

Chapter 312: It’s Nautilus, Titan of the Depths!

“What’s going on?” Asked Sinmosa as she took a few steps forward, braving through the curtain of falling lava in the process. While it might have seemed like she was about to jump into the lava lake as well, she didn’t. Jumping in right now would be extremely foolish and she at least knew that much.   Thus, she chose …