C92: Conclusion (End of Hell Arc)

A pentagram array formed entirely of mana suddenly appeared beneath Mo Ke’s feet. Within seconds, Mo Ke was engulfed by the magical array, bringing Shadowfang and the Grimoire of the Dead along with him as he disappeared. The only thing that remained was the devil egg that fell to the ground having lost its master’s support. Seeing this, Habona immediately …

Chapter 91: Mimiya

“In that case, all you need to do is follow my movements.” After throwing out those ambiguous words, Habona proceeded to perform the Inversion Cut twice. She first leapt to the left before leaping to her original position. As she performed the Inversion Cut, I definitely saw her center of gravity shift towards the right and yet it moved to …

Chapter 90: Inversion Cut

High-grade equipment and experts were the backbone of a country. Human countries could be separated into three tiers, a principality, a kingdom and an empire. The kingdom of Tarnia naturally belonged in the middle of that tier system. It’s said that each country has a high-grade enchanted gear that stabilizes the fortunes of its country. Epic enchanted gears are enough …

Chapter 89: Shadowfang

Enchanted equipment was a broad category assigned to gear which have been infused with mana. Humans have created a grading system for their equipment, starting with Normal-grade for the most basic of weaponry and armor, followed by Exquisite-grade for higher tiered versions of normal gear. Anything above that are enchanted equipments which have their own grading system as well. It …

Chapter 88: A Fight Between Sisters

Ahh, what am I going to do about this issue surrounding my gender! Truth be told, I shouldn’t blame him either. After all, the problem stemmed from my own body. However, the question then becomes, exactly what went wrong with my body that caused me to be neither a man nor a woman. Did I botch my reincarnation and ended …

Chapter 87: Persuading Allies Part 2

A Summoning Zone was a special zone where the spatial barriers were significantly weaker than other zones. Any creature living in these zones could be summoned and were able to respond to summons from a different world. The summoner would open up a dimensional passage with a sacrificial rite where an offering or mana was offered up in order to …

Chapter 86: Persuading Allies Part 1

“HAHAHAHAHA…” She actually roared with laughter and even dropped that arrogant tone of hers. Exactly how happy was this potato! “Are you done laughing!?” I tossed the Grimoire of the Dead at Numila which was swiftly caught by her. She gazed at the black grimoire before tossing it back to me with a disinterested look. She turned back to me …

Chapter 85: Mo En

Even though I said that…after giving it some though, I don’t think I can actually beat her even if I tried…errr, just wait till I finish cultivating my godlike techniques, I’ll get you then. For now, I’ll let you off. Be grateful for my benevolence, bird woman! Having to deal with that flying bast*rd once more, Habona was in a …

Chapter 84: Harpy Witch

Within the harpy race, there were those who possess a stronger bloodline than others. Theses harpies are known as Harpy Witches. These witches possess an appearance similar to humans and have a pair of wings growing out of their backs; unlike their brethren who instead have wings for hands. With their natural affinity and talent for elemental magic, these harpies …

Chapter 83: Numila. Blaze

The sudden change in behavior caught me off guard, barely allowing me to time react before I was accosted by the two perverts…thankfully, I had a clear idea of what caused this unusual change in the four potatoes; it’s that strange chorus. Even though we all heard the same chorus, they were visibly more affected by it than I was. …