Chapter 12:Why Are You Kneeling?

Consuming souls was an innate ability of devils. To them, the more tortured the soul was before dying, the more delicious it was. This cruel reality was common among all the devils in hell. Eating the souls of their own race in order to strengthen themselves was how they survived in hell. ​ I once saw a large imp eat …

Chapter 11: Hunting in the Sea of Blood

Species Name: Abyssal Devil Original Sin: Gluttony Surname: Beelzebub Tier Level: Seventh Racial Characteristics: Strengthening their body , Regenerating their wounds after eating Evolution Tree: Small Imp, Large Imp, Head Imp, Demon Child, Flame Demon Child, Horned Demon, Purgatory Devil, Abyssal Devil Interests: Eating and sleeping and then eating and sleeping Attitude towards Humans: You look pretty tasty (drooling). ——From …

Chapter 10: The Second Reincarnation

Species Name: Fallen Angel Original Sin: Pride Surname: Lucifer Tier Level: Seventh Racial Characteristics: Control of Darkness , Gifts (unknown) Evolution Tree: N/A Interests: Not all of the fallen angels are arrogant. In fact, their personalities are extremely similar to human beings Attitude towards Humans: Meh ——From <<Devils and Men>> ——————————————————————————————————————– Death came to Mo Ke like a fleeting dream. …

Chapter 9: Recognized

Species Name: Scythed Devil Original Sin: Greed ​ Surname: Mammon ​ Tier Level: Seventh ​ Race Specialty: Harvesting souls Evolution Tree: Small Imp, Large Imp, Head Imp, Demon Child, Flame Demon Child, Infant Devil, Greater Devil, Scythed Devil Interests: Enslaving souls. Why must we fight? Can’t we just happily count money together? Attitude towards Humans: How about it? I’ll give …

Chapter 8: Goblins Vs Devils

Species Name: Greater Flame Demon Original Sin: Wrath ​ Surname: Samuel ​ Tier Level: Seventh ​ Racial Characteristics: Born with the Flames, Destructive Power increases with anger ​ Evolution Tree : Small Imp, Large Imp, Head Imp, Demon Child, Flame Demon Child, Infant Flame Demon, Flame Demon, Greater Flame Demon Interests: Flame. Destruction. Attitude towards Humans: Likes to burn the …

Chapter 7: Leaving Home

Species Name: Greater Lust Demon Original Sin : Lust Surname : Asmodeus Tier Level: Seventh Racial Characteristics: Control over Darkness, Fire. Excels in Psychic Magic Evolution Tree : Small Imp, Large Imp, Head Imp, Demon Child, Flame Demon Child, Succubus, Lust Demon, Greater Lust Demon Interests: Being a dominatrix. Possessing strong devils. Attitude towards Humans: Eats them if they aren’t …

Chapter 6: Abyss of the Heart

Nicole had been kidnapped. Ever since Sares came back, Nicole basically ignored me. She spent all of her time with him and none with me. On the surface the whole conservation looked like it was just about fighter’s aura, but couldn’t she have just asked Roscar? No matter how you cut it, a five-star warrior was a lot stronger than …

Chapter 5: Sares’ Shadow

Hell can be split into three levels: Purgatory of trials, Gehenna of Ice and Abaddon of Sins. Purgatory was covered in flames and only devils could live there. On the other hand, Gehenna and Abaddon were freezing cold. If one wasn’t thoroughly prepared for the cold, even your piss would freeze before it landed on the ground. Gehenna was the …

Chapter 4: Powerless

While Chaique was located in a remote corner of the kingdom, its forests were full of game due to its proximity to the frontiers. As a result, there were a lot of villagers who relied on hunting for a living. Out of these hunters, Roscar was the undisputed champion among them. His strength had risen to a five-star warrior’s level …

Chapter 3: A New Life

We ran throughout the night until we finally reached the borders of the kingdom. The frontier areas were chaotic and far from the draconic rule of that lord. This was the perfect place to hide out due to its safety. On our journey, we met with bandits several times. Some of them were soldiers pretending to be bandits and some …