Volume 6 Chapter 335: The Hidden Crisis Of The Region Surrounding The Christian Hotel

Olsylvia Academy’s internal ranking competition for the year was slated to commence in two days. This time, the participants would be separated into small groups, and their order would be random. However, each participant would be able to pick the gender of their teammates. As the students had no idea if they would be allocated with their girlfriends or boyfriends, …

Volume 6 Chapter 332: Exploring the Secret Basement in Crom Cathedral’s Ruins in the Destroyed Cromwell Village Once More

The Manasvir Empire’s Capital, Macnadix City. In the eastern district’s Christian Hotel’s private reception room, Imperial Envoy Amy was hosting a feast for several of the Empress’s trusted aides, Palace Archmage Ronnie and the Empire’s Prime Minister Anne. Her most important aide, Great General Fanny, was not here. She was currently guarding over the Empress. Unlike other human empires, the …

Volume 6 Chapter 331: The Hidden Crisis Of The Empire’s Capital Macnadix City

The hotel lobby of the Christian Hotel located in the eastern region of Macnadix City, the capital of the Manasvir Empire. When Bella emerged from the private pool, she bumped into President Isaman, who was looking for her. President Isaman was dressed in a set of white priest’s robes. Other than the fact that it did not have the Radiant …

Volume 6 Chapter 330: Special Morning Prayers in the Empire’s Capital, Macnadix City

The Manasvir Empire’s Capital, Macnadix City. As the richest of the five human empires, Macnadix City was not only large, but it was also a complete commercial hub. With close to thirty million inhabitants, this super city had a population comparable to the large cities on Earth. Macnadix City’s royal guards numbered more than two million. Even though they had …

Volume 6 Chapter 329: Small Conflict After Resolving Cromwell Village’s Strange Occurence

Manasvir Empire’s capital, Macnadix City. Inside the great hall of the royal palace, two dark figures are sitting face to face, playing chess on a black and white checkerboard atop a golden table. The only difference is that the pieces looked slightly different. They were all hideous and terrifying-looking, with not a single normal piece. “Chapman City has been taken …

Volume 6 Chapter 328: The Mysterious Singing of Cromwell Village at Night

Manasvir Empire, the outskirts of the capital, Macnadix City, Cromwell Village. In a brilliant flash of blue, the large scale teleportation array deposited several thousand girls from Olsylvia Academy on the ground. Even the dimensional magic specialized Supreme Magic Mentor Catalina, with the help of President Angelia, would have trouble using such a powerful spell. As soon as Catalina caught …

Volume 6 Chapter 327: The Perfect Ending To Operation Escaping Chapman City

The Grand Duke Gould’s mansion within Chapman City, one of the defense cities of the Manasvir Empire’s capital, the Macnadix City. Bella and Noreya were hiding on the roof of Grand Duke Gould’s mansion. After witnessing the Grand Duke’s near animalistic “dominant actions,” Noreya whipped out her bow and arrow as she was fully prepared to shoot the man.  Bella …