Volume 4 Chapter 176: An Imperfect Ending to the Bloodbath at Nolan City

Swiftly, the skeleton troops surrounding Bella delivered the Death Knight armor made for demon kings to her side. Within five minutes, she had taken off her golden Holy Knight’s armor and replaced it with the new set of black armor. One of the more agile skeleton soldiers then put on Bella’s previous set of armor and helped her to continue …

Volume 4 Chapter 175: Nolan City Under The Siege Of The Demons

This wasn’t Bella’s first visit to Nolan City. Last time, she had infiltrated the ancient city with Noreya and Elaine. Here, she had received a big bevy of beauties such as Anya, Emily, and Dinah, which made it a very fruitful operation.  The Demon Army had marched overnight and arrived at the outskirts of Nolan City before dawn the next day. …

Volume 4 Chapter 174: The Second Great Battle of the Vaughan Plains

Sarnia Duchy’s Capital City, Sarni City. Demons have already reclaimed the surrounding areas. The defeated Beastmen army that consisted of a million soldiers had retreated to the Vaughan Plains. Bella’s Six Paths Army, except for the Second Path Army “Blood Rose,” had mysteriously increased in number. Their numbers rose from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands. “I say… Lisha, …

Volume 4 Chapter 171: Sarni City After the Clash of Darkness

It had been preordained that tonight would not be an ordinary night in Sarni City. The moon did not appear in the night sky, and Sarni City’s leader, Duchess Bellina, was still having fun inside her secret study. She was oblivious to the situation happening on the city wall’s defense line. Sarni City’s city walls were brightly lit by the …

Volume 4 Chapter 170: Sarni City Under The Curtain Of Night

The battle to defend Sarnia Duchy had been going on for almost a week. Millions of Beastmen had surrounded the capital, Sarni City, for quite some time now, yet there was no progress. After much deliberation, the Beastmen sent an emissary, intending to have a chat with Duchess Bellina, the head commander of Sarnia Duchy. The emissary for the task …

Volume 4 Chapter 169: When the Lord is on a Break in the Capital of Sarnia Duchy

The palace’s grand hall in the City of Swords, which was the imperial city of the Gabriel Empire, was filled with various scholarly and military ministers. Every news that the capital had received so far from the frontline in the south had been bad news. The emperor of the Gabriel Empire, Alfred the Third, sat on his throne with a …

Volume 4 Chapter 168: Returning To The War-ridden Sarni City

The southern border of Gabriel Empire, Sarni City, the capital of Sarnia Duchy had become the last line of defense for the humans. If it were captured by the Beastmen Army again, the entire southern border of Gabriel Empire would be exposed to the Beastmen. The two moats outside the city walls were dyed red by the blood of the …

Volume 4 Chapter 167: Fleeing From Duke Brandon’s Grand Residence In Victory

The southern border region of Gabriel Empire, Nolan City, the former capital of Norlander Duchy, the city lord’s mansion built by former city lord, Duke Brandon. White Wolf Princess Tania was attending a war mobilization meeting hosted by Wolf King Springhall. Tania and Wolf King Springhall were distant relatives. The Beastmen currently had a total of nine rulers. Apart from …