Chapter 11- Forming the Foundation Part 3

{Empress}   After that display, my man became extremely weakened, then he returned his head to my lap. “Now, does anyone else want to challenge our leadership?” (Empress) They all very quickly shook their heads in fear. “As I said before…. If you want to leave, you’re free to do so. However, if you stay here, you’ll work for us. …

Chapter 10- Forming the Foundations Part 2

{Emperor’s Diary}   After going over our overall plan for a second time, a wolf beastkin then stepped forward. “Are you mad? You’re a dragon1dragonspeciesnewt, so you must know how hard it is to attack that pass.” (Wolf Beastkin) I then looked at my lady with a smile. “I know how hard it is to attack from the front. I …

Chapter 9- Forming the Foundations Part 1

{Emperor’s Diary}   I woke up and instantly started to cough up black blood. My lady then came to my side to treat me. I smiled at her before coughing some more. It was well over five minutes before my body finally settled down and I was able to drink some wine and eat some dried meat. The food seemed …

Chapter 8- Loyalty in Sacrifice

{Empress’s Diary}   I stared at my man shiver in pain as his mind became blank from the burden. I now wear fine iron armor with a proper steel sword at my side. After so long, I feel like a proper knight again. Still, I moved the fur on his head to the side so I can see him close …

Chapter 7- Plans and Improvising

{Emperor’s Diary}   The plan was simple, go to town for scouting and find out the location of the slave market. While I did that, I would pedal my potions and buy anything that’s needed with the money I earn. If possible, I would like to buy a cheap child slave. That was the plan at least, but it changed …

Chapter 6- Oath

{Empress}   I felt relieved the next day. The male that saved me was full of vitality and vigor. He may have some undesirable thoughts about my body, but I guess I can permit them from now on. After all, he’s my savior and liberator, not to mention he’s seriously worried about my future. It’s even to the point that …

Chapter 5- Love or Lust?

{Emperor’s Diary}   She instantly picked me up and laid me back into bed. After a few minutes, I barely stopped her from pouring a potion on my head by grabbing her wrist. The resistance must have been nothing to her, but she still felt it. That was one of the poison potions that I made. As soon as she …

Chapter 4- Can She Understand My Thoughts?

{Emperor’s Diary}   After checking the wounds from where the arrows pierced her, I unintentionally started looking at the tattoo on her chest. She watched me out of curiosity as I examined it. As I gently put my hand on it, I sadly closed my eyes. If I could take this from her, she may have a chance. There may …

Chapter 3- The Most Beautiful Escape: Flowers and a Woman

{Emperor’s Diary} After a month passed since I escaped, I came to a village all ragged. I peddled cheap potions for materials, but I wasn’t the only one I noticed who was like me. Unlike most of the others who used clay to store their potions, I used nut shells. Not normal nut shells, but ones the size of a …

Chapter 2- Making a Lazy Man Work

{Emperor’s Diary}   My first job was a manual labor one. It was a request to dig a hole. A rich magic5magicstory mechanician had acquired a rare tree and needed a hole dug for it. Considering I got 100 copper as forward payment when I accepted the job, I had to spend ten of it for a wooden spade with …