Chapter 31- the cost that must be paid

With the prison behind them, they had more hope as they ran through the the small army. It was accepted by them that whoever killed people in that arena had no fault put onto them. Still, it ran through Naleeit’s mind like a burden. The cleric was very interested in the two of them, he wanted to know a lot …

Announcement 10-02-2019

I had mentioned before in my Karma Streamer series that MasterOfCoin was my editor for my work. Unfortunately, this has forced me to start my own editing. One thing I did was finish off the aforementioned novel in a rush. Another thing is this has caused me to behind with Eye of Souls.I ‘had’ planned to start releasing 3 chapters …

TEASER!!! Lvl 2 Champion Emperor

The collective army of humans looked upon the sturdy battlements that barred their way. The younger soldiers have never been passed these battlements before, but the older ones have a long time when the dragon1dragonspeciess and their fellow kin fought over the lands riches. What they will never forget though is the rebellion conducted by the rabble and the slaves …

Chapter 28- EMPEROR

{Emperor’s Diary} Talents Unlocked! Solo Destroyer of a 100,000+ Army– When faced against an army of massive size, you feel calmer and more relaxed compared to others. You can also see the average strength of their forces at a glance and can read their formations and movements ahead of their actual deployment. Charisma/leadership +50 When commanding others against such a …

Chapter 27- 1 Vs 160,000

{Empress} My brave man. It broke my heart to refuse him. I was surprised that he was so stubborn and refused to yield. Of course, it was more logical to defend and hold out,  even if we only had a week of supplies left. We had twenty thousand soldiers, and on average, most of them are barely trained. We couldn’t …

Chapter 26- Alliance

(Empress) We’ve secured the pass for nearly a week now. My mate is strong enough to stand again, and we finally have a visitor. One of the great dragon1dragonspeciess appeared. Word hadn’t reached them that we were even here. It makes me fear for the ones that left to inform the others. It took almost a full day to convince …

Chapter 25- World Quest

{Emperor’s Diary}   I moved through the cave system after the pass was secured at both ends. Only the dragon1dragonspeciesnewts and lizkin, the most trusted of my loves subordinates were with me. I know why they were there too. Even if I’ve earned their trust, and even if I’ve proven all I could, I’m still a human after all. My …

Chapter 24- Sacred Defiled

{Empress}   It took us a week to bypass Grand Keep, the staging point before the pass for the human raiding parties. “Charge!” (Empress) I yelled, as we rushed into the passage of Crevant Pass. The defensive walls were laid open, and since they haven’t been maintained for a countless number of years, it was easy for us to overwhelm …

Chapter 23- Returning Home

{Empress}   I looked at the group that my mate brought in order to assault Crevant Pass. Our total number is now fifty thousand. Twenty two thousand of them are non-combatants though. I, in particular, took notice of the new dragon1dragonspeciesnewt that clung to my mate. I can tell at a glance that she’s a youngling that hasn’t been fully …

Chapter 22- Star City (Ambush)

{Emperor’s Diary}   I looked at Kiko as she polished her shield. We arrived early in the day, so we scouted the slave market. There were fewer slaves there than I thought there would be. In fact, there were no warriors at all, so I had to consider our options. A full raid was a no go. I can feel …