“The Last Day. Biting! Memento.”

“Vigor!” The crystal on Lea’s staff had a yellow glowing outline as she waved her staff at Alex as his body was enveloped in a yellow glow as it disappeared. “Well? Can you move your body now?” Lea asked him with a look of worry and anticipation if her spell worked on him. Alex felt his body became lighter and …

“Father and Son! Strength and Honor! Rest!”

“Let’s go!” Alex shouted. Using the time his parents were talking to gain energy and power, he dashed towards Julius, arms lowered as he summoned a mace of pure light on his hands, this time made of pure light with the enhancement that it flashes a bright light when struck. “Just from looking at it, I can’t break or even …

“New strategy! Inheritance! Tag out!”

He felt fatigue taking over his body, Alex exerted too much stamina and power to create that giant sword and controlling the shards to rain down on his parents, he rested on a tree as he tried to plan while taking a short breather. “Hghck!” Alex winced in pain as he rubbed his cheek. That’s right, he got hit by …

“Training Training and Training! Clash of Blades! Family Quarrel!”

Weeks went by, Alex’s arm fully recovered and now he is making up the time lost exercising with his broken arm by doing one-armed workouts with it. Along with the use of sandbags that increased his weight to make his exercise more effective as suggested by Sal. “Sal…” Lea trailed off as she witnessed Alex carrying two sandbags that both …

“A New Morning. But Unable to Smell the Fresh Air.”

The next day arrived. The sun shines through the broken window as it reaches the bed of the three friends that slept together. Alex’s closed eyes felt the light hit him, wincing a bit and turned his body to the side where Sal slept. His head resting on soft, yet lumpy pillows. “Strange. Did I ever have a pillow that …

Character Material Special!

Filter here! Something Unconventional to write down but here it is. Today is not a chapter story but a chapter in explaining the characters that have currently made an appearance in the early parts of the story. Let’s get started. Alexander Ares: This is the first character that I thought of when making this story. A main protagonist with the …

“Feast! Party! Departure!”

The sun sets, the townsfolk of Huis gathered around to see what appeared to be dead giant boars being carried by a shirtless muscular bald-headed man who carried a bunch of exhausted and injured guardsmen. ”Hello good people!” The man exclaimed as he lowered the guards down one by one carefully. ”I require medical assistance! Can anyone help me take …

“Punishment! Consequences! Forgiveness!”

The trio and Gormin walked down a road which leads to Huis. Gormin dragged both the fallen Megaboar and its child along with Michel tied up by a rope. Michel is smoking the cigar he dropped letting a puff of smoke through his nose. Julius is unconscious and being carried by Gormin’s shoulder alone “Thanks…” Alex spoke up with a …

“The Hunt is on! The Mission Begins! Escaping Responsibility!”

The trio ran far, with a squad of guards behind them. “You’re in a lot of trouble, Ares! You and your friends too!” One guard spoke up. They were within arms reach to capture Lea who was dead last behind. Sal was the first to snatch Lea by the collar of her dress “Eep!” She squeaked out as she was …

“Denied of becoming a Hunter. It’s Decided. Let’s kill a monster!”

“It’s Unfair!” Alex exclaimed as he threw a rock over the lake, making a splash as he sat down on the grassy floor. Behind him were his two friends. Who looked at each other and back at Alex. “Alex…” Lea spoke up as she sat down beside him, setting her hat and staff aside and hugging her legs. “I expected …