Episode 41 – Assassination at the Royal Palace 11 ‘Her Resolve’

Episode 41 – Assassination at the Royal Palace 11 ‘Her Resolve’ “Aeselak!” Dread crept over Aedelak like an icy chill, numbing her heart and body. Her feet, firmly lodged into the ground, unable to take a step forward. as she watched her sister slowly getting beat up, completely covering in dirt and blood. Aeselak’s don’t come over pose, constantly reminding …

Episode 40 – Assassination at the Royal Palace ‘Even if I die.2’

Episode 40 – Assassination at the Royal Palace ‘Even if I die.2’ No longer being able to hold back, she immediately abandoned her responsibility, taking a step towards Aeselak. But before she could take another step, she stopped. Surprise and shock filling up her face. ‘Ah…’  At the moment Aedelak stepped forward, Aeselak lifted her face up, staring straight into …

Episode 39 – Assassination at the Royal Palace 9 ‘Even if I die‘

Episode 39 – Assassination at the Royal Palace 9 ‘Even if I die‘ “Now young master!” Aeselak shouted once everyone’s guards were completely down against them. Pushing Ramon up, she shouted in a voice only he could hear. “Please don’t look back no matter what!”  Feeling a sudden rush of adrenaline, the young child whom everyone had forgotten about, ran …

Episode 38 – Assassination at the Royal Palace 8 ‘Their Sacrifices 2‘

Episode 38 – Assassination at the Royal Palace 8 ‘Their Sacrifices 2‘ “Don’t make me repeat myself!” Licking his lips lightly, he slowly continued,  “Hand the Crown Prince over or I won’t leave any of you alive!” Upon seeing the slight hesitation on Crown Prince Ren’s expression, he began to chuckle in his mind. ‘What foolish kids’ He thought. Why would …

Episode 37 – Assassination at the Royal Palace 7 ‘Their Sacrifices‘

Episode 37 – Assassination at the Royal Palace 7 ‘Their Sacrifices‘ “Wha..” Breaking the cold silence, the old man stared at the young man in disbelief! His grip on Aeselak loosening. The useless, weak-looking partner he thought was unhelpful, can kill in a single breath. Was he dumb? How was he useless? The cyanide poisoning smoke to knock everyone unconscious …

Episode 35 – Assassination at the Royal Palace 5 ‘Where did they go!?’

Episode 35 – Assassination at the Royal Palace 5 ‘Where did they go!?’ “S***! Where did they go!?” A broken pitched male voice shouted out in annoyance. Scaring the group behind the bush, hiding right in front of where the man was standing. Although the bush was big and tall enough to cover them, if he hunched over, they would …

Episode 34 – Assassination at the Royal Palace 4 ‘ Ron Graeme’

Episode 34 – Assassination at the Royal Palace 4 ‘ Ron Graeme’ ‘Huh?’ Before Aedelak could find out where the voice was coming from, a rustling noise could be heard from the tree right in front of them. And without any warning, a figure jumped down from above the tree landing in front of the confused group of people. “Whaaa.” …

Episode 33 – Assassination at the Royal Palace 3 ‘It was all deliberate ‘

Episode 33 – Assassination at the Royal Palace 3 ‘It was all deliberate ‘ “Young master!” (Aeselak) “Gogu! Goguuu” Aernest fiercely struggled out of Aeselak’s grips and slid down to the floor. From there, he, with fast speed crawled over to his brother Louis. Using his brother’s legs as a support, he stood up and clung over the twins that …

Episode 32 – Assassination at the Royal Palace 2 ‘ The Crown Prince of Xenperia ‘

Episode 32 – Assassination at the Royal Palace 2 ‘ The Crown Prince of Xenperia ‘ Knock knock knock “.. Louis?” A young male voice called out, and without waiting for the call, burst in! “….Haaaa” Already knowing who it is just from his voice alone, Louis can’t help but sign in deep regret. Another wave of loudness is coming. …