Episode 31 – Assasination at the Royal Palace 1 ‘Lo Louu!’ 

Episode 31 – Assasination at the Royal Palace 1 ‘Lo Louu!’  (This chapter is sponsored by Michael K. from Ko-Fi!) ‘This boy definitely knows something…’ Eugene glared at Louis, who did not stop holding both her and Euria even after arriving at the Imperial waiting chamber. “Ah.”  “Hey!” Eugene attempted to speak. ‘What does it matter if he knows something?’ …

Episode 30- The Royal Palace 9 END ‘Want to marry my son?’ 

Episode 30- The Royal Palace 9 END ‘Want to marry my son?’  “You have grey eyes like your father” Empress Lilithesia pointed out. What she didn’t point out was how deep Eugene’s eyes looked. As if there was a story behind those eyes.  “How cute” (Adele Graeme) “They remind me of when Levis was young.” (The Emperor) “Strong…!” (Earnest Marleigh) …

Episode 28 – The Royal Palace ‘Eugene’s Death.’

Episode 28 – The Royal Palace ‘Eugene’s Death.’   Meanwhile in the dreamland of Eugeneia…… It was the same dream over and over again. Every single day when she heads to dreamland, she would end up in the same dark abyss. Although darkness was usually Eugene’s aesthetic, this place was not. Being here gave her an intense feeling like the …

Episode 27 The Royal Palace ‘The Mother of Xenperia 2’

Episode 27 The Royal Palace ‘The Mother of Xenperia 2’ Not wanting to be laughed at by her 2 friends any longer, The Empress shifted the conversation to the Twins. “Xen, look! I want twins as well!” Lilithesia excitedly walked over to the Emperor who was sitting at the tea table with everyone else. Seeing how cute twins are, she …

Episode 26 – The Royal Palace  5 ‘ The Mother of Xenperia’

Episode 26 – The Royal Palace  5 ‘ The Mother of Xenperia’ “Alright alright, Where are the crazed Twins who are now regarded as Gods in the eyes of the common folks?” Duke Cylde Akler asked as he looked around not seeing any sight of the twins. “Oh yes yes! The 2 esteemed guests that had gathered us today and bestowed …

Episode 25 – The Royal Palace 4 ‘The Great Nobles & His Majesty’

Episode 25 – The Royal Palace 4 ‘The Great Nobles & His Majesty’ The Veria family walked in together with Duke Graeme and Duchess Graeme to the King’s Audience Room. This room is used to grant people an audience with the King and can also be a royal courtroom for important matters that need to be discussed. Although the Children …

Episode 24- The Royal Palace 3 ‘ Welcome to the Imperial Palace’

Episode 24- The Royal Palace 3 ‘ Welcome to the Imperial Palace’ This wasn’t the first time Eugeneia had called Euria by her name. In fact, several times in private Eugene would tell Euria off for drooling on her. Though it was true Eugene’s first word was Euria… But yes, generally it was to tell Euria off.. Not being able …

Episode 23 – The Royal Palace 2 ‘Her first word’

Episode 23 – The Royal Palace 2 ‘Her first word’ Today, the House of Veria has been ordered to visit the Royal Palace as it was the first time in history since the country had been formed to have someone give birth to twins or produce such phenomena. The twins had their matching dresses ready for the royal visit, but …

Episode 22- The Royal Family 1 ‘World War 2’

Episode 22- The Royal Family 1 ‘World War 2’ (Short Chapter!) Following several days of postponing the Royal visit, today is finally the day where the House of Veria makes a visit to the Royal Family. The House of Veria and the Royal Imperial family has always been close with each other as The house of Veria was one of …