Chapter 7

The sun illuminated the golden hair of the beautiful and innocent maiden. Her usually neat and whitish face was bathed in a constant blush, while every so often she peeked in her profile at the passenger seat. After a night in the city, the caravan left with a more populous group for the provincial capital. She had received from little …

Chapter 6

– Boss! The warning from his subordinates was not necessary for Gerard, whose expression changed radically as he observed Lehm. – It seems that it’s not just a wealthy face. Hiding such a young third foundation requires some skill, but not one that can change anything here. – Using force was never my intention. I have come to offer a …

Chapter 5 – About unexpected encounters.

Having barely experienced this world, Bran knew enough to know that impunity did not reign in the empire. Few forces would dare so blatantly retain a citizen, and because of the audacity of their captors, he had the worst feeling as to their origin. How was he supposed to get out of this? His mind was somewhat stable, but still …

Chapter 4

He looked about 25 years old and wore a fine suit in shades of white. Even his eyes and long hair were atypical silver. Despite his young appearance, he held the bearing of a sage and a serene smile remained carved on his face. Casually standing between her and the moon, the first impression that etched into Quin’s mind was …

Chapter 3

– You know … it could be worse. – Gerard took a sip of liquor and returned the glass to the desk – It is not as if it was the last corner of the world … there are businesses to manage, and a good group of subordinates. If you get used to the methods … you can sleep in …

Chapter 2

He stared at that little hand for a long time, deep in thought with a resigned expression. The hand of a king … uh … – Oh! She is restless again … look … The beautiful woman next to him took possession of that palm and transferred it directly to a bulging belly. There he could feel through his fingers …

Chapter 1 – About a little man.

5 years of silence, 5 years of peace, 5 years spent in a dimly lit room with a simple appearance. These small lights managed to be reflected in the red vestments of the only occupant, resting on its center with closed eyes and in the lotus position. This man of apparent middle age and dark hair looked immersed in the …


Huge, colossal, giant, monstrous, excessive, immeasurable. Perhaps it would be simpler to summarize it into something absurdly big. Any one of these descriptions would qualify to describe the irritating artifact that was plotting somewhere in the universe. Such a titanic wheel-shaped object was capable of “eating” worlds and stars alike. A shadow was born from its edges, which spread through …