70: Succubi are real?

“Succubi are real?!?” When Ben read the system screen, his eyes popped out, but when he saw the seductive dungeon master, they almost flew out of his head. Long black leather boots with four-inch heels ended at thick smooth thighs… A skintight short black dress with an oval chest cutout exposed a deep ravine of captivating cleavage… Luscious wavy red …

69: Finding the inner strength to get laid

‘I better tell my dad to sell his stock in Mattel…Barbie isn’t so hot anymore…’ It was another L for Ben. Sitting at the bar and listening to the DJ needle him with a remix of Radiohead’s “I’m a Creep,” Ben couldn’t avoid hanging a helpless smile. If he couldn’t see his weakness before, it was right in front of …

68: What girls need

‘So she wasn’t good at math…’ Ben was back at the bar alone after the last obstacle chose not to show her work… ‘I always try not to be sexist…They say women are worse than men at math, but I still gave her a chance and how did she repay me?’ Ben shook his head. ‘Get woke, go broke…’ He …

67: Solo Leveling

‘I solo. I grind. Forever. I solo bosses. I solo armies! I solo the game itself!’ Ben was playing Dance Dance Revolution in his dorm room… *Tap* *Tap* *Tap* *Tap* He brought the pads from home and hooked them up to his computer monitor. Before going out, he thought it was the perfect way to warm up his body and …

66: Growth skill

“System, girl…you know I love you…those other girls, they can’t compare…you’re my bottom baby…Now show me what’s for dinner.” Ben tried sweet-talking to see if it squeezed him extra achievements. [Congratulations! You’ve unlocked the Achievement: Craprodisiac(common) – Make one woman stimulated] [Distributing reward: PUA Points + 100] [Congratulations! You’ve unlocked the Achievement: Boulder Holder(common) – Squeeze the exposed breasts…of a …

65: Squirtle Hydro Pump (R-18)

Ben knew what was at stake. “If Squirtle can finish her off, she might just drain my poke balls…” “Hnn…” Annabelle still had a helpless expression, waiting to see what Ben would do next. Getting a comfortable position laying next to her lower body, he didn’t disappoint her. With the knowledge of the Squirtle Hydro Pump in his brain, Ben’s …

64: Famous dating sim technique (R-18)

Author’s Note: This R-18 is a 2-parter. “I-I can have it? Really?” Annabelle’s eyes became bright. While “Can’t Buy Me Love” from the Beatles played in the background, the two sat side by side on Ben’s bed. He couldn’t help thinking how cute that look of hers was. He reassured her, “Take it. This artwork is very compatible with you. …

63: How to get a date to your room and show her your artistic masterpiece

“I understand the naga queen’s motivation,” Annabelle said. Ben raised an eyebrow. “And what is that?” “Those crabs have been overfishing, destabilizing the ocean’s eco-system. They’re bad guys…” “…They are?” “It’s like the Earth today. Humans are ruining the environment. I sure wish I had the naga army. I’ve considered wiping out humans myself…but it would cost billions of man-hours.” …

62: Bendingo on a date

*Slap* *Slap* *Slap* *Slap* Ben speed-bagged his new shlong side to side against his legs… The assortment of helicopter maneuvers would have put any air force flight demo to shame… On paper, this was a standard check of aerodynamics and durability. Off the record…this was a baby shower for his new baby arm… ‘My shlong’s upgraded from a shledium! Shlorts …

61: Heavenly treasures

Sitting on his lavatorial ruler’s chair, Ben made mysterious finger-poking motions into the air. *Fwoo* *Fwoo* He was practicing the Squirtle Hydro Pump. The skill book had sent the technique’s information into his mind. “I know kung fu…” He visualized the opponent’s v***** during a round of shadow finger-boxing… The sink’s running tap water masked the sounds of his secret …