Intens(er) Training

Chapter 38 : Intens(er) Training Katrin and Agni watched as the Stag sank down on all four of its knees, it’s head falling to the ground as magical flames consumed its body. They were both injured, and in this case Agni was spent from the ferocity of her last attack. Katrin felt sure that her rib cage was fractured, as …

Battle In The Mist

Chapter 36 : Battle In The MistKatrin hardened her resolve and fired the blast that would kick off the battle, the Mag-gun recoiled from the power behind the shot. Immediately she prepared another bullet in the chamber as she began to circle the Fulger Stag, even before the first magic bullet struck the creature in the chest. The sound of …

Blood And Barrier

Chapter 37 : Blood And Barrier If normal strikes didn’t work, they would have to target the creature’s weaknesses. Over the last six days both Agni and Katrin had been honing their experience by constantly fighting. They had become exceedingly good at defeating Stags and pinpointed quite a few weaknesses besides the obvious. One was the creature’s lack of mobility. …

OP (Overpowered)

Chapter 35 : OP Unlike the previous shard the air within this one was stagnant. Whether due to the trees every three to five meters or the thick miasma which hung about like dense smoke one thing was certain — a stifling energy had gripped both Katrin and Agni. For the first time in a while they both felt on …

Blood Shard

Chapter 34 : Blood Shard “The Guardian of the Tabernacle nearby has culled this hard of all it’s enemies. After all, something this dangerous near a respawn point could be disastrous for adventurers.” That did make sense, now that Agni thought about it. The more she came to learn about shards the more she realized the danger they represented. Alternate …


Chapter 32 : Shard “Did you know? The wayfarer’s crystal holds another feature.” Bracha led Katrin and Agni to the south western gate once more for a foray outside of the city. Katrin and Agni couldn’t hide their excitement, after all they were allowed to miss training for the entire day to go on their very first “real” adventure. What …

But…What Is It?

Chapter 33 : But..What Is It? The two followed Bracha for the last five minutes or so, walking through a densely forested area which Agni barely recognized as the Lull Forest — or at least an area that resembled it. Agni couldn’t help but feel cagey as her eyes darted to and fro, searching between the trees for some perceived …

Training Day — Err , Week

Chapter 31 : Training Day–Err, Week The next six days were a blur. True to her word Bracha made them battle Grimlocks constantly for three hours straight each day. By the end of the evening both Katrin and Agni were dead tired. “I’ll take these.” Bracha had a self indulgent look on her face as she demanded all of the …

Naked Sparring ( The Ultimate Training!)

Chapter 29 : Naked Sparring (The Ultimate Training!) Bouncing tits everywhere! The fierce jiggle which accompanied a jab, Katrin’s repeated attempts to grab Agni so that Bracha could then pummel her — it was bliss in a different sense of the word. Much like Bracha suggested, the thrill of confrontation was very good for gaining experience. With each dodged or …


Chapter 30 : RematchBefore sending them out into the nearby forest to face their Grimlock foes, Bracha made a point to offer up some final advice. “Potential points should be spent if possible. Unless you’re saving up for something specific I recommend using the remaining 20 you possess Agni.” Agni had mixed feelings about this, partially because all of her …